Canada is genociding Whites

As you know, Canada is undergoing the fastest demographic replacement in the world. Furthermore, the Government of Canada is actively misleading the public as to its demographics in two ways:

>1. It manipulates the "visible minority" statistic by having a clause that results in visible minorities not being counted as visible minorities if they also claim to be White or some European country (culturally). Essentially any visible minority that grew up in a Western country is NOT considered a visible minority. This allows the government to claim Canada is 73% White, when in fact it was 53% in 2016 and is set to hit 49% in 2019.

>2. Immigration numbers are misconstrued and lied about. The government touts Skilled Immigration is good for Canada, when in fact it does nothing but suppress wages. The Liberals have removed the requirement that a skilled immigrant have a job offer (no job offer needed anymore). The Liberals use immigration as an ideological tool, and Canada's entire immigration system is designed to replace Canada's native White European population with non-White 3rd world unskilled immigrants. Unironically, this immigration plan was designed by none other than George Soros.

Other urls found in this thread: Report Somali Youth Final.pdf

To expand on point 1. The Canadian government is cooking the 2016 census to make it appear that visible minorities are smaller than they actually are.

>The government throws around the 22% visible minority #, when in fact visible minorities are 47% and European Whites are at 53%. Trudeau does this as follows.

There are two ways to determine whether someone is White on the Canadian census; one is by ethnicity, of which a respondant can choose one or more (infinite ethnicities) (ie. Canadian, Scottish, Indian, Chinese, Cameroonian). This is problematic for the most part; however there is on reliable indicator from this methodology that excludes almost all non-whites (counting people only with White European ethnicity and excluding any non-White ethnicity as that would make the person non-White).

The other is the Visible Minority statistics always shilled. Census respondants are asked "Is this person:" (White, South Asian, Chinese, Black, Flip, Spic, Arab, Southeast Asia, West Asian, Korean, Japanese, Other - Specify). It works as you'd expect, except for one gigantic mindfuck.

Justified (((based))) on some Employment Equity Act definition, if someone chooses Arab, Latin American or West Asian, and chooses White as well, they are NOT counted as a visible minority. Like wise, if they write in any European country they are NOT counted as a visible minority.

To give you an example,

>Sunni Lebanese Muslim declares himself Arab and White, he would NOT be counted as a visible minority.

>Morrocan Muslim Arab says he is Arab and French, he would NOT be counted as a visible minority.

>Black "huewhite" Brazilian chose Latin American and Portugese, he would NOT be a visible minority.

So millions of Arabs, West Indians and Latin Americans are excluded from the visible minority statistic because of this kikery. Almost every Arab comes from a Euro-colonized country and a lot hold European passports, same thing for Latin Americans and West Indians.

Straight from the Census guidelines:


>In contrast, in accordance with employment equity definitions, persons who reported ‘Latin American’ and ‘White,’ ‘Arab’ and ‘White,’ or ‘West Asian’ and ‘White’ have been excluded from the visible minority population. Likewise, persons who reported ‘Latin American,’ ‘Arab’ or ‘West Asian’ and who provided a European write-in response such as ‘French’ have been excluded from the visible minority population as well. These persons are included in the ‘Not a visible minority’ category.

There is no legitimate reason to be applying this "Employment Equity Guideline" rule in the census other than to reduce the number of visible minority number. Statistics Canada does not publish how many millions of visible minorities are excluded as a result of this hidden, back-door book cooking rule, but based on the fact that only 19.68M Canadians declared themselves only of European ancestry, which would imply approximately 17M visible minorities, it is obvious this rule is used to massage the Visible Minority number down to 8.3M (22.6%).

Late 1990s:

>White European Canadians were a 90%+ majority until the 2000s and Canada was conservative, no LGBTQ+ propaganda
>All of a sudden, start seeing Africans, Muslims, Pakis, Chinks, etc everywhere
>Multiculturalism expands to hyper levels, every school/university/work place/government agency starts ramming diversity down our throats
>House prices start accelerating
>Wages start decreasing

Fast Forward 2018

>Toronto 30% white
>Vancouver Syrian Refugees 24/7 on TV/news
>White people can't find work, it's all non-whites getting jobs
>Average house price is $1M+ while salaries are 50K-60K max
>Refugees driving BMW and Mercedes
>Most Universities have non-white majorities
>White Europeans down to 49%
>Whites will be Nobody really knows why this is happening so fast, government always touts (((250-300k))) "reasonable" immigration a year
>But nobody has ever heard of a white person immigrating in the last 20 years


