>this confuses Sup Forums
This confuses Sup Forums
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Image doesn't even make any sense.
Jesus tells her she should let in niggers into her country and give up her little teddybear aka ingroup security so she can receive her big teddy in death. She only needs to trust him.
We get it. We get it.
Give up all your shit and make your family suffer, and sky daddy will let you live on a cloud 4eva.
>Jesus tells her she should let in niggers into her countr
That's just Merkel, she's a (((christian)))
and Juncker is her god
No, no, it doesn't. The message presented is very clear but the message is terrible. How many times do I have to explain this?
Its saying you need to give up all worldly concerns, relationships, and possessions in return for promises of better "spiritual" rewards. But that's all it is, promises that aren't coming true.
Jesus ideal of love needs to come before your parents and ancestors selfish aspirations.
Mao demanded the same.
This is so obvious. Jesus tells the little girl that she should give up the small things (worldy pleasures) in life in exchange for being saved.
The problem with this is just because it's bigger doesn't mean it's better. Maybe she's been through a lot with the little bear and there's sentimental value that the big bear doesn't have.
This comic is bullshit and whoever made it should feel bad.
jewish tricks. That girl is about to be raped and drained of her blood.
>retard tries to troll Christians
>only has an IQ of 80
>posts it anyway
Why would God give her those small things then? You retards don't understand that you're chasing the "pleasure" of being "saved".
Fucking jews. Always trying to molest kids
Jesus teaches y ou to sacrifice for a better future user.
>implying anyone wants that carnival prize bear
Now someone post the merchant version.
>Jesus listens to Slayer
Must've been during his edgy self-loathing emo teen days.
Christianity: Asks you to be a servant forever, you will give it all till it hurts in this life for the privilege of kissing ass for all eternity.
Gnosticism: Find your divine spark to become a god and celebrate eternally in joy in the heavenly realm of the pleroma, you are free, you are divine.
Learning the difference may mean not being a fucking sheep.
Jesus wouldn't have approved of this message at all. He hated hypocrites and public preachers and he of all people would have known that sentimental value was greater than material value.
I don't even think who made this has read the bible it was probably some modern American christcuck
Looks like this image didn’t confuse Sup Forums at all. They think so lowly of us making these slide threads, but I’m always happy to talk about God.
i do not get people ITT. all i see is Jesus saying. Trust me and your trust shall not be in vain. the girl cant see it but you, the viewer can. that he is being honest.
y'all need to learn how to be positive again....really you should
The god of the bible doesn't understand sentimental value, he literally tells you to abandon all of your familly and posessions for the sake of the gospel.
He even killed the family of Job and gave him destitute family.
Why would you want a bigger teddy? small is fine.
This unironically.
>He even killed the family of Job and gave him destitute family.
You haven't read that story. At the end Job's family returns and he's given sevenfold of what he had before.
>being wise in your own ways
>trying to become like the Most High
Sounds like someone we all know.
>At the end Job's family returns
It's not his family, it's a new family.
>Pls be stupid and obey, you know how to obey, don't you? Yes, don't question me, I murder those who question me you know, that's how you know I'm legit good.
I'm good, am I not? If you say no I kill you.
You haven't read the story, it isn't the same family.
Job gets a new family and rewarded but his old family stayed fucking dead just so god could win a bet against satan
What confuses me is why you guys believe the word of Paul a guy who went from killing Jesus' follower to leading them beacue he lied and said he talked to god.
