/SAG/ South Africa Genral, propaganda planning

ITT we discus how to spread a pro white message through a society of people/news outlets/governments that want nothing more that to see whitey perish.

I see spreading vitriolic hate of whites online and making the concept of us dying here seem like popular idea among the left. Provoking a centrist shift to the right and an MSM shilling for us, unless they expose themselves and go along with the hateful narrative we construct, which too plays into our hands and will push people further right. As being a good bet.

>is this thinking flawed?
>if so what tactics has Sup Forums used before in effectively propagating a narrative among normies?
>what's the risk in repeating those tactics?
>what would you require to effectively pull off a covert campaign such as this?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Sup Forums creates insane amount of value in the past 15 years
>shitskins are attracted to value like flys are to shit
>shitskins come here but get severely triggered by stuff white people talk about when there is no censorship imposed on them
>for a shitskin this must be the first time they get confronted by unfiltered white opinions
>the cognitive dissonance they experience is SEVERE
>sometimes they can’t sleep for days(I’ve spoken to several pol-shitskins)
>they get addicted to this place because all these things they hear make sense and explain many things in their lives
>they do not admit all of these things but become angry at white and thing that’s it’s just a game to make them feel bad
>they think the world only revolves around them and whites here do the things they do as a way to trigger them
>so they start to playing the game that they assume is being played here

>start posting things explicitly designed to trigger whites
>white purity spiral (causes division in the whites)
>white women hate (causes whites to hate their own kind)
>nigger dick posting (triggered white people’s sexual insecurities)
>attack representatives of white interest politicians&e-celebs

Honestly your problem is so far removed from us, all we know about your history is from Sup Forums

In your peculiar situations i’d only see the option to go full crypto and LARP as the left. But using the leftists strategies they use to protect niggers and shitskin in yurop, burgerland but applieing them to your people.

Seat with 12 rules for radicals

*start with

Removed or not you should be concerned, ours is the spark thaf could light the flame that shall purge the world of its non-Caucasian problem.
Unless of course you like your women being fucked raw by hordes of subhuman at the behest of your government...

send me money so i can come to SA and be a mercenary for the afrikaner cause!
Don't worry, i am white

My pots serves to demonstrate that yuros and burgers have no fucking knowledge because the leftist media never fucking talked about you in the past

All our knowledge is from quick rundowns or self studies on your matter, you’re onto same level as holdomor or North Korea for us, I’m not joking

The Jewish media doesn’t want to talk about you maybe spreading knowledge about your case in the West might be a good idea because as we see the left tries not even acknowledge you exist

We must protect SA women.
How come white SA women haven't been raped?
Seems like they mostly just rape other black women and kill whiteys.
pic related.

>yfw no boer gf to fight kaffer apocalypse.

>The Jewish media doesn’t want to talk about you
that's because their agents are still operating in SA


Look at the amount of effort you're going through to be hateful and racist. If you guys even put half that effort into improving relations with black south africans then there would be no tension


and how would you suggest they do that. or how many reach outs do they need. have you been living under a rock or something. this shit has been going on since the 90's. blacks own the country...and look what they are doing with it.

Like this girl for example that improves her relation ship with African niggers

Typical leaf
Kys faggot

To be honest most BLACKED posters are swedes, Canadians and Australians fishing for (yous ).


If melema has a better song in the run up to the election, he's won unless the ANC steal it from him.

Produce a banging tune about killing white people and use the ensuing anti white chimp out as a means of shaming them internationally


All we hear about you guys is MUH APARTHEID LITERAL NAZISS

Hassle is that umshini wami or 'bring me my machine' (read - gun -)4has been sung so often and 'shoot the Boer' has ostensibly been banned...
The EFF is often afraid to go way extreme in public. We had a speaker from the EFF (who had been banned from being allowed to address the public at events on public property) Larp and say he was going to defy the court order and speak at campus near me, needless to say he pussied out.
They're just as scared of their movement losing all mainstream legitimacy as they are eager to strike.
Almost the same boat as us, go too early and you're caught with your cock in your hand.
So while a sensational song would be nice I don't think we can rely on them.


it wouldn't be aimed at any particular party, just blacks you now from experience how hyped up and uncontrollable they get after a good song and dance.