>Turns out Canada is letting in 750K on permanent residency a year via various immigration schemes not publicized
>Canada lets in 1.2M a year on "temporary immigration" that's 10 year work/live visas that lead to citizenship that aren't even counted in public statistics
>Turns out secret GBA+ (Gender Based Analysis Plus) program is forced down every government decision maker including immigration officers to discriminate against straight whites
>Turns out 97% of immigrants are poor non-whites
>Turns out there is a secret organization called the Metropolis Project that holds an annual conference of 1,000+ government bureaucrats with the sole objective of letting in as many poor non-white migrants a year
>Turns out this organization started in the 90s, around the time of the change
>Turns out George Soros started and funded the Metropolis Project through his Open Societies Foundation
>Gov using M-103 anti-Islamophobia motion to criminalize any criticism of migration policy and install thought police

The ride never ends.


canada is a meme country who gives a shit

How did this radical demographic shift occur right under our noses? Let's start off with Gender Based Analysis Plus, or GBA+ for short.

GBA+ is a program designed to address "inequalities" in various government programs and decision making processes.

Let's take a look at how the government describes it.

>What is GBA+?
GBA+ is an analytical tool used to assess the potential impacts of policies, programs, services, and other initiatives on diverse groups of women and men, taking into account gender and other identity factors. The "plus" in the name highlights that GBA+ goes beyond gender, and includes the examination of a range of other intersecting identity factors (such as age, education, language, geography, culture and income).

>GBA+ and Gender Equality
In 1995, the federal government committed to using GBA+ as a means of advancing gender equality in Canada, as part of the ratification of the United Nations’ Beijing Platform for Action.

Gender equality is a core Canadian value and is enshrined in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which is part of the Constitution of Canada. Gender equality means that women and men, in all their diversity, are able to participate fully in all spheres of Canadian life, contributing to an inclusive and democratic society.

The Government recently renewed its commitment to GBA+ and is working to strengthen its implementation across all federal departments.


What a (((coincidence))).


>1. Myth: Women and men are already equal in Canada, so GBA+ is not needed.

While many advances have been made, equality gaps remain. Women in Canada today earn, on average, only 73.5 cents for every dollar that men earn. Women are also more often the victims of domestic and sexual violence and continue to be under-represented in leadership and executive positions, occupying only 10.3% of positions on corporate boards.

This is especially evident for certain groups of women. For example, women from northern and rural communities are more likely to experience poverty; Aboriginal women are far more likely to experience sexual and intimate partner violence; and immigrant women experience higher rates of unemployment.

>2. Myth: GBA+ only applies to women’s issues – it is advocacy for women.

GBA+ is not advocacy for anyone. It is an analytical tool designed to help us ask questions, challenge assumptions, and to identify potential impacts, taking into account the diversity of Canadians. Once an issue has been analyzed using the GBA+ process, gender may emerge as the most important factor, while in other cases it might be culture, geography, or a combination of factors that may put a particular group at greater risk.

>3. Myth: GBA+ only applies to the “social” sectors.

All government policies affect people. While gender and diversity issues may be more obvious in some areas (e.g. education and health) and less obvious in others (e.g. natural resources and defence) this does not necessarily mean that gender is not relevant. GBA+ can and has been used across social, economic, public safety and scientific sectors.

>Notice how the government emphasizes factors other than gender.

What are these other (((factors)))? Well, that's what the + stands for in Gender Based Analysis Plus.

>What about the “plus”?

We can use sex and gender as an entry point for analyzing an issue, but women, men, boys and girls are not homogeneous groups. A variety of factors, sometimes referred to as identities, such as age, culture, language, sexual orientation, education, ability, geographic location, migration status, faith, ethnicity, and socio-economic status, intersect with sex and gender to create someone’s experiences.

>sexual orientation
>geographic location
>migration status
>socioeconomic status

Literally every possible way to claim a white person is privileged and thus forcing every government bureaucrat to discriminate against them, for example, in an immigration decision or in hiring for a job.

The federal government forces every decision to be based on this Gender Based Analysis Plus.

>GBA+ is everyone's responsibility:

All public servants should incorporate gender and other aspects of diversity into their work process by asking questions about how diverse groups of women and men may be impacted, and by ensuring that measures are put in place to address any inequalities.