>going through all that mental gymnastics to validate a thousands of years old desert people book, who has been written for those desert people to begin with
>which changed so much over time no one is sure which one is the ''legit'' bible
>which was written by some old ''believers'' over 300 years after jesus alleged death
>some apokryphs were sometimes conviently left out, after deemed too edgy even for true believers
And those who claim to speak for God never have nefarious intentions amirite
It's not the same family fuckface he gets new waifus and new kids but the old ones are dead and rotting and when Job asks God "I accept that you did this but could I ask you just to tell me why" God flips his shit and summons brontosauruseses and gigantic demon kraken cthulhu fish from the abyss and screams in Job's face for days
also the entire literal reason God did it turns out to be that Satan double-dog dared him and God didn't want to look like a pussy
My thought on this is that the teddy bears aren’t meant to convey simply material goods, instead they represent the real gifts that God gives us, another day with our families, the air we breathe, the roof over our heads, the ability to serve him, etc. These might seem inconsequential at times, but when they aren’t there it’s noticeable. The Lord has given us all we need to serve him, even if we don’t realize the full potential of our gifts, they are still there, waiting within. We may lose sight of His Kingdom along the way (hence the hidden bear), but He is with us every step of the way.
>the ability to serve him
Is your god not omnipotent? Why does he need a servant?
Shit pic. Jesus was a jew. Christianity is a non-european foreign religion that has invaded european lands.Islam is less cucked than Christianity. And. Mary was raped.
>learn a foreign language
I live in 'Murica, I only speak 'Murican.
>hello what is sentimental value :DDDDD
Is that a Spanish dialect?
Infernal religion where you become a cuck in this life to kiss ass for all eternity
Infernal religion where you destroy your very own being to deprive yourself of even your desires lest the petty gods be annoyed at you
He needs nothing. We all have an opportunity to serve, not everyone does. A life in service to God is a life in service to your neighbors. By serving them we serve God. Can you tell me that your fellow man is never in need of help?
I can tell you that I'd rather not be a servant because I am divine myself
As I said, not everyone chooses to serve. It isn’t the easy route, I know, but we have our own choices to make.
> I am divine myself
Eternal Iberian ;)
That's not how being saved works, though. This image makes no sense. She's getting the bigger bear regardless so long as she believes.
These retards made a fucking picture based on greed, one of the 7 deadly sins.
American protties..
Both are stupid, the litte girl wants her teddy, not infinite small teddies or infinite big teddies, it's so easy to see
The whole bible is based on greed, with the promise of eternal riches in exchange for your servitude
You don't understand english and you are fucking American?
wow. I never actually thought about it that way.
The IQ of the Iberian is unmatched. Well played Iberibro
Is it greed? I’m sure we can all interpret it differently, I see faith, as the child doesn’t see the larger bear, only relying on faith that The Lord provides.
Why would she trade her beanie baby worth 8,000 dollars for a big goofy bear that's worth 15 dollars?
Good advice but Tier 2 and Tier 3 should be further developed.
They say "Say it, forget it - write it, regret it". It's my opinion that you could argue most thoughts that pop into our heads should NOT be written lest someone find it and take action against you.
Only if your means allow it. Traveling is expensive, and while it's true meeting new people and experiecing new cultures will help develop you as a person it does you no good if it drains your bank account and puts you into debt. Like Ben Franklin said, "Debt is akin to slavery".
It's a warning about how friendly pedophile rapists can seem before they pull you into their van and drive away. Make sure you teach your kids to be cautious of strangers.
>whole bible
Found the kike. The New Testament says nothing of the sort.
It's a theologically incorrect image anyway, since Jesus does not take anything.
>The New Testament says nothing of the sort
What is paradise then?
he asks that she make a sacrifice, and that it will be beneficial to her even tho she cannot see the benefits. this is what we call faith. you must have faith that a good thing will occur for your sacrifice. do thing because you believe, without proof, that it is good. the choice of sacrifice is on the girl, and if she has faith that it will be ok, it will be ok. she doesnt know it, but us as outside observers can see there is a benefit to the potential sacrifice.
its faith.jpg
This image reminds me of the book of Job.
>God takes away your family.
>Don't worry, Job! I got you a new family! A better family!
Holy shit, families aren't replaceable, Jesus.
Back when he was full ska punk and trolled the jews so hard they had him crucified
Do the serpent now, fag, I dare you do it
Losing the only person I ever loved and my only chance at a normal life and a family was his "plan" huh?
