>drinking soyda
Drinking soyda
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>eats fast food, fucks porn stars, serial cheater,fat fuck, mossad asset
Sup Forums's guy...WTF happened to this place?
In other words, Trump is the next JFK
Cherry coke zero is so much better
1:53 sheboon reeeee
Trump is part of the elite, plays along with (((them))). He won't get JFKd.
Trump has been in bed with the Mossad for 30 years. From his mentor, to silverstein, to epstein, to the Maxwell family.
the sheboon fears the diet coke
big if true
Trump is truly the leader we need
Roy Cohn, Trumps mentor was a gay jew that dies of Aids. He ran a /spy ring with the mossad/CIA
Robert Maxwell, ran a spy/pedo network in the UK, stole 1 billion from pension funds and ...people say he faked his own death
Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of R Maxwell moved to the USA, introduced Epstein to Prince Andrew, she introduced Trump to Epstein. She recruited and ran a mossad operation and was the one that recruited girls from Mar-o-Lago. She was never banned from the place...never charged, never investigated.
Epstein, the mystery billionaire, nobody knows where he got his money but he ran one of the biggest spy/underage sex rings.
Epstein was arrested, got only 1 yr in night jail (free during the day) and was offered a plea deal to stop the investigation into a national security case. Victims of Epstein were trained by G. Maxwell to collect info on US politicians and business men. (see pic, Epstein's book of clients)
The man who gave Epstein the best deal in history: Alex Acosta.
Acosta now works for the Trump administration.
Fuck off Pepsi marketing team.
pepsi is endorsed by Kardashians, diet coke by Trump. Go figure...
I have heard about Trump being knee deep in the shit involved in pedo rings... would be a shame if it were true.
It is true, look it up. People here will not give this info.
Look into Roy Cohn, his mentor/lawyer. That guy was fucking evil and "trained" Trump.
I'm pretty sure some burgers would just be healthy for the soy infused buzzfeed faggots.
Probably the most nutrients he'd had for years (if you dont count semen)
The nigger on the other hand looks like a burger (but not semen) expert.
HAHA, only HUeite people can endure the diet coke diet
Come on man processed sugars are jew food...fuck coke
My personal take is that the only cure for the canaanantite worshiping goons is the guillotine, but in the meantime, have a diet coke.
your president sure seems to enjoy it, try one!
A guillotine in every city, placed in a public square and daily executions would be in order
Here are more links you won't see on Sup Forums
Aspartame, another artificial sweetener is poison.
but it sure tastes good!
I never had diet coke. I guess it has less sugar whilst coca zero has zero?
Caramel coloring is a known carcinogenic, court ordered Coke to reduce it in California years back. Why didn't they reduce it everywhere?
Why the fuck do they still use in beverages and food as well as Aspartame and artificial sweeteners?
Don't consume the shit it's poison.
The mossad thing is pretty obvious for most american politicians, I am more interested in the whole pedo ring shit. That is the pure evil shit...
PR stunt. Idiots. Notice how none is consumed. Didn't think to bite or pour it out.
>cuck and a cow with nose ring
>directly linking cuckfeed
He also has a decent sense of humor about it...He posted a tweet a few years back
"I've never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke"
and then a few days later I'm paraphrasing here
"Coke was apparently unhappy with my previous tweet, that's alright I love and will still drink that garbage."
No, it tastes really bad.
I can't stand artificial sweeteners.
Yeah, but coca cola zero, instead of sugar uses another chemical aditive, that makes up for it not having sugar.
also, Taylor Swift drinking diet coke seems to be the last kinda implicit stand of white identity.
Put it on hooktube at least.
with that picture, you should consider retroactive abortion.
They are the same although coke zero has a slightly different flavor. Diet coke sold well among women but poorly among men so they developed the name "coke zero" to target men. They are both 0 calorie sodas.
read the links I provided...the pedogate shit is used to control everything from the media to politicians, businessmen and celebrities.
It is part of the mossad operation...every single politician in the western world and probably the entire world is controlled.
To take out the system, you have to purge the entire political sphere.
Very true.
Plus they had Michael Bay direct a coke zero commercial if I remember correctly...
If you look at the Maxwell family, you will see that her dad and her had Both the Clintons and Trump in their pocket.
The Maxwell family is mossad
Ghislaine was even invited to chelsea clintons wedding
Imagine that the last US election was win-win for the Mossad
Did you know that Aspartame is addictive and although it causes known health problems and even death, when removed from products like Hershy's syrup people will demand that they add it to the product.
Aspartame is a drug.
Do you know where Aspartame comes from?
Let me tell you that it is produced from the genetically modified ecoli bacteria when it shits it excretes a super sweet substance giving us Aspartame. Just ask Donald Rumsfeld, and Monsanto.