>ensuring that measures are put in place to address any inequalities
>aka always refuse heterosexual whites

Through systematic use of GBA+, policy analysts, researchers, program officers, evaluators and other public servants are able to improve their work by being more responsive to specific needs and circumstances and therefore attaining better results for all Canadians.

>Systematic use of GBA+

Managers contribute to the success of GBA+ by making it a priority. This can entail supporting their teams by allocating time and resources for GBA+ training and GBA+ related activities. They can also integrate GBA+ as a performance expectation.

>Making GBA+ a priority

Executives must ensure gender considerations are part of the decision-making process and, where identified, equality gaps are being addressed. The Central Agencies (the Privy Council Office, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, Department of Finance Canada) consider GBA+ a component of due diligence and may request evidence of it for any Cabinet document.

>Executives must ensure gender considerations are part of the decision-making process and, where identified, equality gaps are being addressed. Documentation must be kept that GBA+ was used.

>Immigration Canada officers must exclude straight Whites because equality gaps must be addressed.

Immigration Canada officers must exclude straight Whites because equality gaps must be addressed.

>Immigration Canada officers must exclude straight Whites because equality gaps must be addressed.

So now that you are aware of the Gender Based Analysis Plus program mandated by the federal government program and used to ensure discrimination against straight whites, that started in 1995, let's take a look at the Metropolis Project.

The almost 1,000 people at the 2017 Metropolis Conference in Montreal are on the front lines of an effort central to a country with arguably the world’s highest per capita in-migration.

Each year, Canada spends roughly $1.2 billion on the so-called “settlement sector.” Its mission is to assist more than 300,000 new immigrants and refugees a year while supporting 325,000 foreign students and more than 300,000 temporary foreign workers.

Migration is a mass phenomenon in Canada, unlike in most nations. Many settlement workers live in the cities that draw most migrants: Foreign-born people make up 45 per cent of Metro Vancouver’s and half of Greater Toronto.

>Workers in the settlement-sector form an influential Canadian subculture. One person at Metropolis affectionately referred to them as “activists with pensions.” Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen spoke twice and told them they greatly influence public policy.

I began wondering, however, how much these upstanding people represent the Canadian population. Do their values correspond at all to opinion poll results or with the issues Canadians follow through the media?

>The vast majority at the taxpayer-funded Metropolis conferences live on government paycheques or grants. They are in the Immigration Department, the Heritage Department, public research universities and taxpayer-financed non-profit organizations.

Their theme is humanitarianism. Metropolis participants repeatedly said Canada should bring in more immigrants, refugees and foreign students, migrants are a “vulnerable population” and taxpayers should spend more on them.



Given what I witnessed, and the titles of hundreds of Metropolis presentations, critical discussion was muted. Orthodoxy seemed to reign.

It’s understandable. A lot of livelihoods, research grants and vested interests are at stake.

And, anyways, most attendees seemed keen on what they do. A few, indeed, seemed boastful.

There were basically only two things attendees would criticize.

One was the alleged shortage of funding for settlement organizations, refugee agencies and foreign students. As a keynote speaker said, “We always have to do more.”

The second thing subject to criticism was the “media” and, by extension, Canadians themselves. Each was occasionally referred to as “tolerant” but more often chastised for being xenophobic.

Self-censorship is a factor. When I sat at a table and mentioned I was a journalist, a woman who worked for the federal Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship department smiled and made a gesture of zipping her lip.

>a woman who worked for the federal Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship department smiled and made a gesture of zipping her lip.
>made a gesture of zipping her lip.

Two PhDs who worked for immigrant-support agencies in Western Canada acknowledged the lack of to-and-fro was partly a result of staff being forbidden to challenge government policy.

>a result of staff being forbidden to challenge government policy

A senior Immigration official then told me off the record the country’s many immigrant-support agencies routinely claim they need more funding. It’s part of the game.

The official said many agencies tend to exaggerate problems faced by immigrants, including the dangers of racism.

>dangers of racism



For instance, I couldn’t find a speaker exploring how high migration rates influence Canadian workers (both native and immigrant) who are trying to find decent-paying jobs, get accepted at universities, organize unions, access social services, obtain counselling or afford housing.

These host-society issues are being discussed in Europe and Britain, where the two-way impact of high migration is taken more seriously. Why not here?

