Norwegian government bans the Mini 14

Norwegian government bans the Mini 14

Gives 900 owners (including me and my brother) 3 years to get rid of it


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Bury it somewhere.

What are they going to do? Search your house in three years?

But I thought you could buy funs with the full giggle? Why ban a varmit / plinking rifle?

i think i can still buy an ar15 if i start with dynamic sports shooting

It's Norway dude they are practically commies

They will come get him if he doesn't turn it in, its registered.

Lose it in a tragic boating accident.

i can sell it to someone outside the country

Take it to Utoya.

what's the reasoning for banning it user?

2011 breivik i guess

Mini 14 is a .223 or .300 blackout. functionally similar in capability to an AR-15 pattern but with a M1 Garand style action.

Time to lose it in a boating accident user

Make a pvc stash and bury it.

That's 3 years of potentially tragic boating accidents

id get 2 years for that

Okay, thats it im leaving, i actually wanted to get myself a semi auto rifle now that im old enough...

Banning guns isn't based on a reason, as logic reasoning results in not banning legally owned guns.
(it's likely a ban based on breivik not being fond on talking to the darker-skinned guys selling stuff next to the local train station to get an AK... )

Buy a cheap aluminum boat and sink it in a deep fnord

Send/Sell it to some user from South Africa, they'd put it into good use

Shit user just found this
hope there is a few hunting accidents involving politicians soon because seriously as much as Americans meme it there is a truth saying once civillians are robbed of their arms the government gets tyrannical.
>Flag Related

turn it into a lamp

It's the gun of choice for The A Team

Get rid of it

>900 owners
Nani? Only 900?

>Gives 900 owners (including me and my brother) 3 years to get rid of it
have you considered getting rid of your cuckold politicians instead?

It is norway, they only have like 2000 people

Don't get rid of it and when the government comes for it go out in a blaze of glory.

Go to your parliament and fuck them up Breivik style

Start shooting everyone who signed the bill.

Yea I'd suggested getting rid of all of your ammo first. Into anyone coming for it. Live free or die.

Are there any legal alternatives left, or is it a general semi-auto ban, and what about semi shotguns?

Donate to a Boer farmer. They gonna need it.

>using mini instead the SUPERWEAPON G3


kill everyone who banned it to send a message, don't get caught

can they legally own one?

The Mini isn't a bad weapon. It's just not as popular as some other rifles. It's not as sexy looking but it performs.

he can say he lost it in the woods while escaping a bear or something.

Who gives a fuck if you get caught or killed. Nothing ever good comes from being disarmed. All that's left is figuring out why your undesirable to the state.

>3 years to get rid of it
or else lol

And Breivik. I'm pretty sure that was his main weapon

Just report it stolen.

why are americans so fucking retarded

it straightup hurts


Norwegians are some of the most peaceful, law abiding people on earth. Your society has enjoyed low crime rates and low murders per capita for many years.
Now your government arbitrarily decreed that its citizens are not allowed to have a type of arm. Unless of course you're a government enforcer, then you get to have all sorts of arms.

Sadly your beautiful society is also very collectivist and statist. You value tranquility more than individual freedom. Just know that once they take your semi autos they will come for your hunting rifles next.

shoot the first nigger that comes for it.

Trash a window, break open your safe and tell the cops it was stolen.

It's certainly not as sexy as its older sisters but I don't mind it if I can't afford them.

Are you sure he's wrong? I don't know much about the place but gun bans are a pretty far left principle.

>next at 6, it turns out the founding fathers may have miswrote the 2nd amendment, as Norway is discovering. The right to bare arms or the right to arm bears. Join us next.

meld våpenet ditt stjålet. Purken blir å true deg samt å si at de vet at det ikke egentlig er ståjet, nekt for alt, hva politiet mener har ingen betydning i en evt. rettsak...som aldri kommer til å finne sted, selv om de blir å true med en

It's only a matter of time until the last west-European countries where citizens can still own some firearms under strict conditions will be completely disarmed. It's what you get for allowing yourselves to be ruled by women.