>get me my machete, turn Boers into jelly, take farm fill my belly.
Shit example I know, but Africa is the only continent where you incite the population with a song made on your laptop. Jut make loads of ooo ahhh monkey sounds every now and again and spaces for gunshot sounds from the audience and you've pretty much got it.

it wouldn't be attached to the EFF or ANC the public would just suck it up. Looking at the state of der antwoord it really can't be that hard to get into the charts


In South Africa about 69% of non-whites were born after 1981, compared to 31% of non-whites born in 1981 or earlier.

In South Africa on the other hand about 60% of whites were born before 1981, 40%~ after 1981.

Tensions are getting worse even though most of the population never had apartheid.

You have a point, but to cause a proliferation throughout the blackesphere may be harder than you suppose.
I certainly wouldn't know the first thing of what appeals to a nation of arse fuckers and cannibals, so further suggestion are welcome.


>what would you require to effectively pull off a covert campaign such as this?
>covert campaign such as this?
>covert campaign
I don't think that word means what you think it means newfag.

I work in a majority rich white area, see thousands of people move through my workplace daily, lucky if I see more than 50 white kids with parents, never more than 2, that's in an area with two primary schools a middle school and a pair of high schools...

Pic related: Mfw I see some of the creatures my white contemporaries have to settle for within their own race

Jesus fucking christ dude, how are you this retarded?
You are the living embodiment of stupidity in textual form.

Is it possible that the Whites in South Africa could rise up and take over the Government and military again and reestablish Apartheid?

I have yet to hear about any right wing groups in the US holding any protest or charity events in support of white farmers. Pretty disappointed at the lack of swiftness desu

It's close enough to being correct to call you a faggot for playing with semantics.

Not on the scale it once was, but yes, we could reclaim land and defend it as long as (((((they))))) don't manage to organise any kind of air support

Its not semantics when the meaning of the word is completely opposite of the reality you dumb fuck.
Covert means that the existence of the operation is not known publicly, and since you made the thread on a public forum, not only will it not work, but people can trace the origins.

ZA is doomed. If anything make the West go independent as a coloured/white Afrikaaner nation with minority rule.

Oh yeah because CNN has acknowledged this site for anything beyond Jennifer Lawrence's tits...
Never mind the fact that it is in fact correct, what you're suggesting is that it's counter intuitive posting on a public forum, the word itself is therefore not incorrect, especially when I consider this a relatively secure place to organise an operation that will reach normies and normies alone.

Dude what are you? Fucking 12 years old?
What the fuck does CNN have to do with this?
Why the fuck are you even talking about them?

And this is most certainly not a "relatively secure place" there are entire forums on other sites that monitor Sup Forums and list the various narrative pushes being made from here.

Because this pertains to the relationship between public discourse and a media reaction to it, Jesus did you bother to read anything I wrote.
Well fuck, then nothing is worth talking about because they can see the childish nature of this site and how it's pervaded through what they consider puerile and pathetic humour, yet we reach people.
If there's a direct counteraction by these people monitoring here then how is any influence spread through what it done here when they can prove the method every time and shatter the illusion of an organic spread of a narrative.

Ok, so do two things for me here champ, crawl out of your own ass, and then think about how stupid this all is, and you are for thinking it up.

Do you think whites in South Africa watch CNN and do you think normies would care about "fake news" if they live in South Africa where the EFF wants to kill them?

Is there a section of the country that's predominantly white? Why not work on succession?

Also what are the gun laws in SA? Are autos ok?

The term is secession my phoneposting friend.

No, there is no majority white part of the country. The goal of Apartheid was to take the black parts of the country and make them independent countries, so the white part would remain white and free of niggers. However cheap labor made South Africa very rich during the post-war boom period of the 1950s to the 1970s when Europe and Asian were rebuilding and countries like Singapore and Saudi Arabia were rapidly developing, so South African minerals were sold to every country worldwide. The end result is that modern day Randlords bribed the National Party and the Afrikaner Broderbond to betray their principles and hand the country over to the negro communists under the assumption the ANC was also 100% under the thumb of the rich mining magnates.