>FACT: The Metropolis Conference, held annually and a shill gathering for promoting mass 3rd world immigration to Canada, is funded by the Metropolis Project

The Metropolis Project was started, is funded and is controlled by George Soros and his Open Societies Foundation

>The Metropolis Project was started, is funded and is controlled by George Soros and his Open Societies Foundation

The Metropolis Project was started, is funded and is controlled by George Soros and his Open Societies Foundation

>The Metropolis Project was started, is funded and is controlled by George Soros and his Open Societies Foundation

The Metropolis Project was started, is funded and is controlled by George Soros and his Open Societies Foundation

>The Metropolis Project was started, is funded and is controlled by George Soros and his Open Societies Foundation

The Metropolis Project was started, is funded and is controlled by George Soros and his Open Societies Foundation

>The Metropolis Project was started, is funded and is controlled by George Soros and his Open Societies Foundation

The Metropolis Project was started, is funded and is controlled by George Soros and his Open Societies Foundation

>The Metropolis Project was started, is funded and is controlled by George Soros and his Open Societies Foundation

>newcomers pay about half as much in income taxes as other Canadians but absorb nearly the same value of government services, costing taxpayers roughly $6,051 per immigrant and amounting to a total annual cost of somewhere between $16.3-billion and $23.6-billion.

>immigrants paid an average of $10,340 in income tax and other taxes, compared with the $16,501 paid by all Canadians. While newcomers each received $110 less than the rest of Canadians, the “net fiscal transfer per immigrant” still amounted to $6,051 annually

On average, immigrants pay half as much income tax as Canadians and cost the Canadian taxpayer billions every year

Soros actively funds thousands of government shills at CIC and other NGOs to produce (((academic literature))) to produce literature to support unlimited economic 3rd world migration to Canada

CIC = Citizenship and Immigration Canada

Here is some of Soros' Metropolis Project research. Report Somali Youth Final.pdf



The following comprehensive recommendations were suggested by the
participants in the Metropolis Conversation. Some recommendations are specific to
Somali youth:

>Embedding a Positive Outlook of Somalis and Minorities in Canada

• Address racism and Islamphobia in all levels of government to create a space for
inter-cultural dialogue.

• Recognize the achievement of leaders in visible minority communities through
awards provided by government, particularly at the municipal level, to encourage
the continuance of leadership initiatives


• Create integrated and holistic community support systems and programs for
immigrant families within institutional frameworks
• Integrate the histories and experiences of students in classrooms provincial

• Incorporate strategies that maximize the roles of guidance councillors to
accommodate immigrant and second-generation youth, especially those who are
also working to support their families
• Increase the number of settlement workers and translators in schools

• Establish a more visible partnership between schools and parents that involves an
equal sharing of power and information to make clear the expectations of both the
student and parent

• Look to alternative methods of discipline (i.e. alternatives to suspensions and
expulsions) in school settings to remove a sense of disproportionate punishment
on minority youth


>• Increase the recruitment of visible minorities into the public service and political spheres to reflect Canada’s diverse population

>• Recognize the development of minority youth as a security priority in the Budget and government agendas

• Ministries of Education:

>o Invest in curriculum development to facilitate inclusiveness and representativeness

>o Incorporate intensive training in teacher’s college on diversity and exceptionalities

>o Implement programs on anti-bullying specifically on race and Islamophobia.


Isn't that a (((coincidence))) that Soros has been battling (((Islamophobia))) for many years in Canada through his (((Metropolis Project)))?

Here are the various Metropolis Project Centers in Canada. Feel free to explore them. Every single thing revolves around bringing in poor, 3rd world migrants to Canada.

>Atlantic Metropolis Centre

A Centre for Excellence for Research on Immigration, Integration and Cultural Diversity

>Metropolis British Columbia - MBC

A Centre for Excellence for Research on Immigration, Integration and Cultural Diversity

>Metropolis Ontario - CERIS

A Centre for Excellence for Research on Immigration, Integration and Cultural Diversity

>Prairie Metropolis Centre - PMC

A Centre for Excellence for Research on Immigration, Integration and Cultural Diversity

>Quebec Metropolis Centre - IM

The Quebec Metropolis Centre - Immigration and Metropolis (QMC-IM) is a research consortium made up of 6 Quebec universities.

>6 Quebec Universities, oy voy, Soros must be really pissed that Quebec doesn't like non-white immigrants.

>International Metropolis Centre

The International Metropolis Project is a forum for bridging research, policy and practice on migration and diversity.

Now for the "controlled" and "reasonable 250-300k" immigrants. This is a lie by omission, and in fact we let in 1,231,041 3rd world migrants on 10-year unlimited stay/work VISAs that count as "temporary immigration" which is never publicized.

