International Women's Day

Say something nice about women for IWD2018

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Dear waman: your pussy feels warm and amazing. That is all.

In Women is the word men

Some of you are tolerable

Women tried to raise me. They failed. Lulz so much for being the more empathic sex.


Your vagina is nice.

When will international mens day going to be on youtube?

You're good at cooking and cleaning.

They should all take the day off but production across the board would skyrocket and hurt their feminism.

Women really do deserve this special holiday. It is definitely not a fake way of propping up women and fueling the culture war.

Women are healthy for society when they don't have any rights.

They make good babies sometimes

I celebrate it by beating them up and bullying them to suicide.

One of them will give birth to the next Fuher, which will lead to the creation of the ethnostate

Dear Waman: The few things you are useful for are procreation, cleaning, cooking, raising children and sex. That's all I have to say about that

it is adorable how you try to comprehend logic, yet fail at applying it.

Happy woman's day Natalia. You will forever remain the queen of Sup Forums.

They make good food

Women are nice and don't have ulterior motives
that are predetermined and based off of peer
influence from beta orbiters and friends who are
bad at relationships because they are self centered serial


Is it true female human milk doesn't taste like cow milk?

some make great sammichs, most don't though.

>Sup Forums sperg out on all women instead of honoring the women who do well

There's plenty of good women out there. Cherish them. This is how we will fix a generation of good women, by offering them role models.

What is the point of International Women's Day in a world where any man can become a woman just by saying he is one?

You ruined, you took it all and you fucking ruined it for the five fucking seconds of pleasure it made you feel in the span of human history.

women were pretty cool before women's suffrage

Dear women,
Most of y'all are good at cleaning

My ex gf is redpilled and incredibased and this thread is really cramming down my throat what an actual special snowflake she is

Then she must be your ex because you are a faggot

If you take out the act of sex, women become worthless.

No. I want International Men's Day. Why should these whores get their own day? They already have valentines day and black history month.


This should be done as an experiment. All women take the day off one day and all men take the day off some other day. Compare results.