Losing everything will end up being okay as long as I live under an ideology of hypocrisy and lies huh?
Fuck you. All the way fuck you.
I've suffered all my life and you try to tell me the sky daddy will fix it.
You make more nonbelievers with each day.
I will always hate your kind you cunts
Tfw you missed the beaniebubble
That's the demiurge germany
you seem to be forgetting that Job was a Jew and that Jews in general hate their entire family but tolerate them for business reasons
Your life isn't over.
Though maybe sometimes you wish it was. You carry a heavy cross yourself, lad.
> Shitty "christian" art made by some mutt
> Sup Forums spends hour meticulously analyzing its meaning
One does not equal another faggot
Jesus is telling her to fuck niggers and turn the other cheek for ISIS militants disguised as poor starving refugees. Jesus is the voice of the Jew, disguised as a rebel who stood against them.
It was over a long time ago.
I'm just along for the ride till the eternal rest.
And I'm gonna make people as miserable as me until their god stops it. Its gonna be a while
>I should trust a jew
My inspiration faded desu.
We all miss The Commander user but he would want us to pick up the flag and keep marching
God won't stop it.
Your wish is still to be redeemed, though you're trying the child's way of putting out a tantrum.
That's why I say christianity it's the religion of the passive and effeminate. They take all the shit in the world, do nothing about it and reject their freedom just because they expect a mistery box price at the end. The few christians who did something threw the bible out the window or gave some half baked excuse for their actions because giving the other cheek and being humble is for slaves in this world, christianity is a religion that appeals to the weak to justify their existance as servants, you don't see the same love for freedom and the triump of the will against incredible odds that pagans had.
No. My wish is for my pain to be yours. Since god wills it and all that shit.
I want my life back and your god took it from me.
That's all its good for, taking and taking and never giving back. You should all be ashamed but your kind wouldn't know what shame is. You're just blind and broken
Is that Mohammad luring a little girl?
oy vey
Yes, the fucking Bible is the most logical, straightforward, easy to understand, organized, and completely infallible source morality and life-advice. Even though it’s 100% Jewish and we hate the Jews because one of the things they do is lie all the time, you should make this book the authoritative center of your life.
In short it is the Christian take on the importance of delayed gratification
For more on the importance of delayed gratification and he dangerous of instant satisfaction for the curious.
>What are dead sea scrolls?
>what's a metaphor?!
It does, why is that teddy bear offering a Jesus to a little girl in exchange for his son? What happened to reach that point? Any context?
OC, whatcha think?
>Christianity: Asks you to be a servant forever,
And he who overcomes, and keeps My works until the end, to him I will give power over the nations
Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world will be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Do you not know that we shall judge angels? How much more things that pertain to this life?
His point is that we are a servant to god forever , somehow he dislikes this ,he is probably a demon
>what's a metaphor?!
apparently you believe that a metaphor is when you think the bible says A when in fact it says not-A.
>story time fairy tales
consumption > reproduction > cells multiply > human emerges > consciousness > cells divide > death > rotting in a box > plantfood > repeat
If your god cared so much.
He wouldn't have forsaken humanity over one stupid woman
Seems like the personification of the free market.
It represents God's generosity in the form of his gifts towards man, with a teddy being the gifts we have been given, shepardship over this world and dominion over all of its animals to name one of many.
The gift we hold has a special meaning in itself as well; it symbolizes the world and all things in it and the girls attachment to the bear is symbolic of our attachment to the world. Yeshua offers us a much larger gift, which is symbolic of the promise of everlasting life, imheritence of the Kingdom and all the gifts of God bestowed upon you. All you must do is have faith in Yeshua as John instructs us to do.
We must trust in the Lord and let go of our worldly desires and instincts, go against our inante programming and follow our true Lord, our Holy Father in Heaven.
The ultimate rebellion against the authority of the devil.