Give them your bullets first.

This is what happens when you allow a weapons registry. They know who has what.

Time to overthrow all the Zionist governments and create an international bill of rights with an iron-clad 2A for all white people.


Because it got Breiviked.

Doesn't your family have a summer cottage? Make a good hiding spot in the forest.

Maybe it's time for a Breivik 2.0

>A registry isn't a ban and is no way a stepping stone to that!

This. Walk in to parliament, shoot tyrants in face, claim self-defense.

I'd say it's time for them to go back to the old ways.

>i've lost mine in a hunting trip over the weekend

how much do you want for it?

Death to all government officials in the west.

Woe to the shepherds.

I know what I'd sell it for..

wtf is up with these one sentence replies... spam bots?

3 years is enough for a new utoya M8

Become a member, OP, you can keep it no matter what.

3 years seems like long enough time for somebody else to say it’s no longer banned.

Especially if their predecessors are killed with mini-14s.

Our government is really, they mascaraed as right wing, but in reality they are just a weaker version of AP, which is our biggest lefty party.
They are a bunch of limp wristed elitists who enjoy their city life, disconnected from reality.
We had one really good immigration minister last term, but they had to replace her this term because she was not kosher enough. Our new one bends over and accepts all demands on increasing refugees and immigrants, imposed on us by (((eu)))

Our prime minister is a landwhale who appears to be borderline retarded, she just waddles around trying to appease everyone and has zero principles of her own. Her party wants nothing more than to integrate norway with the eu.

The only reasonable party left in norway is SP, who ironically is part of left wing coalition

It'll be enough if you lose it in the woods and report that you lost it.

I would think so.

If you have a mini-30 in black synthetic/ss, ship it to me

Say you had a boating accident on some fjord.

>Norwegian government banning fur farming, a way of life for many Norwegians
>Banning guns too

Is there any strong opposition to the Norwegian government in Norway? Or is everyone still just a super fan of it?

Obeying gun laws is for cucks.

Go get some grenades in Sweden too.

Any opportunity to get rid of your rights and virtue signal.
I know what I'd do with it.

>muslim rapefugees broke in my house
>niggers stole my rifle and dragon dildos
>file police report
Funs are buried and waiting for the coming race war

What is this?

Would be nice to train with the weapon before having to use it.

Why is fur different to meat?

How long until they completely ban hunting?



IPSC/Sports shooting federation in Norway.

You can freely re-register your Mini-14 as a competition rifle instead of a hunting rifle and avoid the ban entirely.

You can mail it to me

How long until they close that loophole

Holy fucking shit Americans are brain dead straight up RETARDED

>I don't know much about the place

At least he's honest

It fell of my boat during a fishing trip

Boating accident

It's not, but the animals look cute, chickens and cows don't.

Meh, they’ll all be dead from refugee AIDS in three years

They complained about the animals welfare in some camps and shut the whole thing down just to be safe


It's no loophole. Sports shooters have always had access to semi-auto rifles, not just the Mini-14. We can get just about everything you can get in the US of A.

Fuck that

it is disintegrating fast, strangely enough so is the left. Next election is going to be a weird one, the left has split up in to many small fringe parties, two out of the 4 right wing parties won't make it to parliament next election, and left wing and right wing has become meaningless for all intents and purposes, like our far right has more in common with a party that identified as left wing, than it has with the other right wings parties. Our other right wing parties has more in common with fringe left wing parties. And our defining left and right parties (the two biggest) are pretty much identical except for image and label, things are getting pretty strange

That sucks that you lost your gun in a boating accident, guess you'll have to buy a new one and inform the authorities that it's gone.

>some cuckold here on Sup Forums went crazy defending Breivik saying things got better after he did it
>vehemently denied the anti-right reactions after the fact as well as the plans and temporary bans on the weapon he used
>it's now in full effect, as everyone said

Breivik was a fucking retard, and you retards defending him should join him in the cell.