What does pol think of /ourpastor/ Steven Anderson?
>names the jew
>hates big government
>hates faggots
>hates sluts
>hates islam & eastern religions
>drops regular redpills
>has a large, all white family
>destroys atheist soyboys all the time
What does pol think of /ourpastor/ Steven Anderson?
>names the jew
>hates big government
>hates faggots
>hates sluts
>hates islam & eastern religions
>drops regular redpills
>has a large, all white family
>destroys atheist soyboys all the time
is that the guy who punched the kid in the chest cause he was talkin shit about jesus?
Why the fuck does this identical thread get posted over and over? Who cares about this retard?
>Doesn’t hate jews
i liked him in lost
hes no true pastor
he is full of hate for PEOPLE
not for SIN alone as Christ taught
i recall a clip where he is recommending homosexuals commit suicide
he does not espouse Christ not Christ teachings, just another ego based "gospel"
>worships BBC even more than he worships God
>you have to go back
He's a fraud. A heretic. And a liar.
It's a kike shill.
He's a great guy and based but unfortunately his reputation as great pastor obliterated because he let a white woman married black.
Sup Forumstard forgets that christianity doesn't prohibited race mixing, it teach us to marry a responsible, loyal and loving human. Not marry someone based on his skin color.
He's a weird fuck. He has ten kids but doesn't give a fuck about white rights. He is woke as fuck on the faggot question tho.
lol you're totally right
i think he's a fucking knobhead
t:ex christian
He is a Jew and Im not a Christian nor shouod a white man worship a false non white religion.
I think he preaches in central Texas. If so I gotta go to his church.
...who hates jews?
It doesnt matter what redneck christian trash does other than give kikes money
You forgot
>loves niggers and coalburners
I'm tired of seeing this faggot make this same thread every fucking day.
I don't like Church but if I could see him everyday Sunday I would. Street preacher videos are my favorite thing to watch on jewtube. Help me out and post your favorite.
Baptism is for Niggers. Orthodoxy is the true way.
>Sup Forumstard forgets that christianity doesn't prohibited race mixing,
actual christianity does. the kiked out version in churches doesn't. This is why christians should avoid them like the plague.
reread the sodom and gomorrah story
>ok with racemixing
those are 3 specific and hard accusations
can you cite anything he lies about, or how he committed fraud? or what exactly he says that is heresy?
>orthodox arent baptised
enjoy hell desu
Most of his Jew videos got holocausted
I love thisu man and his Jesus god
he kicks people out who live together but wont get married.
by taking that position there goes all the roasties who want bbc and all the nogs who are afraid of commitment. its a way of straining out the 99%
its pretty hard to tell a mixed amerimutt to remain genetically pure. its nearly impossible so they just have to do the best they can.
He also debunked the holocaust. Fucking love him even if I don't 100% agree with everything he says.
Daddy Anderson is an intellectual juggernaut.
we are baptised as children
What where did you even hear that?
I'd fuck him. Bet his ass is nice
Christianity is build around helping the poor, desperate, vicious, suffering, sinner rise out of their scum ways, that's what it is for. NOW I'M NOT SAYING I'm the best Christian or religious or anything like that but Pastor Anderson seems to focus mostly on Bible wording, shouting plain bible quotes and focus mostly on discourse like a student of theology.
Once he said something that a hobo outside his church was there and he made a big mes and he should get a job and help himself and stuff like that, angrily complaining and shouting, so he lacks the ability to guide people in trouble weather mentally ill or addicted to substances etc, the very people he is suppose to help, cause these poor fuckers turn to church next to the S&W plan. Providing asylum and last resort guidance being a part of the Catholic church which understood and exploited very well to magnify their credibility and influence in the community. Orthodox church also doesn't focus on practically helping the desperate in some way and now days even monasteries have to turn a profit .
You see... in Christianity Jesus is there as the ultimate example and you never see in the bible about him insisting on the accuracy and interpretation of some text or always shouting with anger and frustration.
You know why he's been kicked out and banned out of 3d world countries? Out of all places 3d world countries! It's simple, it's because he didn't go there with a practical plan to help those people get out of the fucking misery or poverty they were in, he was just being an agitator and a spinster alienating the people from the church-churches that had some sort of structure to help them somehow, even if with very few resources.
Pastor Anderson is just a fucking clown and that' why he's rejected by his peers/priests in the Christian world, and they never talk about TEXT, and when he replies he is always on the text always saying he never made a mistake quoting the text.
What cha doin Rabbi?
Moreover he has his alarm business right next to his church which is in a depot and he does his sermons as a part time job, the man is a fucking joke.
I'm a tradcat but I respect him.
Good. He did nothing wrong.
>belives in interracial marriage
Nope he’s far from redpilled
Jesus said “love thy neighbor as thy self”
Now only God loves unconditionally, and because of that we only face judgment in death and we have untimely freedom on earth.
God never called US to love unconditionally but rather keep one another in check. Can you imagine how horrible children would be if they were loved unconditionally? No consequences for their actions, no lessons on what is right and what is wrong no guidance whatsoever.
So why would you expect a person who’s been brought up with no moral compass to suddenly change when you live them unconditionally?
I think you might consider rephrasing that. Baptism is necessary, does not equal baptists.
I long for the day our Church will be reunited. But first God's Wrath, there is no other way out.
Often I hope for it to come soon, I know it is wrong and I get reminded that when for example like this morning an old lady starts a chat with me on the importance of being kind and polite, out of the blue in the supermarket. I don't wish deathnon kind good people only on evil. Sometimes a man tends to forget that if he is too shut in. But then again the early Christians who were actively persecuted often sought and early death as a martyr. Yet as long as we aren't there yet we should be careful of wishing His Wrath to come. God warned us about that. But I pray He may strengthen me so I will choose torture and death over accepting Satan's brave new world when it comes to that point.
Anyway sorry for the blogpost.
Loves to see black men with white women.
These juden are getting sneaky.
...Baptists* are for the poor dangerous people.
the true way to salvation is through Eastern Orthodoxy