>We will also continue to welcome those who come to Canada temporarily. Canada has always been a popular destination for students, workers and visitors from around the world, and this popularity is growing at a remarkable rate. In 2015, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada processed more than two million temporary resident applications and extensions. Temporary immigration represents a significant contribution to Canada’s labour market and to our economy in general. We are committed to improving processing times and meeting the challenge of more and more people applying to come to Canada.

>As of December 31, 2015, citizens from 149 countries and territories required temporary resident visas to visit Canada. In 2015, IRCC processed applications (new and extensions) from 1,588,590 persons seeking temporary resident visas to come to Canada, 82.3% of which were approved. IRCC continued to be successful in promoting the use of multiple-entry visas, which are valid for up to 10 years and allow applicants from visa-required countries to travel to Canada more frequently and on their own schedules. In 2015, a total of 1,231,041 multiple-entry visas were issued, which was a 21% increase from 2014. Effective February 6, 2014, a policy change automatically considered visitors to Canada eligible for a multiple-entry visa. IRCC also introduced a single fee for the processing of a temporary resident visa applicable to both single-entry and multiple-entry applications.

Canada gave 10-year unlimited duration with full work privileges (=PR) to 1,231,041 3rd world non-white migrants. People from rich countries don't need visas.

>tfw parts of the GTA are literally controlled by the chinese; banks and government buildings have chinese-only signage.
>tfw the government controlled media shoves multiculturalism and racemixing down everyone's throats and most densely populated areas eat it up like breakfast
>tfw the only "culture" our government propagates is multiculturalism and corporatism for shitty coffee and a shitty sport
>tfw I want to get guns for when the inevitable balkanization happens but the government literally treats you like a criminal if you get a PAL

Even the lies the government tells us imply Canada is taking in 1% of its population each year in the form of non-whites.

So USA 7.5k, UK/colonies 5.5k, France 6k, Russia 2k, ~21k. Add some other random countries, 25k total.

Maybe half of those are White non-muslims. 12.5k

So 12.5k / 300k were whites, or 97% non-white 3rd world migrants.

And that's the PR class. There's the Temporary Immigration class which is the same as PR, as they're given 10-year dual work/live visas with no restrictions. Canada let in 1.2M of those in 2015.

>A high-powered group of external advisers is calling for a dramatic increase in Canada's immigration levels, but Immigration Minister John McCallum says that might be too ambitious.

aka the Metropolis Project and Soros

>McCallum said Wednesday he's read the report by the Advisory Council on Economic Growth that calls for a 50-per-cent increase in targets to 450,000 people a year.

>The measure would target skilled, entrepreneurial newcomers in an attempt to stimulate economic growth.

>muh economic growth

Trudeau has stated he wants to up base PR immigration (economic class + family reunification) to a 450K (((base))) from the current 300K (which was increased from 250K last year).

>update its well over 400K now (just for PR)

Here's more on Soros' Metropolis Project/Conference:

Diversity Drives Prosperity

Toronto, March 2, 2016
Mobility, movement, migration—the great flow of people and ideas to cities around the world—is unstoppable. Today’s super-diversity follows the great urbanization of the world. New cities of migration are in the global north and in the global south, and span every continent. As IOM’s William Lacy Swing says: “Cities rarely shrink to greatness. They get better by growing and to grow they must welcome migrants.”

If diversity is the new norm, does diversity drive prosperity? Can diversity bring more trade, more talent, more social innovation? We think so. The evidence linking diversity and prosperity is strong and growing, bolstered by new voices, new research strategies, and new forms of collaboration.

The 2016 Cities of Migration Conference is brought to you by the Global Diversity Exchange, Ryerson University, in collaboration with the 18th National Metropolis Conference, March 3-5, 2016.

Join local government and community leaders, practitioners, experts, activists and policy-makers for a one-day forum and in-depth analysis of the issues and opportunities created by today’s global flows of migration.