Now the white areas are overrun with niggers, places like Capetown which were majority white in 1990 are now only 30% white.

This is why the "volkstaat" is proposed in a region where less than 100,000 people people (90% non-white) currently live. Moving 3-4.6 million whites there would make it 97-98% white.

However in reality it is preferable to gain control of the whole northern cape in a hypothetical scenario.

This is very unlikely however as building a new country in shitty desert scrubland is really hard and most saffers who find the current South Africa intolerable would prefer to just move to Australia if it was possible.

Nice seeing someone knowing South Africa wasn't just segregation and descrimination.

The approach of Afrikaners was to separate each culture and tribe to their respective areas, like done in Europe, they wanted to have the same model here.

Since Southern Africa was riddled with tribal wars, they sought to break up each group and establish classes with the respective areas. When the whole country was already mixed up with townships rapidly growing on the outskirts of towns, they had to force relocation. Which of course brought international outrage.

They understood that sudden wealth distribution between the previously poor would lead to corruption, which is why the tagerted communities had massive development in schools, housing and hospitals.

Then with each group seperated, they would get rid of the cultural barrier but the language barrier would still exist. For this afrikaans was introduced into the schooling system so that when seperated, they could still communicate with full understanding. Which i would personally say lead to more trouble than needed.

Also another factor to the downfall was the massive immigration from the rest of Africa, coping with millions of blacks coming in had the same effect that Europe is currently facing.

With the massive border South Africa had, and an all ready massive black population grouping up to fight apartheid, they had a hard time controlling the masses.

Knowing that it could still have violent results, even when separated, the afrikaans government needed to be a leading military force stronger than these factions. Therefore developed a nuclear arsenal so that they would be superior while the transformation happens.

Of course all these actions were just shown in the in bad light. Leading to all the international pressure. If south africa never faced all the sactions, and the ANC never got all their funding and training from the soviet union. South Africa today would have been completely different.


Good posts, thanks for the info

Shitskin here...you’re generalizing severely... and you’re mistaking the common shitskin with a typical responsibility averse dindu nuffins nignog. Reality is most shitskin polchanners are rigorous defenders of the free-for-all unfiltered conversation on these chans. The majority even accept the shortcomings and flaws of their races... lefty-pol is a primarily white/kike phenomenon and brownpol rightly views cuckery as cancer. The difference between brownpol and stormlarp pol is that stormfags are almost nigger-tier in their rejection of responsibility for the current state of whites in the world. Everyone else admits to their own nigger tendencies and actively fights the disease.

tldr; anti-white pol consist of mostly whites

Haha faktisk ja

Hoe de donner het jy leer Noorweegs praat?


is this really how you say it

fortell meg hva jentene i videoen synger (brevet i /norgetråden/)

han er min v-venn

>tldr; anti-white pol consist of mostly whites

Shit, anti-white culture consists of mostly whites. It's no surprise that that Sup Forums experiences that as well

>hy is my vriend
Ja, maar hoe gereeld kry mens van ons mense wat kan Noorweegs praat? Dit is nogal ‘n niche taal om te leer.

good post, if off topic

Noorsk* Het n paar vriende vanaf Noorweë, tesame met So het maar dit geleer vir keks

Ek sien gereeld jou posts hier en dit fassineer my eindeloos. Wou jou al ‘n geruime tyd daaroor vra.

if whites only make up 8-10% of the country i dont think it can end in a happy ending

German just likes to post that in every thread

Seker my gereelde Swanepoel posting wat my altyd weg gee. Baie dankie vir mooi woorde. Ek spandeer tog n bietjie te veel tyd op hierdie webblad...



Niks fout met Swanepoel posting nie. Klaarblyklik spandeer ek ook hopeloos te veel tyd hier.