It breaks down into “phenylalanine (50%), aspartic acid (40%) and methanol (10%) during metabolism in the body. The excess of phenylalanine blocks the transport of important amino acids to the brain contributing to reduced levels of dopamine and serotonin.”
Upon ingestion, aspartame is broken, converted, and oxidized into formaldehyde in various tissues.”
Aspartame, as methanol can cause blindness, is linked to deterioration of vision, several cancers, and a litany of other ills. One chemical Aspartame breaks down into in your body, aspartic acid, acts as an excitotoxin.
How come Trump swallows 12 per day then?
Does he?
I've never seen him actually drink it.
Great advertising though.
A lifelong friend of over 30 years had a brain tumor at a young age. The type that one in their 70's, not mid 30's would get. I attribute this to his consumption of diet sodas for years.
God damn it...I've been reading your links...I desperately want to believe Trump is dealing with this people, but ((they)) would probably never let him achieve this level of political power if he wasn't under wraps...idk. He is way too close to Epstein. I have no idea who we can trust anymore.
reee that's not how you hold a stem glasses your cunt
>Trump once ordered a bunch of stuff to his room for either him or multiple people
Liberals are so dumb.
Just ask yourself why it and other artificial sweeteners are in everything along with monosodium glutamate.
These drugs are slow kills.
When you grow up from being a child, and no longer consume all that candy with artificial sweeteners and colors " hence ADD ADHD etc" they have the solution for you. Just drink it.
If you're a billionaire like that bitch you can probably hold it any way you like.
If you look into all three parts, you can see that they all have a link...Bill , Hillary, Trump...these mother fuckers are all in on it.
If you look up the totem pole, it all comes down to Mossad and the CIA.
You can't trust ANYBODY in power. The elite needs to be purged as they all have been compromised.
My man...truly nectar of the gods
Another older friend had a heart attack.
He told me that the first thing the nurses asked him when he was at the hospital was "do you drink soft drinks"
I am really sorry to hear that.
>drinking the sugar drink Jew
How about no.
Water is our official beverage
If you want to be dope, you drink the coke
if you must drink your slow kill, make sure it's clear soda and not diet.
ehe, drink and dare live
So I ready all 3 parts. Alex Jones was my intro to a lot of red pills, but Idk he started to come off as a shill for his products and eventually the pills became few and far between. It wouldn't surprise me if he was controlled opposition in some cases. I would say that clearly the child trafficking-black mail problem is on both sides, but mostly talked about on the Left more because of the evidence we have, which mostly stemed from Podesta's emails. The whole thing is fucked and it makes me wonder how far down in political levels you have to go before you get regular people. How many local politicians of cities are corrupt. I'm sure hubs like Chicago, New York, and a lot of California are rampant with corruption. We need to weaponize the autism on this board and figure out where the corruption mostly ends, if it does at all.
I could even go with black tea brewed with cinnamon, lightly sweetened wtih honey or just lemon, coffee in moderation, and my favorite fresh cold pressed juicing...mostly greens celery, cuke, spinach, lemon, and at most one gala apple.
they are all mostly corrupt, but the worst is Washington D.C, that city is fucked up.
I want to give Trump a big hug.
I think you are correct, you can look lower and lower on the political totem poll, but it seems all these fuckers are involved.
I don't think regular folks have the money or power to enter into a serious campaign. They need backers on the local level in order to set up their organized crime rackets, shell companies and money washing operations.
I would be so inclined to believe that the entire system needs to be uprooted and a new sapling planted in its stead. Every major city from here to india is controlled by small groups of criminals that in turn have to deal with the bigger fish.
The more I read, the more it sickens me to see how the entire global system is corrupt.
BTW: the blogger has an entire section dedicated to Jones and his mossad connections. Just as fucking diabolical. I honestly don't trust anybody at this point.
>GMO cancer official drink of Sup Forums
to all corporative shills: you lost even you didn't know you were fighting invissible memewar
Sup Forums drinks liberal tears and organic concetrated kikes
get cancer retards
Ty anons
Basically Eric Trump brought in shills, and well
Its been 10 years since oldfags were 10 years.
You are quite simply seeing the new gen, and its not anywhere near aligned anymore to the face values
It only holds to power at any cost, damn the future
Its why im getting a vasectomy
Cancer is the last implicit stand of white identity.
"Its why im getting a vasectomy"
you will be doing the world a favour
Yes, the white Amerimutt must die
It is up to you Norway to save the world
>far right
betas GTFO Sup Forums
never lose sight of the end goal
Tell me about it, the new gen is fucked in the mind. So much insane shilling on this site and people eat it all up...fucking sad.
Godspeed user, may we live to see the day of the rope
You know I honestly believe she didnt do a single sip during the shots.
let a nibba believe
It's Fanta. Fanta was invented by the Nazis
I swear that img is so comfy to look at
Fanta is pretty good too, both are owned by the Coca Cola company
are you that fragile that you can't even watch the video?