Prophesied events during the Kali Yuga

Prophesied events during the Kali Yuga

A discourse by Markandeya in the Mahabharata identifies some of the attributes of Kali Yuga. In relation to rulers, it lists:

Rulers will become unreasonable: they will levy taxes unfairly.

Rulers will no longer see it as their duty to promote spirituality, or to protect their subjects: they will become a danger to the world.

People will start migrating, seeking countries where wheat and barley form the staple food source.

"At the end of Kali-yuga, when there exist no topics on the subject of God, even at the residences of so-called saints and respectable gentlemen of the three higher varnas (guna or temperament) and when nothing is known of the techniques of sacrifice, even by word, at that time the Lord will appear as the supreme chastiser." (Srimad-Bhagavatam (2.7)

With regard to human relationships, Markandeya's discourse says:

Avarice and wrath will be common. Humans will openly display animosity towards each other. Ignorance of dharma will occur.
People will have thoughts of murder with no justification and will see nothing wrong in that.

Lust will be viewed as socially acceptable and sexual intercourse will be seen as the central requirement of life.

Sin will increase exponentially, while virtue will fade and cease to flourish.
People will become addicted to intoxicating drinks and drugs.

Gurus will no longer be respected and their students will attempt to injure them. Their teachings will be insulted, and followers of Kama will wrest control of the mind from all human beings.

Brahmins will not be learned or honored, Kshatriyas will not be brave, Vaishyas will not be just in their dealings, and the varna system will be abolished.

>Reddit spacing

We should instruct people in the shamanic genocide, because they actually believe some magical genetic predisposition keeps people living in the mud.


Look at the world you fool.


Spotted the retard

Ancient religions aren't mysticism. They explain the cyclical nature of man.

Weak men don't control women and children. Women and children destroy society.

Rinse and repeat.

The Kali Yuga ended a hundred years ago, faggot. Were in the Venusian/Copper/Dwarpa Age. It’s the age of women, cuckoldry and socialism.

I differ from the mainstream Vedic claim that we are currently in Kali Yuga and that there are currently 427,000 years left of Kali Yuga (a dark prospect to be sure - and one fortunately not true!), I completely agree with Sri Yukteswar that we are actually in Dwapara Yuga right now and that the reason why most Hindus today think we are in Kali Yuga is due to a mistake made during the previous Kali Yuga which was caused by the corruptive influence of Kali Yuga itself. I firmly believe that the yuga cycle is caused by the Sun revolving around another star. The closer the Sun is to this star, the more expansive human consciousness becomes, which ushers humanity into a Satya Yuga/Golden Age. The further the Sun is from this star, the less expansive human consciousness becomes, which ushers humanity into a Kali Yuga/Iron Age. There are two types of yuga cycles - an ascending yuga cycle and a descending yuga cycle. I completely agree with Sri Yukteswar that we are currently in the Dwapara Yuga of an ascending yuga cycle.

I just noticed your post and I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that we're in Dwapara Yuga right now. Sri Yukteswar was right!

I'm interested in the cyclical conception of human history that pre-Abrahamic cultures had. The Ancient Greeks had a cyclical conception of human history that was similar to the cyclical conception of human history that the Hindus had (and STILL have). The Ancient Greeks had a Golden Age (equivalent to Satya Yuga in Hinduism), a Silver Age (equivalent to Treta Yuga in Hinduism), a Bronze Age (equivalent to Dwapara Yuga in Hinduism) and an Iron Age (equivalent to Kali Yuga in Hinduism). I call the model of human history that is currently dominant among historians 'the linear-progressive model of human history'. The linear-progressive model of human history basically says that the further back in human history you go, the more primitive that humans, their cultures and their technology becomes. The linear-progressive model of human history embraced by modern historians and modern anthropologists actually has its roots in Judeo-Christian beliefs, ironically enough. Virtually EVERY pre-Abrahamic culture WORLDWIDE embraced a conception of human history that was CYCLICAL, with civilisations rising and falling one after the other over VAST periods of time and humans being EXTREMELY OLD. Take the Puranas (a collection of ancient Indian writings), for example. The Puranas describe human lineages going back over a BILLION YEARS into the past and we have SUPPRESSED ARCHAEOLOGICAL EVIDENCE (in the form of human fossils and human artifacts) that CONFIRMS this.

all of these are going on already.

