Charlottesville has a survey up to rename the parks with Confederate statues in them. Let's have fun with this

Charlottesville has a survey up to rename the parks with Confederate statues in them. Let's have fun with this.

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>Hitler Did Nothing Wrong Memorial Park

I like it.

I'm still pulling for WBIAN park though

I voted for Hitler Did Nothing Wrong Park

Peanut butter park

Stonewall Park

Why is that out of all the Confederate generals they pick the two that were most opposed to slavery to vilify when all they wanted was to defend state sovereignty and the rights and determinations of Virginia? And yet their images, despite the fact that they helped the black community in Virginia before and after the war, are tarnished because of a bunch of stupid fucking politicians.
Freedom and the West are on the brink of death and yet the people cheer it.

>I voted for Hitler Did Nothing Wrong Park


Also, in the "leave a comment" section:

>wes bellamy is a nigger

Try to spread this around, I want it to get traction

voted for Hypothetical Flawless Person Park

to celebrate black history month
>dindu nuffin mlk park


Friendly reminder that if any of you are planning to go on a shooting spree.
Dress up as Antifa or BLM supporter w/ flags and shoot up a White neighborhood, church, sporting event.
This will anger people in the right direction.
Killing black people only gives power to BLM, Antifa, Feminist ect.
While killing white people will fuel more hatred against these groups.

You guys need to be subtle

Just for you pol

>This will anger people in the right direction.
how will killing white people trigger libs? they love that sort of shit

Nathan Forrest memorial park.

Also Albert Pike will also work.

you should be trying to trigger whites men so they retaliate

you mean cucks and soyboys? you can't trigger them by killing white people. real white men already know about the genocide

"real" white men need to learn to hate again

>Heather Heyer Obesity Awareness Memorial Park

Heh, Dindu Park for one
Ooga Booga Park for the other

>barak Obama park
Lmfao talk about getting conquered

>Monkey Lynching Park
You're welcome

I just submitted "Schlomo Shekelstein Park" as my suggestion


Heather Heyer save the whales foundation park

Awwwwwwwwwww shhhheeeeiiiiiitttttt im back. Voted for
>Hitler Dindu Nuffin Wrong
>And, Blacks Commit 54% Of The Murders Park

>Ho Chi Minh Park
>Dead Heather Park

Vladimir Putin Park. That'll trigger a few cunts

Because the people behind this didn’t pay attention in history class and think the Civil War is comparable to a conflict in a Harry Potter novel.



Instead of putting in dumb names that 100% won't get in or be released (thus defeating the joke) let's try and get it named "Hyde Park."

bump 4 hitler did nothing wrong

James Alex Fields Jr Memorial Park

Shart Park

+1 from me for "Hitler Did Nothing Wrong Park"

Hitler Did Nothing Park


>Grape Drank Park
>Dindu Nuffin Park

Just voted for Obama, get cucked Charlottesville!!!!

Al Jolson Park

Jesus Campos Park

You should have tryed to push a Marx Park and Engels Park. Libs would love it and cons would hate it. That would help our cause

Vote for Nog Park. They will never know what that is



The digits can't be off

Obama is better, sure bet is best bet

shit okay, I'll revote

Be sure to ask why its being changed and for them to justify themselves.

>emancipation park
>justice park

This shit is Soviet-tier. America is finished.

I said: this is a good choice, don't let trolls upset you, god bless

Voted for "Hitler Did Nothing Wrong Park".

Too obscure.

James Watson Park
in honor of the man who discovered DNA and the link between race and intelligence

Those numbers don't lie.

America is a little bigger than you might be giving it credit for. A few commie parks in Nigger infested areas signifies nothing.


We Will Destroy Your Park
Death To Tyrants Park

In comments I said if you destroy our statues we will destroy yours.

Votes in for Social Justice Snowflake Park and Whiny Crybabies Park

I really hope it wins, just to piss them off.

those numbers dont lie park

So true

Wes Bellamy is a Nigger

1. Wea Bellamy is a nigger park
2. Heather heyer deserved it park

Almost all your cities are commie. Commie language predominates in your political discourse. It's not looking good. That fact so many people accept these terms and expressions, and think they're harmless, is bad news.
lol @ some of the names they have to select on this poll:

>Liberation Park
>Unity Park
>Sally Hemmings Park
>Barack Obama Park

Sally Hemmings, lol. A literal nobody whore. It's sad seeing large parts of your country being run by retarded niggers.

1. Adolf Hitler Park for Tolerance and Understanding
2. We Was Kangs Park
Upvote me guys.


Send all niggers back to Monkey land

Ironically, that building is probably owned by Jews


Wewuz Park


Burn the oil Salt the soil Park


Honestly this. Or maybe "Christopher Cantwell Political Prisoner of Charlottesville Park"

Louis Farrakhan Park

did it goys

I voted
>Cucked Park
>Donald Trump Park

Lets at least be honest with the naming..


we should actually try something that is an actual possibility

>get it named after Sam Hyde


Donald Trump Park

Judah Benjamin Park

Both a confederate, and a member of the (((tribe))) and slave owner


Samuel J. Hyde Memorial Park


I voted for
>Moon Man Park
>KKK Park

This. Vote for this.

Hitler Did Nothing Wrong Park

Stick to the plan.

Its a shit plan, we should choose something subtle and rally around it

Are you Belgian butt cowboys still mad at Hitler?

Hitler Did Nothing Wrong Park


Leftists Backbone


under rated as fuck

One was Sam Hyde, other was the Challenger Park
