Literal shit coming out of the tap

>literal shit coming out of the tap
>literal shit water being used on a industrial level

Enjoy the estrogen laced water you fucking americunts.

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That's fucking disgusting

Drink up, faggots.

Are southern Californians even human

Good, this is what every Californian deserves

>Californians found to be shit-eating retards
>this makes the news

new meaning to shit eating faggots


Pick one and only one

"recycled" is a key word you ignorant cunt.


well, stop giving all the water to corporations and then paying those corporations to take it with public money. or stop giving cali money, tards.

>implying every state doesn't do this

pro-tip, basically all water you consume contained human or animal shit at some point. It's treated before consumption.

I really don't get the not-enough-fresh-water meme

why not attach a desalination plant to a nuclear power plant and create infinite fresh water?

Which method is best to treat my water? Filters? Distiller?

Drinking water*

Takes money, y'know?

Is that any worse than the countless woman pissing estrogen from birth control into the water supply? My city was found to have water contaminated with loads of different hard drugs from people pissing as well.

if it was that easy don't you think that idea would be in use?

... Don't make us sound retarded... show your flag, amerimutt. Most of the water we drink from the taps aren't pure... Plus I agree with what Californians are doing, there's nothing wrong with recycled, purified sewer water.

Wouldn't be a problem except for the number of drug metabolites we can't filter out. When you think of it all sources of water are exposed to gross things before you clean and treat them. The difference is they aren't full of endocrine disrupting metabolites and other shit.

because it's prohibitively expensive for most

I always hear the " It's too expensive to desalinate and purify water" maybe it's true, but I'm pretty sure the process and machinery used can in time evolve to a point where desalination and purification of large sums of water will become easily attainable.

USA throwing billions of dollar around for retarded stuff
but use the money to solve a fundamental problem - "no, to expensive, not gonna do"

because it's California, and I think i they argue it's bad fro the environment

Small scale it’s fine but California will find a way to fuck it all up

>literal shit coming out of the tap
Only now?
I swear that when I was to the SF Bay area a few years ago their tap water stank so badly I thought they were already doing it.
Rocket Man needs to sort out that state already.

How did a pole have enough money to visit San Francisco?

So where have you been sending your water to this point, then? Do you just ship it to nestle? Of course treated water goes back into the system.

So I live in australia, I made the unfortunate mistake of moving to America for a while. The Tap water there is absolutely HORRENDOUS, how do you guys live?

I suppose it doesn't matter to you guys, since you're used to it. But that tap water was the most disgusting thing I had drunk in a long time. Wtf america??? Aussie water just tastes like water.


California is 95% spics from shithole countries that grew up drinking shitwater so i doubt they even care.

Fuck off, leftist retard.

>implying Americans actually drink tap water
>most countries do the same

how do mexicans have enough money to flood america?

>Fuck off, leftist retard.

Show your flag, Janus kyrsgdysktskyyzyzyg

Yes, CA regulators and officials are opting to drink poo themselves
>mfw Sup Forumstards actually believe this

A ladder and daily aerobics is enough to stop any country.

So to live in America you need to just automatically not drink the tap-water. Walking down to 7'11 and getting boiled water was complete and utter aids, because I ended spending something like 30$ on water. This shouldn't be an expense, fresh water is a basic staple of western civilization.

> plebs
Alexapure bitchssss

Well most of the reason they have a shortage is because there are laws on the books that waste money like mad
Really what they need is an overhaul but honestly it's California and despite having family there I'd nuke it in a heartbeat

Save this, strayabro.

What's wrong with bottled water?
Anybody who dosnt drink bottled water is a nigger.
>I don't want to spend $5 on bottled water. rather drink tap water

Fecal matter is androgenic not estrogenic. Swallowing poo substantially increases testosterone as it indicates hard times are coming.

You use recycled water more than your realize. Do you think all the used water is sent off to space? It goes through a multi-phased filter processer.

So, I grew up in the country. When I was younger and slightly liberal "Eh, obama won't be a bad president... anything is better than Bush has been!" I decided to move to the city, as well as because I bought into the college meme. I remember not being able to drink water from the tap, and knowing all that I did from biology class about how bottled water was no better, I bought a water filter from a simple merchant online.

Well water in the US is pretty good stuff, even in areas where it smells slightly of sulfur. City water tastes like chlorine and other chemicals.

Now, that being said, city people (who all drink shitty city water) all voted for Hillary. Rural and suburban retards (that drink higher quality water voted for Trump).

Scatporn in all honesty is probably safe. I've taken part in scat and it does help with your immune system, iff your partner however says that they have diarrhoea often, it may be a sign of worms. Enjoy scat play, but be safe.

Ehhhh we don't really consider California to be part of the United States anymore. It's more of a cancerous tumor we have to try to live with having. I think that's why Putin picked Florida for his nuke target demonstration. If he had said California everyone in the U.S. would have been praying for Nuclear War.

>work in software biz
>do stuff for Commiefornians
How is Spain not smart enough for something like that?
And is that pic even Slavs or some fucking Gypsies?

I’m a waste water operator in Arizona and yes the water is clean but there’s not one facility in the US that removes pharmaceuticals from the water. So yea I would never drink it, but I would shower with it.

They put alot of chemicals in the purification process.

Liquids that are not water are destroyed. Poo is filterd out and the water itself is put through heavy filtration.

I played with some chemicals used to purify water. It ate through a car good in one min.

I remember years ago i visiting my friend in California and the water there is so full of chemicals it looks like his entire shower got sprayed with calcium/sand. Went to hollywood and saw 2 mexicans getting arrested in an allyway, as well as tons of transexuals.

