How are you celebrating #InternationalWomensDay?

How are you celebrating #InternationalWomensDay?

Other urls found in this thread:

>women empowerment is all about being able to end men with rape accusations

>there is no other end goal

makes me kek everytime, wish I was a gaylord desu

Is this the day we celebrate moms? Or is this the pussyhat march day? I have trouble keeping track anymore

The what now?

All of this is designed to make us snap. There is no logic to International Women's day. It's promoted by the same people who defend Islam. We read about all of this but there's no one to argue it's legitimacy with.

All designed to make us snap.

It's the day and age when everybody lose their minds.

fapping to BDSM porn

I asked my mum whether she would be celebrating today. She told me to be quiet and finish my chicken tendies.

Gonna hire a prostitute and make her regret coming to work today.

The eternal bitcher. Am I right, guys?


does this mean the other 364 are men's days?

By not paying a whore after sex.

Yeah, if women are one thing, it's quiet...

>How are you celebrating #InternationalWomensDay?

I'm watching Dick Masterson videos:

redpill your bros
a thread about feminism, the frankfurt school, and a bunch of degenerates

International what now?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

I don't celebrate communist holidays.


I'm jerking off to mass amounts of cuck porn today. Yay for womenz!

Men have done more so it is only natural

fug, I meant

gonna fuck my gf later and pull her hair and treat her like an animal like she knows she is

im gon beet my yeet to women

masturbate t buzzfeed on womens day

I love pound international womens day

You into bestiality?

Damn the way she said dick the second time was nice...

Yes you nigger

I don't speak taco man

gonna play videogames and fap to hentai

When are women not heard? The entire society is geared to facilitate all of their horseshit.

My wife likes hair pulling during sex too, and being choked. And spanked.
Then I have to hear endless shit on the radio on the way to work about #muhtoo, and wimmins day, and that women want to be respected and treated gentlemanly. These crazy broads!

Driving to the countryside with flowers and chocolate for my mom right now. Gonna have a comfy weekend away from the city, good times


By being bitter about it cause it's my fucking birthday, at least nobody talked about it at work, but hearing it on the radio every time those leftist hosts flap their kikescat covered gums it pissed me off.

Not having to put up with any of the stupidity this year because I'm turbo permabanned off twitter

Finish my Kingdom come deliverance play through and get my celibacy achievement.

This. Need to switch it from hashtag inot Pound when it serves out purposes like with #MeToo , make sure to run with this joke if you're on Twitter goys

>uses social media
>a fucking leaf

I’m celebrating by working today to earn a living for the senpai. Then, after work, I’m going to go home, drink a cold beer, and make my wife give me a blowjob.


I think women never lost their fucking voices

he just told you more or less kek