Nazi Muslim alliance??

Why ww2 era nazis was recruiting a lot of muslims like Tatars and Chechens to fight jewish communists and slavs, but now slavs like Ukrainians, Poles and Russians are trying to jump on arayan train and fight against muslims using neonazi ideology?

Wtf /pol? I'm bit confused how things turned

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Bump, gimme good info pls

Maybe some goos literature on this topic?


What do you want to know, my grandpa was in it?

I wanna know why hitler allied with Muslims to kill Slavs and now Slavs are the one who trying too hard to be aryan by mocking muslims??

The Germans were allied with Muslims in WW1 as well.

OP picture is famous, it is 5 Ukrainian Brothers who joined an SS Division raised in the western Ukraine

Because of the "we wuz" mentality.

A real muslim following his faith at 80% and above will always be a better ally then any of these trash tier slavs.

These white trash filths larp as nazis because it gives them a sense of belonging, despite it being a delusional one.

They were bosniaks and albanians

Germans have had a weird infatuation with Muslims since before WWI, that evidently continues to this day.

Oh nice to be non Slav I guess

They where Crimean Tatars actually

>Muslims to kill Slavs
user...those Muslims were Croats (Slavs)

the books i have had said Ukrainian

They should add Criminal Tators to veggie tails

Makes this shit even funnier than

Germans took anyone who would fight for them. Bosnian muslims bow down to any foreign invader, its why they are muslim in the first place

So I will go from start.
It all started with Austria-Hungary and recruiting all of it's many nations. Among those nations were Bosnians - Bosnian Muslims. They showed that they were fearless fighters and also hard working people - which was much appreciated by Austria-Hungary.
As for the soldiers - they were sent to eastern front where they fought Russians and did excellent job there. But we're specialised for mountain-hunting actions (let's call those operations so)
Today you can see all over Austria cemeteries dedicated only for Bosnian Muslims who died for Austria ; and also Austria signed 100 year deal with BiH (don't know much about it but I know that some of my friends called upon this contract to get easier access to Austrian universities and to live there and stuff like that)

Fast forward to WW2
As Bosnia is considered the Israel of Europe - there was many religions in it.
And Muslims and Catholics had really big problems with Orthodox minority who had idea of "greater Serbia" and we're basically doing ethnic cleansing in border areas with Serbia (eastern-northeastern Bosnia)
Croatia gets it's fascist state and annexes Bosnia and there you have NDH (independent state Croatia) for a short time Muslims and Catholics of Bosnia and Croatia were together until Heinrich Himmler went to Palestine to meet Muslim religious representative. He gave Himmler idea of mostly Muslim division.
So proven good fighters, Muslims get their SS Handschar division which, in beginning had only one task - "to protect Muslims and Catholics of Bosnia and to keep serbs out"
Couple of reasons for "hating" serbs
*Good with Russians (in both wars)
*Murderous and destructive nation
*Turks inbreds

Few years in WW2 Germany is losing territory and is weakened and SS Handschar gets under total control of Germany, gets training camps on Corsica (my grandpa trained there) and does operations for greater good of Germany.

My grandpaps even got a letter in which stated that everyone who felt German could come to Germany and defend his "Homeland" and Berlin but he refused it.

Because muslims and the caliphate centuries ago where the first ones to mark jews with a star and tax them and persecute them much like Hitler did that's where the idea came from.

Also Muhammad slaughtered a jewish tribe and took all their women and beheaded all the boys with pubic hair.

Muslim hate jews so they was useful as soldiers for Hitler. We should use them same way in fight against Israel. If we realy start war with Islam we are absolutly fucked. Niggers hate us, muslim hate us, jews hate us. Only china did not give a fuck about us.

Jews will allways abuse you and niggers are too stupid to understand anything. Fuck wypipo, muh dick, we wuz kangz. At least muslim hate jews so we can have common enemy. But whatever. We already lost war in 1945 so now we have not good chance to survive.

Thanks for info, very interesting facts

>*Turks inbreds
And as for this, that serbs are NOT Kebab removers but kebab inbreds I can state that there was a rule in Ottoman empire that
"Every non Muslim woman uppon marriage for her first night (honeymoon night where she would lose virginity with her husband) MUST GO to the Ruler of a territory (Pasha or Aga)"
That's why, WE - Bosnian Muslims call serbs Turkish inbreds and they look more like Turks than us.

And by that, Bosnian Muslims remained more pure Slavs than serbs - we just changed religion.

If survival mechanism is a sin - then we are guilty.
At least we do not look like a bloody Pakistanians.