No he's a faggot, when did Kalki come, you do know yug changes are characterised by mega events right we are still in the kali yug

Here is a description of the yugas according to the Linga Purana:

"In Satya Yuga, people were always happy. There were no inferiors or superiors. All individuals were equal. The climate was neither hot nor cold. Hatred and jealousy were unknown. Hunger and thirst were not felt. The Earth yielded an abundant supply of juices and mankind lived happily on this. There was no need to build houses. People lived on the shores of the oceans and in the mountains. There was no concept of sin and store of merit, no need of Heaven or Hell. People were naturally righteous.
In Treta Yuga, things changed somewhat. Clouds formed in the sky and it started to rain heavily. The Earth no longer yielded a plentiful supply of juices. But because it rained so much, trees began to grow and people lived on the sap of these trees. But individuals slowly turned evil and started to fight over the possession of these trees. The trees no longer provided sap. But they did provide fruits that humans could live on. They used the barks of the trees as clothing. But when people continued to fight over the possession of the trees, the trees started to wither away and disappear. Heat and cold became manifest. Houses now had to be built so that one might protect oneself from the heat and cold. Earlier, there had been no need to build houses. When all the trees completely disappeared, people learnt to practice agriculture so that they might live. The first practice of agriculture and animal husbandry goes back to Treta Yuga. But irrigation was not needed. The land irrigated itself. Artificial irrigation became required much later, when people grew even more evil.
Mankind really started to suffer from the time of Dwapara Yuga. Most evil traits like hatred, jealousy, quarrels and fraudulence can be traced back to that time. Famine and drought were first felt on Earth in Dwapara Yuga. (end of part 1)

(start of part 2) Kali Yuga is the worst period of all. This is a time when holy men are not revered. No-one pays any attention to the shastras and it is evil that prevails. People are habitually liars. The shudras are the last of the four classes. As such, their duties are to serve the other three classes of brahmins, kshatriyas and vaishyas. But in Kali Yuga, the shudras lord over everything. Even the kings are shudras and oppress the brahmins. Kings are thieves and thieves become kings.
Kali Yuga is such an evil period that people will start to lend money so as to earn interest. The evil has its effects in terms of reducing the productivity of the land. Life expectancy is reduced to only sixteen years. The only redeeming feature of Kali Yuga is the fact that a minor righteous deed in Kali Yuga brings undying punya. But Kali Yuga will not last forever. When its duration is over, Kalki will be born so as to re-establish righteousness on Earth. For twenty years, he will travel around the world, killing the evil and protecting the good. He will destroy the shudra kings and bring back the religion prescribed by the Vedas." (end)

You must have some compelling evidence then, if you're "firmly convinced".

So we are living in the kali yug

you know brahma raped a 6 year old to create the universe user...

McDonalds in every corner.
It's the actual belief most the world had, it's an umbrella term like paganism.

You had a weird priest, that's a shaman at some point in human culture they were several holy men, this days every time there is less.

This sounds like a brown person issue

The lower castes give the higher castes a bad reputation. You Brahmins are as aryan as any european. Much respect for your yogic science.


I don't remember any story about that, I just remember a story about Brahma falling in love with his daughter, so Shiva cut off one of his heads.

Does the Kali Yuga correspond with the Buddhist prophecies of the time before the arrival of Matreiya Buddha?

Aren't we in a binary with Sirius?

The most aryan of Indian have a 25 percent add mixture, we aren't Hwhite we are just smart brown people

>Buddhist predictions

Try to contain your asshurt, Justin

>The lower castes give the higher castes a bad reputation. You Brahmins are as aryan as any european.

You are correct.

>Much respect for your yogic science.

I completely agree with you. There are many similarities between our languages and our ancient, pre-Abrahamic religions. For example, Indra is the Vedic god of thunder. Zeus is the Greek equivalent of Indra and Jupiter is the Roman equivalent of Indra. Furthermore, Indra, Zeus and Jupiter are each the king of their own pantheon of gods, they are each known for being womanisers and they each use a lightning bolt as a weapon. Interestingly though, in the Vedic literature of Ancient India, 'Indra' is not a single being but is instead the title given to the king of the gods and, as such, there have been many Indras in the past and there will be many Indras in the future. The current Indra is Purandara. Fascinating stuff. Not only that, but both Vedic mythology and Norse mythology believe in a 'world tree' and both Vedic mythology and Norse mythology believe in a giant serpent being slayed by their respective gods of thunder. Indra (Vedic) slayed Vritra while Thor (Norse) slayed Jormungand. Also, Kamadeva is the Vedic god of romantic love and shoots arrows at people to make them fall in love, just like the Roman Cupid and the Greek Eros.


I strongly believe that we are, yes. this "smart Indians were all white, blond and blue eyed before they got browned and thus the great history of India is a white European history" meme a version of Varg's Nordicism?