HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!

Sup Forums, is he....dare I say it, /ournigger/?

Other urls found in this thread:


>black man calls out (((them)))
>is he /ournog/
>smartest monkey in the US of A
Go back to nogtopia nigger


Fuck off retard

It’s only a matter of time before whitey stands up.

You've been saying that since 1865.

Anyone who is remotely redpilled needs to support black nationalists


Exactly. Let them have their ethnostate somewhere in Africa.

Farrakhan and the NOI just push the "black nationalist" shit to make money and seem radical. They'll never actually leave the white man's country

This. Problem is they are so few.

I've met more redpilled arabs than redpilled blacks.

Oy Vey more diversty for the white goyim

I'll even give them the state of Georgia

>meme flag
fuck off fag.

I would too. Jefferson Davis brought shame on the south in that state.

Unironic based black man

Sup Forums gotta back this guy and influence him to be 21st century malcom x

Here is a tip, just because some nigger supremacist call out the kikes(rightfully so) doesn't mean he gives two shits about whites. You give these people an ounce of power and they'll be forcibly confiscating white property without compensation and redistributing it among their fellow niggers just as they are in South Africa. These people will never be your "friends"

He is the voice inside trumps head.

American niggers never fully submitted to the Jew.

It's not about making friends with them. It's about convincing them they'd be better off in their own country, away from white people.

>You've been saying that since 1865
thats how long it takes to rev up the white rage engine

He requires all members of his group to wear suits and bowties at all times while remaining courteous in the face of opposition.

Man runs a clean operation

>Man runs a clean operation
he been working with the FBI for a long ass time

lmao, these people will preach "black excellence" an promote black nationalism, but at the end of they day they will still demand blacks be allowed into white spaces. They will never fuck off to their precious "mother land". Living off whitey's tax dollars is too important to them.

>Nation of Islam
Pick one and only one.

so sharpton and him? who doesn't work for them at this point?

This is why we must force the issue. Either push them to leave, or admit to their inferiority. Their pride will make them leave.

They will do neither, they are dumb as they are proud and all their short comings will be blamed on evil racist whitey just as they been for decades.

How can they blame evil racist whitey when we're removing ourselves from the equation and allowing them to prosper, like in Wakanda? Now would be the perfect time to push the black nationalist angle.

this is my favorite
"Everywhere there's more than 300 of us is turned into a ghetto!"


That's nice you goyim have found a reason to join forces for the betterment of your nations. Would be a shame if something happened to it.

>How can they blame evil racist whitey when we're removing ourselves from the equation and allowing them to prosper
That is the fucking point, they'll never remove whites from the equation. They'll always fall back on muh racism when they inevitably fail.
lol, there are blacks that unironically believe Wakanda would be a reality if it was for colonialism. Once again whitey's fault.
Stop being so naive.

Blacks are turning against OG cracka


>not thomas sowell


I like these guys when I see them hate the same people, hope you guys aren't shilling fake quotes

>*Read about the negroes and Jews that became slave traders
Fixed it.
SLAVERY WAS BLACK BECAUSE SLAVERS WERE BLACK AND ARAB no white person ever made a black a slave.

Pull up the videos where he bashes whites in general.

Considering that the race war is a utopia I'd be willing to negotiate with blacks like him if I were you.



Just by looking at the replies you can see how brainwashed Americans are.

afro centrists know that the babylonian talmud speaks of negros as a cursed seed


Tic toc

it's upsetting how bad it is.
i'm so so so glad i wasnt born here and raised by borderline zombies.

The enemy of my enemy is my nigga

He had Malcolm killed for calling out Elijah Muhammad 's degeneracy though.

What the fuck are you even doing on Sup Forums?

holy shit I love this pastor

yay warr

No nigger is our nigger, jizz sucking mutt

Nation of Islam had literally killed Malcolm X. I'm not even American to know this shiet

good one

Nah, he's an idiot, but the way things are going you'll get to see how fast all of the "I'm not white, I'm Jewish" useful idiots will scream for "fellow whites" to help them once they realize that they're just another flavor of cracker and how the black populace doesn't really distinguish between the two in the case of a full-blown helter skelter.

not long after he got pulled off stage for talking about Pizzagate and put in rehab (read MKULTRA re-programing)

pretty sure that was kanye and there was no talk of pizzagate

Farrakhan is the best gift a conservative could ask for. He's a walking, talking black eye for progressives.
Pretending to defend Israel and demanding democratic resignations is our powerplay. We need to repeat his name until the midterms.

why couldnt you lazy fucking white people just pick your own cotton? now whites +NIGGERS occupy my land