New Google Video

So Sup Forums there is this new video Google posted about "equality". You can't comment on it, but there is one thing you can do. You can dislike it. So I'm calling for you to mass dislike this garbage.

Video link:


google suspended my account for posting pro Trump comments during the election when things were far more heated than they are now. I never broke their rules and have put in requests for it to be reversed but to no avail. So I cannot help you with this, user.

Shameless bump

go buy your mother a flower


Bump downvote that virtue signaling shit

I raged when that fucking video played as an advertisement. Raged.

Stop spreading this either you are dumb or a subversive leftist cunt

Listen idiots commenting on videos no matter negative or positive increases the result in the search algo used by google/youtube meaning no matter what you do as soon as you do anything you increase the spread of the video.
The worst thing you can do to videos (besides not watching) is to simply not rate it and not comment. I know its hard but thats just how it is.

I would but I don't use google shit.


Interaction and pestering do yield results, it's also an staple of this place, I allow it.

Downvoted 3 times... I wish I could do more.

Comments are disabled for this video.

I'm aware. I stated this above. The best you can do is downvote.

(((Comments are disabled for this video)))

>girl power
Why is this okay? Only girl, gay, and black power are acceptable?

You guys realize they can literally go in the back end database and change the like/dislike counts. And you know they will too, considering how they've gone to "do no evil" to "world domination at all costs"

>they only bring up percentage of people rather than how many

They didn't even do the fun ones
>physical labor
>trash people
>any job a man absolutely has to do

These skanks don't deserve equality if they don't believe in it. All they get are the gutters because that is all they are worth.



>womyn so stronk!
>muh gender equality!

>can't into STEM
>can't into physical labor
>can't into applied mathematics
>can't into philosophy
>can't into computer science

>b-but the glass ceiling!

yeah, let's celebrate the weaker, dumber and less useful sex.

Liberalism is on going trend right now, world will jump into it to monetize it. That's one of the gripes of modern consumerist society led by corporations there is no right or wrong, there is just selling and the power of purchase.

Take the power of buying from women and you will see no one is pandering to them.

In a few decades conservationism will be popular and then you will see advertises such as "a good woman is a woman who keeps her husband happy."

if you don't like the current idea, wait out. If you want to do something about it then sperg out and live stream it so that we can watch it in peace while eating some popcorn.


>google suspended my account


That and women make up 80% of consumer spending.

>checked hitler
aye aye

Fucking (((Google))) man

according to their new policies they would have to ban 70% of the userbase if they let people comment

what the fuck is that

liked it


>and women make up 80% of consumer spending.
yep, that's exactly why companies are pandering to gay, and lesbians.
It's a race to the bottom with this one.

They know that males are not easy to influence with marketing an buying stuff. On the other hand females are the gullible idiots, and even more of idiots are the LGBTQ etc community, or any minority for that matter.

They know they aren't special and they flock to anything and anyone who makes them feel special.
Just look at the incredible amount of hype Black Panther movie got, and how much it earned. It's ridiculous.

I wanna send the entire Google company , and shareholders with all employees to Auwschwitz


>the future is female
disliked and reported to USSS

la luz extinguido

>less useful sex
>56% and declining
The absolute state of white America.
>physical labor
>applied masturbation
So obsessed with macho signalling they don't even remember what was the ultimate purpose of that.

I am balanced between this and the narrative where ((((some people)))) actively push an agenda.
Either way, nice analysis.

Hahaha you beat me to it. Seriously that was fucking jarring.

>mug 56%

not an argument in any way at all


pure projection. are you an actual women or an actual cuckold?

I've always wondered what parts of the world give you the user flag. I'd like to go there to shitpost.

>power of purchase
Tell that to the comic book industry, or the video game industry, or the most recent fucking Oscars that went full Marxist libtard this year and got the lowest ratings ever as a result.

>"When we are omnipotent [...] there will be no distinction between beauty and ugliness."

>-- 1984, by George Orwell

When I woke up there was a song playing on my gayPhone about gender equality (I believe that was the title) as soon as I opened my phone. It said something about woman’s history month in the title too. What did Apple mean by playing a song on my phone that I didn’t fucking start not download?