I don't know that Muslims back then did this star marking of Jews. I'm just telling you first hand Infos

Turns out slavic muslims are great fighters

>Poles are trying to jump on arayan train and fight against muslims using neonazi ideology
hahahahahahahahah what?!?!?
what a cheap bait Ivan...
also... Poles have no problem with muslims like Lipka Tatars or for example Turks that opened thousands of Kebab restaurants in Polish cities. Poles only have problem with lazy welfare immigrants who refuse to assimilate and work. The ones who not only don't respect hosting's countrys culture but they also try to force their culture into the society. Its only western media/propaganda that picture Poland in a way you did.
If you even take a look at speeches of Poland's far right leaders speeches you would know that Polish nationalism is about the culture and the cause. Everyone who could contribute to the Polish cause is welcome here.

It was an honor mate, much love from Bosnia

My cousins and me (my has Hungarian blood)

I'm not Ivan, I'm Tatar who live in Ukraine and defending it from russian commie scum, just like like my grandfather was fighting them in ww2

And cousins from my mother side. Blue eyes and blue hair - Aryans ?

OP see photos u posted and no this is glory of Kebab Removers at it's best

Cool. Good way to waste your life for absolutly nothing. You should fight real enemy and not Russia. Just let Russia in so they can take over us already. Do you defend your country or western civilization or what? Sacrifice for nothing.

It comes at a price. Our hair might have got darker, but we still hate them to this day and our national spirit remained the same. Croats and you had that "survival mechanism" that has left you a population with eternal dog mentality and begging to be owned by Germans and Anglos.

Trying and failing is better than rolling over. You are guilty.

than you should know that lipka tatars that lives in Poland are not only considered rightful members of Polish society who fought for polish cause for centuries (pic attached polish tatars wwii) but they also have all the rights and are not discriminated at all in the society.

They just wanted allies that would fight with them.
Muslims were allied with Jews for so fucking long.
When Jews were being expelled, from Spain, France, the British Isles, the Ottomans were taking them in. Suleiman(named after Solomon) made blood libel laws to protect the jews, allowed them to build synogogues, brought in hundreds of thousands of Jews to Turkey.

Middle east/north africa should be a united Arab nationalist empire and Europe should be a Eurpean NatSoc empire.

Two countries can have friendly relations, trade, co-operation whilst respecting each others boundaries and race.

Hitler didn't want to kill Slavs (except for Poles of course, Poles are mostly cryptokikes larping as Christians)

He wanted to dethrone the bolshevik jews from Russia. Unfortunately the Red army was filled with Russians so his plan to defeat the jews would invariably need to involve killing millions of their russian pawn soldiers to defeat them.

If Russians had refused to fight for the bolshevik jews, it would have been a different story.

The irony of the Anglo servant of the Jews who destroyed Europe calling anyone else cryptokikes LARPing as Christians.

Remind me, who was helping you against Turks in WW1 and who was helping you against Germans in WW2 (Austrian against Turks WW1 and Anglos against Germans in WW2)
So you can throw that down the river.
As I am a dog to Germans you are a dog to Russians ;)

Didn't knew that! Wow

Neo-Nazis have no pride.

That was done with Christians too in Muslim Caliphates.

But unlike Europe we weren't foolish enough to allow them to practice usury with Muslims which was done in Europe and for 30-40% interest rate at the time.

I see nothing wrong with allowing in a religious minority into your county, as long as you don't something stupid like giving them exclusive rights of being banks or something like that.

And who was playing between Germans and Anglos in WW2.
When Germans were strong - you took pictures and had drinks with their officers.

When Germany was about to lose a war - you saved Anglo pilots.

And I'm a dog

most people on your pic's are croatian mudslimes
aka slavic muddies

Defending country from russian communists who gather up all kinds of criminal scum and trying to take over Donbass is worth it. They are just terrorists. Russia without Putin and crypto commies are ok

His point still stands.

Why would a Slav be a Nazi? it's literally worst than a black person being a Nazi considering that Nazis showed compassion to blacks (genuinely or for propaganda).

The context of it is blacks who were forced to fight Nazis by European colonial powers, and Nazis were nice as propaganda films shows to them for many reasons.

England threatened us with war after we took Skadar from Turks. Every war we fought against Turks after 13th century involved Germans or Austrians on the other side. As instructors or creditors or simply political support. First Balkan war was opposed by every great power other than Russia.

We wouldn't even be in WW2 if English didn't have our generals on payroll.

