Canyou think of other misunderstood monsters wich are just victims?

Canyou think of other misunderstood monsters wich are just victims?

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Wow it is as if decades of hollywood brainwashing is starting to manifest itself.

holy shit they figured out the point of the book.

are we this fucking retarded?

This is advertising for a new movie coming out.

this lmao

bretty gud book btw..

Frankenstein is the monster.
He creates a golem and it mindlessly wreaks havoc.
Just like that (((Spectre))) lady choosing to unleash the golem of Islam and brownness in Europe.

Frankenstein is an analog for the J-question.

>In Modern Hebrew, golem is used to mean "dumb" or "helpless". Similarly, it is often used today as a metaphor for a brainless lunk or entity who serves a man under controlled conditions but is hostile to him under others.[2] "Golem" passed into Yiddish as goylem to mean someone who is clumsy or slow.

The White Devil. But that story is to hard for them to understand.

It's not entirely wrong.

The monster was brought into being by no fault of his own.
He asked his creator for a woman to be made for him.
He complied then destroyed her before completion because he feared for the future of humanity if monsters started breeding that were this powerful.

There was nothing wrong in Frankenstein's decision to protect humanity.

There was nothing wrong in the monster existing.
He didn't ask to exist.
He wasn't asking for anything more than to have a partner.

Sometimes we have to crush someone's dreams for the greater good.
Killing perfectly innocent people because they could pose a threat to us in the future.


No it wasn't.


>Frankensteins monster
Is a retarded way to refer to Frankenstein. YES FRANKENSTEIN.
His father was Dr. Frankenstein so I'll call him Frankenstein all I want, I'm right you can all add the extra word but he's just Franky really.


Pop culture made him sympathetic.

In the book the monster is a shit from start to end. Just because he's ugly and can't get laid. Intentionally murders children and women for maximum pain. Frankenstein is the sympathetic character.

Yes, "Nazis" and all pro-white groups and individuals.

Yes, it was
He didn't ask to be brought in and as soon as he did he hit the ground running being shunned by all
You, being a poster on here, should understand that

Exactly, how the fuck is this news?

please don't tell me that you idiots genuinely think Frankenstein's monster is not the victim
have you ever read the book?

Frankestein was a sex deviant who obviously planned to fuck his own monster.

Jimmy Saville was a misunderstood man. I empathise with him. He was a good man.

>Killing perfectly innocent people because they could pose a threat to us in the future
Ok then. I vote to kill all white people. Given their history of violence and genocide, it would be for the greater good.
This. Frankenstein was the real monster.

>Degenerate necromancer scientist

>Puts together a corpse from parts

>Wake up from death with a hideous, stitched together body that will forever negate your ability to find work, a wife, who knows if your balls even work, etc.

Nothing unethical, move along here...

He was.

Absolutely spot on, the creature is actually a metaphor for zionism too, quite a few of the poets were aware of the coming tide of jewish supremacy
The book is great, well worth reading

It was a terrible book that read like it was written by a woman. Don't project onto me, I'm beloved by my community.

This. Someone actually read it.

it was written by a woman, wasn't it?

Bill Cosby.
He is a great man who has never had a single credible person say otherwise, but is a victim of scurrilous claims from attentions seekers and media who want to profit from the sensationalism.

Pol users are the modern days Frankensteins

Indeed it was.

I'd even say the man who kidnapped Madeline McCann was also a misunderstood monster. He was a good man trying to make a Brazilian family who couldn't have children happy

> I vote to kill all white people
Go ahead and try it.
In the end, the only reason non-white people even exist right now is from the kindness of white people not annihilating them despite always having the ability to do so.

If anything Frankenstein could be juxtaposed as a leftist and the monster as the immigrants.

Hillary. Why isn't she up by 50 points?

>Canyou think of other misunderstood monsters wich are just victims?

Is this sarcastic or what?
Frankenstein monster is obviously supposed to be sympathetic. A sizable portion of the book is him whining about how he didn't choose life.




>Implying Frankenstein isn't an allegory for parents who abandon their kids and refuse to recognize them as their own, whether through abortions or straigth up abandon.
There are real monsters out there

frankenstein created a monster for no reason other than his own vanity and it killed people. he is the real "monster" here.

read a book. maybe this one.