>Metropolis created, funded and controlled by Soros via Open Societies Foundation
>Pic is also Canada

Program Highlights:

Open, Smart, Diverse? What Cities Need To Do. Our opening speaker and plenary panel take stock of how super-diversity challenges and sustains urban resilience and liveability.
New Talent, New Markets. Business leaders discuss the links between workforce diversity and market opportunity, and the impact of diversity on innovation in products, services, and processes.
Changing Governance in Changing Times. Civic leaders examine institutional innovation and culture shift in the boardroom — from the ballroom and ball park all the way to the bank.
Social Innovation in the New Economy. A leading thinker explores how diversity and social innovation drive the entrepreneurial spirit of the new economy.
Marketplace of Good Ideas. Our signature event takes you on a multi-city tour of successful, scalable integration strategies and social innovations for building open, inclusive cities and workplaces. Welcoming Refugees. Closing conversation on welcoming refugees into our communities and workplaces.
Welcoming Refugees in Cities Closing conversation on welcoming refugees into our urban communities, institutions, neighbourhoods and workplaces. – See more at: Cities of Migration: Diversity Drives Prosperity
Annual GDX Lecture included in your registration! Dr. Khalid Koser, Executive Director of the Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF) in Geneva, Switzerland. Dr. Koser is a global citizen. In his lecture he will touch on many of the pressing issues surrounding the unprecedented movement of people across the globe: refugees, internal displacement, global governance, human security, community engagement and counter-radicalization. He will provide a new lens on the question: does diversity drive prosperity?

>Funded by (((Open Societies Foundation)))
>(((Bertelsmann))) Stiftung
>(((World Bank)))

Soros literally controls Canada's Immigration policy/ministry.

Immigration Minister John McCallum revealed that Canada is about to announce a new partnership with the American billionaire George Soros and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) to promote an initiative that will help Canada and other countries to resettle greater numbers of refugees. The following are excerpts from McCallum’s interview with Rosemary Barton, host of CBC News Network’s Power & Politics, on September 19, 2016:

“We are also offering assistance on our privately sponsored refugees… Well, let me first talk about privately sponsored in the international context.

“We are having a joint initiative and tomorrow [September 20, 2016] we will announce it between Canada, George Soros and the UNHCR, which is an initiative to sell our privately sponsored refugee program to other countries. I know of at least thirteen countries who have a potential interest.

>between Canada, George Soros and the UNHCR

Here's one objective that's being met: Canadian wages are among the lowest in the G7, Canadians tax burden among the highest, and Canadians are the most unproductive workers among developed economies.

Canadian wages are complete shit, the average Canadian earning $29,000 before taxes. In Quebec taxes go as high as 58.75%.

Skilled Immigration is not about fulfilling job shortages-- that's a myth. Canada has 4 million unemployed. Here's proof that "Skilled" immigration is a farce.

Express Entry for skilled immigration, ie. the cream of the cream of the cream of the crop for Canada's skilled immigration policy:

Top 10 Invited Occupations Number# %
NOC6311 - Food service supervisors 2,356 8%
NOC6322 - Cooks 2,295 8%
NOC2171 - Information Systems Analysts and Consultants 1,255 4%
NOC2173 - Software Engineers 940 3%
NOC2174 - Computer Programmers and Interactive Media Developers 935 3%
NOC4011 - University professors and lecturers 745 3%
NOC6211 - Retail sales supervisors 669 2%
NOC5241 - Graphic Designers and Illustrators 550 2%
NOC1111 - Financial Auditors and Accountants 494 2%
NOC1112 – Financial and Investment Analysts 446 2%
Top 10 10,685 38%

>Food Prep supervisors (aka Tim Horton cashiers)
>Retail sales (cashiers)
>IT/coders, further depressing Canada's ultra low coding salaries (programmers make around the same as a minimum wage Tim Hortons worker)

Thank you for the thread and information, based pole

>muh immigration is good for our economy

So why the fuck did the Feds cancel the Investment Class Immigration route 4 years ago? Rich people can't bring 800K-1.6M in capital anymore and immigrate. There is literally 0 economic immigration.

The reason is immigration after the 90s has never been about the economy. Wealthy people tend to be conservative and not conducive to sucking on the states tit.

>inb4 LARP, schizo Pole etc

Here is canada's 2018 budget

>From the time the Government took office, it has been working to ensure GBA+ is applied comprehensively to all aspects of policy development and decision-making, and strengthening the quality of GBA+ with better data and the full consideration of impacts across a range of intersectional lenses.

>With Budget 2018, Canada sets a new standard of gender budgeting as a core pillar of budget-making—legislating higher standards and making meaningful investments toward greater gender equality underpinned by clear objectives and strong evidence. This builds on Budget 2017’s first ever Gender Statement by better integrating gender in the budget priority-setting process, and strengthening the use of GBA+ in decision-making.


Maxine Bernier tried to point out that the GBA+ basically fucks Whites and is racist and he immediately got called out by some nigger woman appointed by Trudeau and the Somali Muslim Nigger Immigration Minister for being a 'racist'.

