Tucker doing series on how American men are in a crisis

Are we in a crisis, lads?

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How can fox keep letting Tucker get away with it? He's been dropping too many redpills for msm

Problem is not enough people watch him.

fox is nigger tier except Tucker. God bless him

He will be sidelined within the year, watch it. You can't just go about and state the truth on live television just like that.

2nd most watched news program in the country behind Hannity

The segment with Jordan Peterson last night was really good. Got pretty intense at the end.

No, we're living in the most prosperous, safest, and healthy time in all of history, so calm your tits bud.

Top kek.
Delusional to the core, very american of you.

And yet men are being disrespected and shit on socially at unprecedented levels. Perhaps we need less safety so that women remember they owe this safe, prosperous and healthy society to the efforts of men.

Men and masculinity are under attack right now.

My dad had to work his whole life without seeing me or my sister while depressed. My whore mother used his money for drugs and tattoos. He was paying child support btw.

feminist cunt spotted!

When in the fuck did Tucker Carlson become such a hero?

The dude is a talentless CNN shitstirrer saying whatever he thinks is most edgy that particular day. He's the embodiment of pointless contrarianism that's been slowly killing mainstream media for 10 years.

have you confronted your mom about this, and if yes tell us about it.

That's not a very masculine thing to say.

>tfw home-schooled master race

Big if true

this. going to be first this time next year. If tucker was crypto I'd buy buy buy

Yes, she doesn't give a fuck. Says she worked hard for us while growing up and it's time for her to relax. She's on government benefits and has taken to retiring at 50. About my dad, I haven't really confronted her totally about it, but she obviously purposely moved somewhere where he couldn't visit us regularly. I live with him now because at 19 I no longer grant her child tax.

Which will be short lived due to forgetting what made it possible.

Good times create a weak society etc etc

We need to start meming a Tucker Carlson monarchy. This should be American pols new ideology. There is no other hope.

tfw using leftist meme parody

>The dude is a talentless CNN

He is on FOX, adjust your meds and stop posting.
Tucker is based.

I think he gets something like 1.3 mi views on average nightly

Tucker Carlson is controlled opposition. He was put in place after Trump won the election to control and steer the Magapedes/boomers who voted for Trump.

He started at CNN, he got his rhetoric from CNN, he's still the exact same "token conservative" character that he was for CNN, just with 20 years of added edginess to keep up with the times.

Dude compared to literally everything else he is the best we've got. I rarely find him omitting truths or telling direct lies. He also hits a wide range of topics. He constantly calls out gov corruption, corporate abuse of power, and garbage foreign affairs we're involved in. I mean he doesn't touch the JQ obviously, but everything around it. I bet we would be surprised of his deep personal views, more of a /polack than you'd think

what to steer them away from open borders and marxist identity politics? What a monster. Also
>that fucking image
no shit a guy who gets a new show starts to get more searches you fucking idiot

Really? Come on man don't ruin this for me...can you give me sources that would confirm he is controlled opposition? Something concrete besides this infograph you posted

Interesting you would abandon the Jon Stewart angle

Lmao maybe you should do a call in show with molymeme to vent your baggage and give molymeme views.

>guy sincerely believes the same thing for a long period of time
like, what a hack man

>Fire Bill Riley
>Hire Tucker Nigger for his spot
Wow color me fucking surprised

Tucker Carlson and Richard Spencer were both shilled to the goyim in the same week for the same reason. The reason being that there was no figure head for the right wing explosion that elected Donald Trump. The media/jews had no Idea what to do so they started creating "thought leaders" for the right as soon as Trump was elected.

agree. he's the only show on fox i watch. the new Levin show on Sunday looks promising if you are interested in learning rather than listening to people try to out yell each other.

>he's the only show on fox i watch. the new Levin show on Sunday looks promising if you are interested in learning rather than listening to people try to out yell each other.

This is the segment from last night.


low sperm and t count
early deaths

your mom sounds like a real shithead. but your dad is even worse for impregnating that shithead

go suck on Maddow's cock faggot

It's not necessarily a bad thing for controlled opposition. It keeps people from getting too restless too quickly.

The truth of the matter is that the Trump stuff encouraged everyone to get into politics whether they have any business spouting off things about it. For many of them, they live on the headlines instead of the actual articles, document leaks, and other bits of evidence. They need stuff fed to them and it's better that it's Tucker rather than some affirmative action nigger or a leftfag with a fake English accent.

Make no mistake though, they're easily swayed and that makes them your enemy. Even though they may align with you politically at the moment, it can change on a whim because they can be told anything and they'll believe it. It's no different from an alliance from mutual hatred of the status quo.

>go suck on Maddow's cock faggot

>men and women need each other and one can not exist without the other

He better be careful or he will get jfk'd for that kind of sensible talk


Jordan peterson really let himself go
What happened? He looked and sounded like he got hit by a train

You don't belong here. You need to lurk at least 2 years before posting boomer.



>2nd most watched news program in the country behind Hannity
Arent both conservative? From all the social media ranting I thought CNN&co were top of the charts and conservative channels were small time

Hannity and Carlson are conservative, but center focused.

Nearly all MSM is liberal except for a few outlets like Fox (TV) and WSB (Radio). TV lies center-right to appeal to mass audiences, and radio lies a little further right that appeals to older audiences.

On the internet it's different, where conservative internet media gets a ton of attention since they "rock the boat" so to speak although they lean center-right as well. It's the smaller podcasts that go farther right and far more extreme in views, from hard-patriarch authoritarianism to anything-for-dollars libertarianism.

Spencer spiked there because his "hail victory" salute was fearmongered on every cuck news site.
Fuck off. You are either a shill or a retard
