I just got my DNA results from 23 and me

I just got my DNA results from 23 and me.

They say i have 5% asian admixture but that doesn't make any sense.

What's going on here? Would I be let into the white ethnostate?

one drop, nigga. cya.

Look at the twins that tested with 23andme and got different results

You got chinked fampai

That explains the dick.

>Still getting DNA tests from company recently caught sending fake results for sjw purposes. Cofounder wife of google founder.
Why are you not getting your DNA test from ancestry? Trust the Mormons more

Maybe that explains why 2D >3D

>taking the jew DNA test
what have we tried to tell you here?

Is there any proof this stuff is accurate

CEO is a kike. Kill yourself.


Post results or stop larping, faggot

>giving your dna to jewandme
They purposely add in fake shit to fuck with whites.

Wow. She looks so much like the kike Youtube CEO.

Sergey Brin, the co-founder of Google was married to the CEO of 23 and Me (2007-2015), who is also the sister of the CEO of You Tube


1. They add fake shit to people who would otherwise be full white.
2. You might have some kind of weird Ghenghis Khan or Siberian thing going on, depending on what part of Europe your ancestors were from.
3. It's not a perfect test.

Thank you for submitting your DNA.

Seriously, is Ancestry trustworthy? I'm tempted to give it a shot...

Yes it is. Tell your whole family about it.

Where is the proof/research behind it?


In DNA labs.

Is there proof it is sent to a lab? Other than them just saying it?

What does ‘Asian’ mean?

It's got connections to Google. Kikes can make better bio wespons to genocide you if they have your DNA

asian means yellow