Support your Saffers

Flagbro steals the Flag of his Fathers, attempting to save it from desecration by mindless liberals hellbent on releasing the horde.

Gets tripped by a MOLE posting in these threads (traitors before enemies, mole-user, he knows your face).

Is asked to contact a local SA right-wing media personality to collect R1000 reward

Is going to double the money out of his own pocket and donate it to instead.

Old thread

Other urls found in this thread:


>Traitors die first
>Don't trust anons on the internet
>Conceal your identity at all times
Good job flagbro.

The faggot who tried to trip him definitely took the picture posted in last thread. The image had pixels of that red box on the right side of the pic.

remove mole

Why the fuck is he running from left tards

We need dox on the guy in red who tried to trip /ourguy/. He took this pic also.

He lost the flag to a Jew

Proof there are infiltrators amongst us, Discord is suspect

You have to be retarded to use Discord.

This is him, a fucking kike

That's not the guy who tried to trip him, the guy that tried to trip him is in red in the webm at 4 seconds

No it's not. That is the guy in black who is chasing /ourguy/.

>just because I like something and share it, doesn't mean I endorse it
This guy needs his teeth in jar like nothing else.

Whose address and gated house was doxxed? I want to fuck with em on twatter.

How do we know he's an user?

SA user form previous thread. What does Steve say? I can't send him messages?

The guys running the "desecrate the flag because racism" event. It's not like they were doxxed, either. They freely give their identifying and contact information on the internet.

>posts plans in public giving plenty of time to his enemies to plan a counter accordingly
>complains about getting ambushed

Either flaganon is too stupid or this was a planned stunt by the lefty who put the f;lag installation.

I was told to send you this message dude:

Stuur vir die user op Sup Forums my twitter handle: @willempet Hy kan self sien ek het kontak met steve

someone posted images to the board that could only have been taking from the perspective of the guy tripping flagboer, no one else had any knowledge of this event at that point

Since you're new to Sup Forums which means you're new to the old ways of the internet, ALWAYS ALWAYS REMEMBER TO KEEP YOUR FUCKING PERSONAL OR PRIVATE INFORMATION OUT OF THE INTERNET

The security and privacy thing is now an issue. Being pressured by everyone to get the message to you to get hold of Steve but how without disclosing info

Willem seems pretty based.

thanks for the link to safrpsa. 30 USD to feed a family of four. donate faggots

Put me In screen cap legendary bread.

Would the police care if those traitors were taught a lesson?

I will just create a random twitter account.

How could you be a white South African on Sup Forums and betray flagboer like that? Absolutely mindblowing.

Convert bitcoin to USD, you mean.

Kwl. Should do the trick

Group-think is a hell of a drug.

Oh no
So there will be no more sick hq SA acts?

I don't understand why we have to bend over backwards to help suicidal left-wing whites. If the whites in your country were united against the blacks I would be sympathetic. I can't wait till the white commies get dragged out of their homes while yelling "b-b-b-but I'm a good goy -- I am full of white guilt!"

christ look at the degeneracy. children lining up to do the bidding of old commies

shit, he is fast

Not that it really matters at this point (considering you can prove your actions to your contact off Sup Forums which is all that matters), but if you want a tripcode you have to include the hash-sign and some code after it. Anybody can put "Boer Flag Thieve" in the name field. Just FYI for future events.

How many white working class new yorkers are still liberals and towing the line after the world trade centres came down? Or how many still defend blacks with your black on white murder and rape rate?

Here's another example. After all the terrorist attacks in Canada, and on Parliament Hill, how can anyone still be liberals.

What a bunch of fucking hypocrites.
Traitors should be sentenced to be blood eagle'd, viking style

Would fugg the blonde on the left :DDD

The mind virus is some powerful shit

They will get there’s user. When the black bloc rapes them and their entire family, over and over again.

This, unfortunately. When faced with accepting the redpill or rationalizing the situation to avoid cognitive dissonance, liberals almost always double-down. Like that European PM who's teen-age daughter was raped and murdered, and he came out even more pro-refugee and publicly forgave her murderer, because "thats what she would have wanted".

Absolutely shameful weakness.

After Kathleen Wynne authored Ontario's sex ed curriculum with a literal paedophile how can anyone still trust these people with their children's education?

Degenerate? No, simply artistic expression. People do it everywhere.

I've never heard a white South African using liberal American terms like that. Fucking bizarre.

You won't find a leaf aware of this aside from on Sup Forums.

Noted thanks


how do we find the faggo who tripped him

I'm not being preachy but don't talk about doing something just do it before posting, and can someone post the mole confirmation?