Ironically the nazis were probably the most 'multicultural' side of ww2.

hitler didn't consider croatians slavic that's why he let us join the SS and shit like that
>Why would a Slav be a Nazi?
because they agree with their views?
i don't think that nazi's hated slavs

pretty simple
> needed some numbers in the ranks
> everyone hates jews

Muslims and Jews sought together the destruction of Europe, once Islam began the inevitable decline from its backwards ideology, the Jews left you. The Jews betrayed you. Now you treacherous people must deal with one another and finally you see them for what they are. You deserve everything you get from their genocide against you, finally it has all become clear to you.
Why would a Berber be a Muslim? You were treated as subhuman, less than Arabs, and perhaps this is true as evidenced by your continued faith in an ideology of their supremacy over you.

nothing more.
arabs are still semites and the nazis used them as their warpigs in warmer regions.
would not have them lived in germany or accepted as "partners" like as an example the japanese.

My point is, religion is I dividual choice, you're genes not.

>i don't think that nazi's hated slavs
Are you kidding me.

Literally the most hated after Jews.

Bosnians and Croats excluded.
They hated Slavs maninly for Poles and Russians and their way of life.

It is so worth it that nobody care about it. If would kill niggers you would have new soldiers from rest of world every day for free. But your war is pointless.

>Every war we fought against Turks after 13th century involved Germans or Austrians on the other side. As instructors or creditors or simply political support.

Now you just straight up skipped the butthurt and went straight into lying, Miloslav

What the actual fuvk are you talking about .
In 2 world wars they are trying to connect each other. There is more than business and need for people there than you think.
By many hypothesis, Aryan is the word for people where first civilisation came to life (Iran)

Are you still mad for the Sarajevo assassination? :D

>to fight jewish communists and slavs

They were fighting the Soviet Union and Bolshevism.

No point in being mad about something you can't change

That is bullshit. We had nazis here and they was allways nice to us. This is only part of propaganda to make everyone hate nazis. Stop spreading your stupid lies. I was able to speak with people who live here that time. It was poland mistake they got assraped. If they did not start genocide germans in poland, Hitler would not shoot them.

makes it a baldface lie on your part

This is some life advice type of shit :D

What a piece of disinformation, fron a retarded, subhuman Bosnian/Croat diaspora

i think ur just a proxy troll but in case ur not than i will use ur logic to make you understand how wrong you are, "if only czechs didn't genocide germans in sudetenland, germans wouldn't have to annex czech republic". Do you see how retarded your statement was now?

I can cherry pick too
What now?

what did he say wrong?

Nazis killed adult Slavs and sent the kids to camps and planned to make then Slaves. And they were considered Untermenschen.

The only argument I could consider is that Hitler signaled Slavs since they are neighboring to him and weren't advanced so he would justify genociding them and taking the land.

Also it's unheard of to say Hitler liked Slavs, lol.

Don't play dumb, Ante. First of all, there wasn't ethnic cleansing perpetrated by Serbs in Bosnia during Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Secondly, Turkish meme is boring, and only data i could find on net, was croatian anti-serb literature

go back to fucking Bosnia

So then Chetniks were freedom fighters (like terrorists around Syria), were shooting gum bullets, Načertanije is a lost Mahatma Ghandi peace plan to unite whole god damn earth, Jesus was serbian and you can prove it?!

I am not proxy and my grandmother was kid living in sudethland and germans took our house. I know what i am talking about. Maybe if you did not play your classic Poland Strong. You would not get your ass kicked.

And also they defended Croatia from Croatia and and Bosnia from Bosnians?

Oh yeah I forgot that. My bad...

>Don't play dumb, Ante. First of all, there wasn't ethnic cleansing perpetrated by Serbs in Bosnia during Kingdom of Yugoslavia.
not ethnic cleansing but stealing croatian wealth and making them sell their land in bosnia
one crown was worth one dinar, serbs made croatians do the exchange 4:1 and not 1:1 which resulted in people selling their houses just to be able to afford food
many other examples
>Turkish meme is boring, and only data i could find on net, was croatian anti-serb literature
genes prove otherwise
so does iq, light hair percentage and light eye percentage

The Czechoslovakian question at the time had nothing to do with that, it's not hard to see why the things that happened did happen

The Sudetenland got annexed because back then a huge chunk of it was german, and unification of all germans was one of the primary goals

We took the rest too because of two reasons

A - Because they had a fantastic industry and military for their size and that's something we could really use
B - It's geopolitical location just really sucks dick for the Reich

Was what happened back then fair to the czechs?

No, but that's what happens if you're a small country and you bet on the wrong great power

Czechs got their "revenge" afterwards anyways, so nothing personal Karel

Germans didn't annex Czechs, just the German parts.


>genes prove otherwise

Different times, alliances and circumstances change, muzzles weren’t flooding Europe at that time.

