Immigrant from Nigeria becomes the first black senator, he is a member of anti (illegal) immigration Lega party.
Italy's first black senator
>wins africa lottery and makes it to europe
>immediately tries to slam the door shut behind him
Why are niggers so selfish?
because they know what niggers are like
What is the value in making it to Europe if Europe becomes no longer Europe?
>from NIgeria
I bet he is one of those apparently rather smart Igbo people, it's always them when something rarely good comes out of that shithole continent.
He's the black man Italy needs but not right now.
only illegal immigration huh? the white race really will go out in a whimper
>"He is married to an Italian woman and has two children."
What's wrong with you Burger faggot? If there was a BASED Negro politician who actually was successful at pulling something like this off, then more power to him.
If I could go back in time I would do the same thing without hesitation
t. Irish-American
hes not being selfish he ran away from these beasts because he has an IQ higher then COCO the gorilla and doesnt eat childrens flesh. HE knows that at any moment a group of more then two are likely to either start dancing or fighting.
Quick rundown and what his stance on refugee immigration
yeah okay. more power to this guy because he's doing good shit but he's a nigger he will never be based
The best we can hope for is that the niggers with our train of thought understand and accept their inferiority to European and American Civilization. Only then can we have a peaceful world without violence (except for the sandniggers they just need a nuke.)
He came to Europe to get away from niggers obviously.
>more BASED BLACK MAN gay shit
How many times do we have to say this..?
YOU DONT HAVE TO ELECT BLACK PEOPLE TO SHOW HOW NON RACIST YOU ARE. White people doing this has to be the most cuck'd people on earth.
This is the most awkward shit ever when it comes to white people picking black people just because they can say: "Oh yeah..? But we have a black guy in our group, so what now?"
Stop sucking up to the idea that you have to basically apologize for not having a black person in your group or party. Such a fucking disgrace.
they probably aren't, but they sure as shit should be
I never understood why people get surprised over black conservatives. Of course a race of people that don't tip don't want to pay taxes.
This. Even in your country, you have an Iranian-origin politician saying the same things about immigration with the purpose to steal votes from SD and NRM.
Only black MP here in my country is from a centre-right - to right party.
Daily reminder that the christian part of nigeria isnt that bad
hmmm a nigger becomes senator
maybe theres still hope for me to become the NEW Mussolini and be cherished and praised by Italian QTs. I promise I will spare no expense in dealing with shitskins, one blood of nigger, indio, arab, semite, or foreign race will be dealt with. I will be specially ruthless with sudaca arg*ntine scum. Sterilization or gassing, depending on the amount and hierarchy of the race involved!
Hitler wasn't formally German after all
why not become the next Franco :D
because Franco was in bed with filthy zionists,behind Hitler's back, not really fascist (or falangist)
Good, then they can all stay there and stay out of white countries.
I wonder if Lega pays him with bananas
horrible man
Most negroes are very racialist dummy.
some black are alright
People get surprised because they are a very rare species.
You'll get called racist, fascist, nazi anyway. Beside, now that you've normalized it the left will do it too: for every 1 "based" nigger you deploy as human shield for your agenda they'll find a million more for theirs.
But "muh 4D chess".
Fucking lega, i knew that i should had voted Meloni.
yeah my best buddy is Igbo and hes a fucking genius
American edumakashun
cucks, all of you
They have their pet nigger as well.
there's a reason for that you know, look at africa and do s big think
I'm really disapointed italy, for all that conservative attitude you have you do this
this but unironically