I’m sure Google who has massive neural networks isn’t having all of its bots thumb upping this shit.

*So it looks like it’s the song OP linked to. I don’t know what the fuck is going on

Done, fuck google.

I'm neither. Just enjoy watching you go extinct while always being proud that at least you are stronger and smarter than those useless "females" everybody keeps talking about.
Keep going guys.


>enjoy the destruction of the white race and masculinity, simultaneously being completely neutral???

No, you're just a retard that hasn't been polarized yet. But you will be. At that point you will regret every stupid thought you ever had in your immature mind, but the damage is done and it will be far too late to even lament your ignorance.

rope yourself, you fucking waste of space

it almost looks like a trap

I'll upvote it just to spite you

Daily reminder to boycott all google products including using their spyware infested OS android and move to Apple, install an addblocker so google does not get ad revenue on youtube also.

Looked how to shut a woman's mouth and got 12.400.000.
None of them worked.

I bring my mother flowers every year since I'm 5 years old. I started driving for 5 hours to do it since I was 24.
Rest in Peace mom.

fbi user???

Last night there were 4k dislikes to 3k likes. Get on this anons!

Get back in the kitchen, cunt

We need more anons for this. Bump

I had someone enquire to my business today asking for some prices for my products. Her first greeting was "happy international women's day!".

I responded with the shortest email quote ive ever given someone and added 15% extra on top.

That is our tradition and it is unknown in the West.

Love how the Croatian titles of video use the word "sex" as in biological way and not the word "gender".



we should have one too

You know Google is rigging it though. They delete dislikes regularely and bot their own likes. Has happened with a multitude of videos before

>>>>>>>>>>>>AND MOVE TO APPLE

Use alternative search engines and browsers. And fuck apple you cunt, why the fuck would you need that.

Women are weaker and worse at maths, news at eleven.
Calling them "less useful" for that reason is precisely what causes all those miserable attempts at proving that they aren't.
Your whole culture worships some fucking caricature of male virtues while forgetting that there is a reason for women's existence too.
Or used to worship. Now they worship women trying to meet those standards of male virtue to prove that they aren't useless parasites, which is doubly retarded.

Roger that dislikes 3 mikes away

this is truly the end of times



It's still useful to keep as many dislikes on there for as long as possible.

>that like to dislike ratio
>they had to censor the video to stop their propaganda from being BTFO

The counter culture is here boys. The propaganda of the elite no longer works.

Down with he kikes
Drugs vult


Yes. People have managed to surpass their trickery before by sheer force. We can do it again

pic. kek

There are more likes than dislikes, wtf are you talking about?


not your personal army.

I watched the video. What's so wrong about it? I liked it.

>but you have to have a google account

>People have managed to surpass their trickery before by sheer force. We can do it again

12k dislikes vs 19k likes is a huge deal.Especially substantial It's obvious that google is rigging the likes, like they do with everything.

Not to mention they disabled comments. This is a huge sign that they're weak and afraid.

>inb4 not your personal army
fuck this gender agenda, they try to destroy our true identity with that crap. they only encourage homo sexuality and gender equality because it boosts their reputation and sales.

Brown too, if they do it less frequently

this may be true...still, i disengage. sorry, treehuggeranon.


What is Google doing? The worlds biggest and most powerful companies advertising. What is woman's day anyways? Is it Mothers Day for woman that have had an abortion?

i flashed my phone with AOSP rom just so I wouldn't need a google account

Apple is one of the few big corps who actually unironically care about your privacy.

Jewgle will hand over your passwords to the state the moment they are asked, unlike the White Man's company named Apple

wow my ac going out is almost as bad as a world without feminism.

international women's day is a "kiss my ass and love #metoo" holiday for fat girls who didn't get candy/sexually harassed for valentine's. it's saint valentubby's day.

i disliked it because it's shit

Why are you on pol? I disliked it with my 6 accounts u faggot

I downvoted on all three of my accounts, faggots. On the last downvote the little 11k turned into a 12k.


Reading the comments on the 'refugee' video warmed my heart. My mate is Married to a Polish so I sent him the Jewish rage vid about the Polish Holocaust law and said read the comments. He's a normie bit was able to red pill him massively