Also in my opinion hitler was mostly anti communist rather than anti Slav. Nothing in Mein Kampf is anti slav

Again. You spreading bs. Not truth. This is not how it hapen. You can link whatever you want becouse current version of history is lie. I spend lot of time as kid talking about this with my grandparents. Half of my family was from sudethland. But they still do not consider germans animals or say such bullshit like Hitler was sending us to camps. If you was terrorist traitor you was send to camp. Not becouse you was slav. That is fucking nonsense. But i will tell you who send as to death camps. Communist.


1. Chetniks were freedom fighters during Macedonian war in the late 1890s and early 1900s. Latter chetniks were the only official army of the Yugoslavia, until the Churchill decided to give his support to communists.
2. Nacertanije is a plan from 1844., and it surely wasn't of any importance after the forming of Kingdom of SHS
3. "Jesus is a Serbian" and other stupid statements mostly come from Jovan Deretic, who's seen as an insane person here

That is right. But Poles can't accept truth they was actualy badguys of world war 2. Germany was more or less invited to take our country as part of reich by our president. It true that Sudethland was originaly german area and all czech people had to move away. Not some genocide bullshit.

Funny how bastardized history is isn't it.
This reminds me of the way that we have a general perception of Vlad the Impaler as a devil when in reality he was a nationalist hero fighting for his country against Muslim savages who had been doing that exact thing against all of Europe. Muslims have always been much more insidious and evil in reality than our fantasy vision of dastardly Germans.

It was not fair but it was not some kidn of devils masterplan to kill all slavs. You get in and get access to our industry. As reward you remove gypsies and jews kinda. Unfortunatly some czechs decided to help British soldiers and join Raf later. To bomb their own country.


Kingdom of Yugoslavia had a shitty economy for everybody during most of its existance, it wasn't exclusively against Croats. There was some genetic research, and sample had shown that Serbian genetics is most similiar to Macedonian, Montenegrin and Bosnian, while not having any connection to Turkish. Sadly, bad genes come from serbized gypsies and Albanians, after the 1912.

Why is this thread moving so fucking slow

Because everything has been already said, and this is only "presipanje iz šupljeg u prazno"

I don't usually like discussing WWII on Sup Forums because it's always either everyone calling germans and us genocidal devils, or it's full of burger larpers saying that the reich absolutely dindu nuffin

It's always extremes

You know if you just stopped biting every time you got baited people would stop calling you turkroaches

No, they were not Croats. Hitler killed of shitload of Croats. They were Bosnian Muslims.

Yes, tell me more about how pure you are
This thread is boring as shit so I might as well start a shitstorm

Hard to discuss it when history was replaced with countless documentaries about how Hitler was satan himself and 6 gorrillion forever. If i did not speak about it with my grandmother who also lived in Sudethland is child, i would never understand truth. But it is obvious that current version of WW2 is bit strange. So Germany just decided to turn to devils becouse what? Hitler told them lets kill all subhuman slavs and gas all kikes? That sounds crazy. Better not mention Weimar republic at our documentary.

It is not bad that you come here. Bad part was jews and commies won and we lost. We was punished too for our coward ressistance when germany was on knees. We was fucked by communism. That is part that realy bother me about our nation. We betrayed you and play victim when we actualy deserve it. We celebrate RAF traitors as heroes. At least commies send them to camps right after war anyway. So they was punished. It could be much better version of EU. Today EU totaly sucks. If we could go back in time and show them what Europe will become, even fucking england would throw away their "Queen" and invite Hitler to spread national socialism. But since it was jews who was reason of World War 2, no wonder they turn history upside down. Jews dindu nuffin. All germans are demons.

That dinaric chad had more testosterone in his nutsacks than all of current day Goymany

Because slavs were inferior to jews.
Hitler loves islam btw

It is always cannon fodder. Tunisia would go to Italian Facist Empire and other "Arab" countries. You would be still colonised by Mussolini. Albania, would continue to be in Mussolini in personal union. Croatia (with B&H territory with Bosniaks) would be a protectorate of Italy.

The same way, Nazis would use Nazi colaborator and Ukrainian nationalist Stepan Bandera while their policy was to exterminate % of Ukrainians and colonize with Germans Ukraine for instance.

Sven Bosnia and Hercegovine isn't spelled in Bosnian. Easy to assume that this dude is Turk.

Ok, what about this guy then?

Only a contrarian edgy faggot would be a nazi, hitler was a socialist moron who adored islam and who killed millions of white people because he was a butthurt autist.

Dear God, I would kill this motherfucker too.
It's awful, disgrace