Why would Britain keep letting us catch their fish?

This is bullshit. British fish for British lads.

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Because our prime minister has no back bone

Because we only have two main parties, (((Labour))) and the (((Tories))), neither of which wanted Brexit.


Noooo, Britiah fish for British lads!

True, remember a Norwegian deal is no Brexit. we're forced to suck Brussels cock by our own cuckold politicians

Every time we defeat Germany they still end up winning

And has a government filled with slimy Globalist turds.

He's Jewish-Irish!

No, they won't win this time, this time they went against all of European descent

..so when is mogg time?

It is mostly French, Irish and Norwegian vessels anyway.

We eat pork in Germany. Pic related is our national dish.

>eu may keep Uk fishing rights
>why would the united kingdom want to leave the eu its awesome in here.

>Trump wins
>Trump: we must keep on fighting

>Brexit wins
>Farage: I'm out

This is the difference, mark my words Brexit will be shit if it even happens.

Because Theresa is monumentally fucking up Brexit. I was excited for Brexit but it’s over UK you guys are finished. With the way she’s fucking this up you should’ve stayed in the EU.

Pigs cannot swim mate.

We fish our pigs out of forrests.

Do Americans believe that Farage is Prime minister? A lot of you seem to no offence.

For fucks sake i knew this shit would happen.

I said ages ago, as soon as the eu said "No trade talks while your still in" that we should have said "no fishing until we we leave then" but of course the remainer traitors did nothing and are fucking us over.

Isn't Farage the one who fought for Brexit? After the vote the guy just quit, like he didn't expect that the libtard would try to fight it tooth and nail.

yeah right muhamed

Why do British ships deliver fish to Denmark and not to Germany?

They can not?!
I've never seen on swim but I've never seen one sink either.

>the guy just quit

Quit what?

Of course they can, look up the Tamworth two

>Pigs cannot swim mate.

Yes they can.

Arm British fishermen and tell them if they're harassed by dayglow eu niggers to shoot to kill.


Britain actually would be less cucked if it stayed in the EU. At least then the cuck is distributed among everyone.

What we are currently witnessing is a nation unable to stand on it's own two feet without begging everyone for more time.

Literally worse than a nigger showing up for the test with no studying. You get zero points and you better believe this is your permanent record.


>you can leave but we get to keep all of your shit and you get nothing

>Romantic Britain's dead and gone
>It's with Thatcher in the Grave

Thanks Lads

Almost all mammals can swim.

Hoyo19. Ring any bells?

Cucks will be cucked
Rich White Brits are already moving to mainland Europe

Sounds about right. That's what you get for marrying liberals.

Em dic Catala, pro soc Espanyol.

We'll never be less cucked, our time's up. Our only means of standing truly sovereign again is to fall in to a state of such irrelevancy that everyone forgets we exist.

Good. Relevancy hasn't done us much good these past 60 years.

>Stop stealing our fish, EU
BTFO by 6 boats from Iceland.

There is literally no reason to let this happen

Has there ever been a government as weak and pathetic as May and co?


He's represents the UK in the European parliament.

Pretty sure he's still there. He BTFOs those kikes on a regular basis


Unfortunately he doesn't have much power. He did help run campaigns for brexit, but he's just 1 small cog in a very large system. Only so much he can do. He's just very popular because he nails the issues on the head, hates the jew and knows how to keep his job while at the same time fighting for National socialist values.

EU is a cartel in disguise. Now used as a political trojan vehicle by germany + france. Through the larger EU members can get what they want without starting wars. Meanwhile smaller insignificant countries are forced to join the EU otherwise they have zero bargaining power. Hardly a system based on democratic brushstrokes.

The problem is that a community like the EU does not lead to innovation only protectionism.

>fighting for National socialist values.

He's a Thatcherite. He's against socialism.

>secretly based meme
Stop it.

Don't innovate your fisheries but take them by force.

That's literally what it is. It started as the coal union, then they added the steel union and expanded into other sectors.
For christ sake the high officials are even called Commissars. a literal commie word. Can't get much clearer than that.

Pacific for Asians
India Ocean for poo



You cant speak to germany or france or to spain directly but only through the EU. The EU members behave like receivers of sadomasochism.

Is she actively trying to give the country to Corbyn or something?

Yes, Brexit is going to be a complete clusterfuck and the Tories are desperate to get rid of the hot potato.

The more this moves along the more it is very clear that the EU is terrible.