MyHeritageDNA results are in

Well Sup Forums do you have a place for me in the ethnostate?

Other urls found in this thread:

0% white

Unhide flag, I wanna laugh

Dun dun duuun


Was just trying to bump your thread mate.

You got testes too or nah?

Dude, just remove the 0.9% nigger. (((they)))'ve already admitted just adding that for the lulz

Dirty fucking Mexican.

>When even 23 and me roasts you for being a lil bitch...

Yeah, you're good.

I dont have testicles if thats what you mean.

I don't take that seriously but the north african is probably true.



nice, amerimutt

I will tell you what i told the last jew advertiser:

Anyone who gives their DNA to these jews will be gassed along with them. There is no place for you in any ethnostate.


Sure thing bro. Spics haven't been white in 600 years.

>I don't take that seriously but the north african is probably true.

Yep, specially if you're from southern Spain
That's why I've only mentioned the 0,9%.

Stop shilling for those DNA collecting companies you massive poof.

I'm not from southern spain, my ancestry is galician, leon, asutrias and alicante fun fact my dad is the darked skin and is from those northern regions and my mom from alicante looks irish.

I expected the mutt meme but desu you're a Med so 5% Berber (and a bunch of shit 23andheeb always sticks in white DNA results) is not that serious a problem. You're a Spaniard user


Is this thing actually good? I keep getting youtube ads for it even here in Germany.

Paying the NSA to give them your genetic profile that is going to be used to identify you and is also worth tens of thousands of dollars once genetic code is fully understood and genetic engineering enters full development

Good goy.

That's a shame, despite the 56% meme a majority of white Americans get 100% EU results back on their DNA tests. You live in EU and get African results. for shame my man, for shame.

>1.7% jewish
into the oven it goes

>asking an advertiser if his product is good
are you jewish?

not really, is one of the worst rated but the only one available in Spain. Try LivingDNA it's a german company and is said to be pretty accurate


your spanish


How did it went, last time you've tried to solve that problem?

Well, I was wrong then. Funny thing, one of my great grandfathers was Galician

wtf how are the jews using it?

Confirmed Manolos for non-white.

Witness a true descendant of the native Iberian warriors, Gothic Germanic conquerors, and a bit of Roman noble blood.

reply was to

>unironically spending your money on DNA ancestry tests instead of bettering yourself
You do know that shit wildly inaccurate, right?

Go fuck yourself

They are going to sell your DNA info to anyone who will buy it. Advertisers, insurance companies.... anybody who thinks of a use for that info will be able to buy it from that company.

>Africa: 6,5%

looks like a standard present day Spaniard. complete with the islam raping of Spain still hanging out in your DNA

>check LivingDNA site
>"Through your mtDNA, we look at the history of your motherline from the point in Africa when we all shared the same DNA until recent times."
Heh, I think I'll pass.

Are you white?

Franco would be proud. It's a shame you had to spend money and give DNA to get these results though, I know my heritage through the arduous archival work of my based grand aunt. My family has been Dutch for at least 600 years and probably longer, but that's impossible to trace back unless you have noble blood. The 1400s is already pushing it but luckily my forebears were head of a guild so textual evidence remains.

gas yourself kike

I recently found out that I am mostly German, one third slavic - and 2% north african. Mfw I am the one blacking women now.

sure at least you re not from america

but you are already Iberian, what do you need a new ethnostate for?

>tfw you ordered 23 and me kit 3 days ago
Did I just waste my money? Am I going to get bs results?