This nigger's name is actually Wimpie.


We dont because that would be doxxing. We certainly dont start reading thru all the twitter and other social media accounts of the event organisers, following various contact threads and looking for friendly faces.

You mean the guy who made cp how is your media not catching up on this

>he actually did it

Absolute madman, based


Which one of you is Michael Cangelo?



discord is distancing itself from flagboer, defending the guy who tried to trip him, very suspect afterall

>niggers are thieves, news at 11

more info? Screencaps?

show us proof user

lol, are we fuck. Stop shilling. If anything we're supportive of him.

They way they were offering him to join wa suspicious enough anyways i'm pretty sure a few nigger from south Africa browse this place

>discord is distancing itself from flagboer, defending the guy who tried to trip him, very suspect afterall
Some of them looked a bit like commies desu

Luister nie naar hom nie. Ons probeer om jou te help.

Stay safe man, I can only imagine how some dumbfuck lefties would sell you out to the niggers in return for some "good whitey" points.

>cute cow

user be safe don't use your real email address or phone number for anything and it shit goes down look into

Stop talking shit about my discord I'm the one who fucking filmed the webm for you jfc. My friend is also the one who talked to you beforehand to be careful about the security.

funny how facebook twitter etc let liberals doxx people but its not allowed on Sup Forums, literally everything is weighed against anyone who isn't a a liberal.

Dear Lord, please make my enemies ridiculous.

I appreciate that though

Keep up the good fight.

Ever wonder why niggers and commies are being hated so much ?

Just read again your own pst.

>Retweets and quotes must not be seen as an endorsement of opinions or individuals.
typical jew shit right there.

so nice to see that they are infiltrating SA to. i know they did but i thought strictly on a political (government) level. i have never seen such a blatant display of subverting the population in real time. and blacks actually believe these ((whites)) are teaming up with them?

i can't quite put my finger on it but this time it seems a little bit different with the jew shit.

>gave you tips about security
>filmed you for prosperity
>pretended to be your friend
>captured evidence of your crime in progress

see, your actions don't actually prove your intentions, one way or the other, SAanon. No offence, but you have to realise that.

Either way, it's good to be careful, but not everyone that is offering help has bad intentions.

>You mean the guy who made cp how is your media not catching up on this
Story is already 3+ years old. Oh, and kids are being taught about anal school.

And yes I can post proofs. You know what I look like. Blonde was wearing a dark sweater with a red and white checkered collar and my friend was that huge ass milfag with the black t shirt who went to talk to you briefly to be careful. I wasn't paying much attention at the time since I had a German test at 11 but when I saw you coming with the mask and shit and I was following the thread I whipped out my phone to capture the glory. I'm very inclined to believe those were just random bystanders with kneejerk reactions to someone yelling thief and seeing a guy running. I have posted the original video that has sound in a previous thread.

this desu

>i can't quite put my finger on it but this time it seems a little bit different with the jew shit.
He's doing the (((my fellow boer))) act.
Maybe it seems different cause you haven't seen them shapeshift as an Afrikaner before?

What a video it is . Well done

in SA you learn to run first. then to walk

If they were random then how did thisget uploaded here?

You have made it to Valhalla, my folder of heroes user. Godspeed!

after all these years, they finally recovered the body of their fallen comrade


Btw Jody Heinrichs is just an alias.

>. I'm very inclined to believe those were just random bystanders with kneejerk reactions
They were looking at me the whole time.They are Sup Forums anons. I am sure of it

>an user is too pussy to take the flag so plans to take picture instead of a different user doing it

Thought the concern was with the one who tripped him which is way off this angle.

Problem with them being innocent bystanders is two-fold:

A) an image was posted to these threads from their location and they are the only ones in that spot who could have posted it. Might have been the other dude who turns around as flagbro runs past who took it, but that still leaves

B) Impossible to stand next to that event and not know what was going on with the flag with respect to the "protest", ie stamping on it on the ground. So tripping flagbro as he runs by? Kind of outs redshirt as a piece of shit, if you ask me.

Absolute hero. This type of shit is why I love Sup Forums

No offence nigger but coming with the mask and shit you did look out of place.

>Maybe it seems different cause you haven't seen them shapeshift as an Afrikaner before?
It really is odd looking at it from the outside. Fucking kikes.

>way off this angle
the fuck are you on about? they are standing NEXT to each other and are the only ones in that area at all who could take that picture.

user create a thread on fullx chan, if you wanna actually get shit done this isn't the right place for. You to post right now.

Watch the video the red shirt guy is up the street a bit.