You build a wall and kill leafs on sight or you annex them and deport all the shitskins.

Did you know Canada is literally harbouring ISIS terrorists? And you have the biggest unprotected border in the world. Trudeau gives them money even, allows them back (0 have been charged), and hides their identities so the CIA can't wetwork them. So right now, in canada, ISIS fighters with the protection of the Canadian government are plotting terrorist attacks likely against the USA. That's literally high treason.

Even the UK, France, Belgium, etc kill ISIS fighters on sight.

More in depth info if you have a few minutes to read

White Genocide 1/3



The madness in his eyes...

Dios mio...


Leafs are all mentally ill

Thank you for this info bro I can see you put much effort in this.


proszę bardzo, kolega

It's a fucking circus over here, and everyone is too fucking apathetic to change anything. Whatever happens is going to be well-deserved.


Nice work there but seriously I highly doubt that it is 49%. I don't think white population is going down, per capita yes but not in numbers. Besides that would imply that major cities are like 1/4 white only and I haven't read any Canadian accounts of that being the case. Vancouver is often cited and I highly doubt the Chinese there claim any white origin or nationality aside from their Chinese one... Also, Maghrebis going to Canada mostly do not have French passports - why would they bother when they already have a first world country to leech off? Besides it is mostly the educated that go to Canada while the uneducated go to France or Spain.

Toronto/the GTA is at least 1/3 white at this point.

One of a kind.

I used to live in Toronto and would only see brown people and chinks for days on end

Can I immigrate to Poland? I'm not a nigger

CHUT UP this is Canada

>Besides it is mostly the educated that go to Canada while the uneducated go to France or Spain.

>pic related
These are Canadian Mathematicians

implying Canada's whites are worth saving.

Where is this from?

35 fucking post are you not tired?

tfw when Canadians cheer more immigration
tfw when Canadians whine about high house prices

fuck off we're full

Read: Because Canada is not the only place where the left want to kill all dissidents.

My power only grows stronger

Thank you based Pole. The data looks good but I would like a double check, so any Canucks here: is this accurate? What is the current state of Canadian whites? Are the major cities almost entirely minorities? What about the countryside?

Canada will soon be a Brown nation, never forget the 100 million plan

This is a Canadian

100m 3rd world illiterate shitskins by 2050
>pic related

I'm proud of you for hating leaf so much.

Canada went from 93% white in 1981 to 53% white in 2016.
Not even Sweden and Germany has been this pathetic, Canada is officially the most cucked country

when east asia pulls ahead and the western countries become 3rd world tier, people like these will ask in surprise "how did that happen?"

>pic related

From an Ontario perspective: Most cities are browned. Brampton, a city close to Toronto, is basically Bangladesh. Most rural towns and smaller cities far from Toronto/Ottawa are white but more and more immigrants are moving into those areas as the big cities are too full/expensive. White people here are a fucking joke. They're either in complete denial over the state of things, or they do know what's happening but they don't care enough about it. Almost every white man I know and work with drinks like a fish or does drugs constantly. As long as the status quo is maintained, they won't do a damn thing.

53% face

They know what is happening. The leftist globalists want more illiterate gibs-dependent rapefugees so they stay in power, aggregate GDP increases so they have more influence, can afford bigger military, etc. But GDP per capita will plummet to 3rd world levels, so ordinary white leafs get fucked up the ass. It's a balancing act for the globalists, they need to bring in rapefugees faster than GDP per capita declines to make sure aggregate GDP increases overall. Hence trying to triple Canada's population by flooding it with africans

>Canada is now even creating a new class of refugees to help accomplish this goal-- meet the medical refugee.

>pic related

They are now going to allow 3rd world shitskins with Ebola, HIV/AIDS+, Zika, Typhus, Black Plague, etc come in on medical grounds and then provide them with free healthcare for life.

Based Pole, have a bump

Canada's not white anymore?



Is Canada really not white? I thought that someone just edited the wiki

Honestly, be happy that you get so many Chinese. You're just starting to feel the effects of illiterate Muslim immigration.
Shame that so many Canadians are too weak to do anything. There's a strange coefficient that the more north a country is, the less resistance it puts up against immigration (see the Scandies). How does a demographic replacement operation of this size go unnoticed? Is absolutely no one talking about this in Canada or what?

Why do you feel the need to post the same thread every day?