Environmental Ingenieur Here. Doping this is absolutely harmless. Doing this is always blocked by uninformed Masses

>tfw America is now a third world country
So you're just going to roll over and accept this rofl? You're living in complete ignorance. So attuned to this way of life that you don't realize how bad it actually is. As an objective third party I can safely say AMERICA IS A SHIT-HOLE and I regret spending 2 years there. The only place I found a shred of cleanliness and decency was Virginia counties.

I used to think Australia was going to shit, but your country gave me a whole new appreciation for it.

>Build new power plant
>Drink shit
California would choose the latter

> Is that pic even Slavs or some fucking Gypsies

:( :( :( they're slavs :( I'm sorry... please don't insult my country, polebro :( I apologise :(

Well, I can explain it to you. Bottled water is mostly just tap water. It doesn't come from some mountain stream, regardless of the picture on the package. Now they take this water, and if they filter it to 99.9% microbe free, that still leaves .1% of microbes. Now, you take that bottle of water and ship it and put it in a warehouse for 6 months or so and that .1% multiplies and eventually becomes something like 10-15%. Take a fucking microscope to your precious bottled water you fucking moron that fell for the jewish bullshit. Look at who bottles water, look at who runs those companies. Tell me, mr. meme flag, why are you shilling for this?

I buy my water in water tanks each of which lasts a few weeks. The purified water is sold close to home, and it's incredibly cheap, like ten pesos.

Nah only the water desperate western ones. It's way cheaper in Wisconsin or Michigan t0 just pull it from the lakes.

Reverse osmosis or distilled is the only way these days.
>inb4 but muh minerals
If you ever go out to eat and drink their water or tea or whatever you'll get plenty of minerals.

Dubai already gets all their water from desalinating, albeit using natural gas I believe. It's just crazy fucking expensive.

nice going spics

i didn't imply it's not is use because of it's cost, i implied it's not in use because the idea itself is faulty

When I was in Spain I was suprised by the amount of gypsies there. Then I realized that is what average Spainard look like.

Even as a little kid I couldn't drink it. I think it zog bots the fuck out of people.

You do realize that every glass of water you drink has a few molecules of water that hitler pissed don't you? You drink hitlers' piss now go REEEEEEEEEEEEE for me.

Well that's to be expected Mexibro, you live in Mexico. America is talked up to be some great land of opportunity, when it's just a poverty stricken immigrant filled country in massive decline. This is why Trump was a vital part of the presidential election and why "Make America Great Again" is more then a meme.

When is the next damn kino?




>be american
>laugh at recycled water drinkers
>drink water from tap even though it can ignite
>such is the life in freedomville
>shoot niggas

nuclar powar is dangerous, after all it is exactly the same as a nuclar bomb which kills babies.

Desalinization isn't cheap either, but it is orders of magnitude cheaper than it used to be. Reverse osmosis is extremely effective and cheap compared to other methods.

> I would shower with it
Drinking poorly filtered water is often safer than showering it. Your GI tract has a number of barriers and mechanism that will destroy or disable active medications before they can hit your bloodstream, particularly in the case of hormones. However, when you shower water from the shower can enter your bloodstream unfiltered via the aqueous humour in your eyes and the capillaries in your nose.
If in doubt, don't touch it at all.

I've seen this before

Water in every city or area of the US is vastly different.

Aids increases are gonna be through the roof.

It isn't that expensive, it is just more expensive than getting the water almost free from a river or aquifer.

True. It's just energy intensive.

Good, gypsies are cuter.

Possibly, the majority of the places I stayed were Cities LA/New York/Atlanta/Chicago. Which are all incredibly filthy by the way, I don't think I've ever seen anything as dirty since I visited abo colonies in NSW as part of a school excursion back in the day. With the exception of maybe Atlanta.

As for using nuclear power: The problem is nuclear power plants require a high volume of cooling water to operate anyway. To build a nuke plant you need access to a big reservoir to begin with, so that kinda defeats the purpose.

How don't places like Mexico and California run out of water??

>Good, gypsies are cuter

? Mejibro?

Feels good having literally the best natural fresh water on earth.

I heard California was already adding oil production waste water to the almond crops and such, is this true?

I think several years ago there was shortage of water, but that shortage was going on in Texas as well. I don't really remember or know.

>recycled drinking water
in germany we already do this and it's no problem. there was a statistic that if you dring a glas of tap water in germany it already went on average through 7 people.

>using "recycled" waste water
One step closer to sustainable space colonies.

Feels good having more lakes/fresh water than the rest of the world combined.

uh newsflash basically all water you drink was shit and piss water that is filtered... just so you know

always said they were shit eaters

now they are shit drinkers too

Isn't she Indian? Not to deny that gypsies ultimately descend from a group within India, of course. Anyways, what can I tell you? I like darker hair. I never found "le Aryan women" to be very attractive.

I'm more jealous of the climate over there. Summers are too hot here.

you mean the natural water cycle where it evaporates and then falls down as rain again, after that going over a wide are where it is filtered through multi layer soil/rocks?

well I'm fine with that

>they're slavs
What a fucking dumbass.
Nobody who has ever seen Roma IRL will buy your bullshit.

>using purified and recycled water again instead of dumping it out and making your drought issues even worse
>this is a bad thing

do you stupid niggers complain about manure being used as fertilizer too?

Imagine all the birth control hormones in the piss going back to your tap. It's like soy on steroids.

Why do you think we only drink sodas

Because the oil industry invested billions in propaganda and politicians to fuck nuclear out of the market.

(Citation needed) the image

All water is recycled water faggot. The Earth is a closed system.