You can't be a true Christian and support Trump


Wtf I love baby eating satanists now

These are the same people that will scream and cry about MUH SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE

What is repent and forgiven?

Christians are taught not to judge others because that is reserved for God.

As far as I know Trump never attended a spirit cooking party, so I don't think the Evangelicals should be blamed as much as they are being in this tweet

>I will support the most depraved and degenerate shit imaginable, but that won't stop me from keeping someone to religious standards I don't set for myself

when do the evangelicals die off or become irrelevant?

As if these people actually care about morality

>St. Paul killed 100s of Christians.
Nigga got a beam in his eye.

>solomon had 438 wives and concubines

Why is it a sin for a man to sleep with many women? I dont think it is.

The real question is why did they believe hillary was worse?

>You can't be a true Christian and support Trump
That's right we should go with the Spirit Cooking Democrats instead

Perfectly mocked my dude.

damn, I sure bet the evangelists now regret not having voted fot the tranny kids enablers

This retard doesn't realize that they don't exactly vote based on who is the most pious candidate, but who will actually represent their interests. Hillary was never going to do that.

>sex between two consenting adults is no one's business but their own



>Let him who is without sin cast the first stone

What if Trump just said his wife was a cuckqueen and he fucked a porn star to make his marriage stronger? CNN literally has to buy it.

There's a very important tenet of Christianity that is central to its' philosophy
In fact, without this thing, Christianity would not be as great as it is
I wonder what that thing could be?


a bunch of leftist's heads would blow up from their cognitive dissonance

What pillar of Democrat morality will Trump beat in 2020?

listen dude, its not about anything but the fact that Trump is an unapologetically strong, confident WHITE MALE.

all that matters is SKIN COLOR and DISPOSITION. every single white person that voted for him just wants him to shit over everything from the obama era.

I'm tired of shit colored people and brainwashed liberals destroying everything. so its fun to watch someone push back


I always find it funny that the left sees Evangelicals as their gravest threat. Like every Facebook I post is always about evangelicals and their guns.

Do you people look at the rest of the world? Holy fucking shit. Ill take an Evangelical who doesnt want to bake a gay cake over fucking just about anything else in the world.

Believe in one arbitrary thing or else go to hell for all eternity? Was that it?


Even from the most practical standpoint: the evangelical has a choice between a man who had an accusation leveled against him and a woman who stood by her husband who without a shred of doubt committed adultery. Even by her own fake standards Hillary wasn't the proper choice.

Didn’t she already come out and say it was bullshit?

Yes, vote for the Muslim/Marxist candidate instead. Those people have a lovely record with Christianity.


This. Its why Ben Carson wasnt more popular. Politics requires you to be a bit ruthless which someone who tries to be pious wont do. Its why Ron Paul always felt like a limp wrist choice. People want a strong confident leader.

Fedoras still don't breed.


The righteous judgement of God and his hatred of sin

So should the evangelical vote have gone to the woman who created ISIS?

>Someone I don't like gets accused of a crime
>The accusation is automatically true
>Case is closed, person I don't like is os proven to be not guilty
>Still act like the person is guilty

When will this shit stop

Still better than Clinton


>Implying a religion built on the teachings of a jew who persecuted the followers of the very same religion, is a valid thing to care about.

this just makes trump look more alpha.

Underrated. I’m really enjoying the show. They’re simply flinging mud and hoping something sticks. Their arms will tire long before that happens.

No not at all. But he's entertaining

I thought Christ was big on forgiveness?


Was either a guy who banged a porn star or a woman who had Webster Hubbles kid....... Ill support the porn banger!

Did he even really do that though? Because the guy who wrote that in his book was on British news getting interviewed and they asked him if he was lying and he pretended he couldn't hear them and then ran away.

Plus the alternative was a baby eating cannibal reptilian alien lesbian jewess.

Aussie news I believe

I bet you this bitch isn't so innocent herself here. Bet you she already have had multiple partners.

Yeah, that makes a lot more sense actually.


Amusing. Supposed atheists pointing the finger at a God they despise. You've ceded power to what you claim doesn't exist; and accuse theists of foolishness. Hahahahaha

Where as you do?

...says the leftist who would abort a newborn cuz wyminz rights! I will enjoy stomping the goo out of your scull. 1488

When atheists start having kids

wtf im with her now

Well put, good Sir.

She's not even wrong though.

>true christian
>jesus literally the first "my wife's son"

Thats an interesting table. So the vote for hillary was city people, agnostics and Jews!

Is this stargate

She's not holding him to that standard you imbeciles, she's just trying to wrap her mind around the idea that people who DO hold people to those standards supported someone who is so degenerate in their eyes

He may be a whoremaster, but he's OUR whoremaster.

Ok then the evangelical vote is simply a testament to how degenerate the other option was in 2016, that's all.

>evangelicals think this
You do realize there was a whole different set of rules in the old testiment right? Where they were allowed to have technically have multiple wives. Also Solomon was punished for having so many women anyways

These people are retarded because they like calling out the hypocrisies of the right wingers which it's actually true, many of them are hypocrites, but so what? Donald Trump is a hypocrite thus we should vote for YASS QUEEN? In what world do they think this logic works? How fucking disconnected are they?

Silly boys, cuckholdery is only healthy if it's in the female's favor.

Is there any proof?

>when the opposition is so morally bankrupt that Christians choose an adulterous profane business mogul because he's a saint by comparison

oh Trump's a hypocrite? Better vote for the one who stands for everything I detest and is also a hypocrite then

No one cares, sage

Because fuck Hillary. Amen.

Most people where forced to choose what they believed to be the lessor of two evils. People who picked Trump where right. I don't think the left realize what an absolute awful choice they gave people. I voted for Trump but I've never been an rabid supporter. I call him in his shit everytime.

Christianity is not political and was never meant to be, one of its greatest strengths.

Render unto God that which is God's, render unto Caesar that which is Caesars.

i didn't cede nothing

A sin like that pales in the face of literal demonic worship. Fucking roasties, when will they learn? They speak in soundbites.

Fuck you!
It's a petty lil' smear. And look at you, white knight. Pathetic.

That makes him a hypocrite according to standards set forth by the amoral and non-religious.

Nothing belongs to Ceasar and that's how Jesus meant the parable.

Well I'm not.

Though this is still stupid.

Australians reporters stops at nothing to get the facts.


She cant be both alien and cannibal, there is no evidence she ate other aliens.


>Nothing belongs to Ceasar and that's how Jesus meant the parable.

I am amazed by how many people miss that point

Mary cheated on Joseph with God so I don't see what the problem is.

>someone so degenerate in their eyes

How is President Trump degenerate? I’ve seen accusations upon accusations. Yet not a shred of evidence against him. Do accusations or actions make someone degenerate?

Which party legalized gay marriage through the whole nation?


I love how they use Hillary as an escape despite her not being president. They fail to understand that just because you voted for someone doesn't me you support them

Proof? Didnt think so.

Wtf I love eating baby foreskin now and praising moloch

As soon as you asked "when?", you ceded power.

Jefferson cut bibles into pieces and Franklin's dick spend more time in various holes than in his pants.

You are absolutely right. Her not being human precludes the use of the term cannibal. I should have said "human baby consuming reptilian alien jewess" .

The same people also voted for Mcain and would vote for jeb.

>eating baby foreskin
Aren't evangelicals biggest suporters of circumcision tho?

An over used fuck tart porn star says something so it must be true ,
Libshits are hilarious