Polish nazi hating canada. Pay reparations to Jew you hitler! #Polishdeathcamps

S-send help


How did white population go down nearly 500k between 2011 and 2016 and nearly 3,000,000 down from 1981? Where are they going to?
This is the unreliable part of your research since I don't think white Canadians are disappearing on such a vast scale, its like the English-American box in the USA census - not reliable. Are these people claiming part-Native ancestry?

yeah the leftist globalists know about it, no doubt. was thinking more of the middle ground academics and cuckservatives.
well it's no secret that communists hate and always try to kill their own people. from the soviets to china, noone has ever killed as many of them as their own commies.
of course this whole "project" is going to fail spectacularly. if you replace your whole population with 3rd worlders you become the 3rd world. and all their "skilled immigration" memes can't conceal that fact.

Come here buddo

Having a pal isn't so bad. If you get your RPAL you're on an RCMP watch list but I've never been bothered by police before, even when pulled over with firearms in the car. The only people that really treat you like criminals are city dwellers and boomers. Heaven forbid you run into some frumpy lady walking her dogs on crown land. I've had police called on me many times only for the callers to get a slap on the wrist.

-T. LeafanonWith2dozenPews

their children are mixed so you can't consider them white. WHAT'S WHY WE MUST MANTAIN WHITE PURITY.

Canada is a worthless meme country. Who honestly gives a shit?

Oh, it's noticed. City whites mostly think diversity is the greatest thing since sliced bread, rural whites know but are in a bubble and are apathetic. Some politicians (like Maxime Bernier, as mentioned in a post above) have taken note of the white genocide but the leftists and coloreds scream racism as soon as it's pointed out. There's also "hate-speech" bills like M-103 that prevent the issues from being talked about. It's fucked beyond belief, and even if people took action it's already too late.

I have no skills. I work where I do because they had a fair pay scale that just required time investment (7500+ hours) to make a decent living. I'm not really free to just throw it away and move somewhere else to start at the bottom again.

Just the RPAL? Figured it would be all firearms. Planning on going to the one-stop PAL/Hunting course in the fall to get one of those sweet SKS-15s.

remember Canadians...

This should be mandatory reading for all leaf anons

at this rate you'll soon end up like south africa, only with more chinks. better keep a backup plan for the future

They blandda up, take off to America because leaf salaries are 1/3 of US wages, and white's birth rate is 1.4 kids per couple

Shitskins have 3-4 kids each. They don't work because they are illiterate, so they go on welfare. That number is going to be way higher now, because Trudeau introduced a child benefit of $10K a year per kid, so all the shitskins just pump out a baby every 9 months now for their monthly cheques. Whites don't get this benefit because it is clawed back at around $40K, which is the most welfare shitskins can get. So basically White working people don't get it, but shitskins (all on welfare) get the full amount. Designed by Trudeau

It's like a fucking joke

Always slasv have to save everybodys ass or point shit out. Are we the only fucking people that have brains left? Or at least aren't this fucked by (((their))) games and tricks? God, I love being a slavic fuck sometimes like this.

by this post alone i can tell that you're using a vpn
the proper spelling of that would be "kolego" and not "kolega"
fucking larper

It's overblown a bit but I suppose it depends where you live. I'm north of Barrie Ontario so it's not that hostile an environment to gun owners. If you live in Toronto or Vancouver things might be different. Also I don't own a kodiak defence sks but I have a regular Sks, a type 81 and a Vz58 and can confirm that the VZ58 is the best commbloc 7.62x39 you can get. Start saving those loonies

Even with my RPAL people told me "oh the RCMP bogeyman can show up to your house without a warrant and take your guns in the middle of the night" but I've never had any issues. I think a lot of it is propaganda to keep people from getting firearms tbqh

What Germanbro says, better keep some sort of backup plan. What are the chances of the minorities surviving when the country fully collapses? As in: no gas / no power / no heat. They'd freeze to death pretty quickly, while many Canadians could hold out in the countryside.

Also, what are Canadian cities like now? The Netherlands are bad, but I'm really scared to think what Canada must look like now. How are whites even surviving?

>Turns out secret GBA+ (Gender Based Analysis Plus) program is forced down every government decision maker including immigration officers to discriminate against straight whites

Could you or any leafs present elaborate on this?

Per capita is what matters.

wtf? learn proper polish you bydło, or worse yet a leaf english teacher in poland

please help us

canadians refuse to wake up

this country is full of the most apathetic fucking morons on earth