This faggot is going sign our sovereignty away re:TPP

President Trump, please #RakeNOW

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our Merkel has a penis, at least i think so

Now now.. I'm a scientist .. give milk!
Also, what sovereignty did we have in the first place? We have always had a boot on our neck.. some can see it and some need it.

Frankly not much after the Human Rights Tribunal kangaroo court came into existence, but after Turdeau signs the TPP we will be under the mercy of arbiters paid for by the companies that are able to sue the government and the public for perceived profit losses. There's many more but what tops it off is we as a nation can't break the agreement once it's signed. Yah, fuck this shit.

NYT article:
U.S. Allies to Sign Sweeping Trade Deal in Challenge to Trump


this is the state of canadians on pol, too busy sucking diseased niggerdick to care about the country


New meme for all of pol to spam

how many obamaleafs per second can that thing rake up?
I need ten million, at least

You voted a drama teacher into office, and you're surprised by this?


the choices were so bad i voted for a new democrat

>America has risen from it's slumber like the Pheonix
>Trump is a master negotiator, renown for never loosing on deals
>Canada needs a man in charge now more than ever to compete with the USA

And then this happens, KEK:



I honestly feel bad for you leafs, many of you are waking up. I just hope it isn't too late

having experienced the big city (haha) and rural life I can say without a doubt that the two are mutually exclusive. the cities are full of hoarders, aging boomers and an influx of any race that has an IQ ceiling of 90. everywhere else are people who hate the big cities with a passion, have degraded hospital services, private contractors acting like mafias with monopolistic city service contracts, drug and weapons running, and can't forget the native kids still being sold to the child sex slave market. Thanks Frank Giustra and kike friends.

commie faggot


Make Ontario Great Again

that's why I couldn't support harper, i'm a first gen Canadian that that was the dumbest fucking thing they did, now the sandniggers they kicked out are coming back again with a vengeance, and get paid for it, like i predicted.

>Fucked if you do, fucked if you don't
Trump plz annex asap