Women are a pillar of civilization...

Women are a pillar of civilization. They are the means of human reproduction and the counter-balance to our extremely logical way of thinking. Without women, we men would be lost, as civilization would be, too.

Treat your women with love, care, and respect. Give them nice things in life and keep them satisfied within your capabilities and within the limits of reason.

However, remind them that you demand the same level of love, care and respect from them. Otherwise, ignore them and move on, there are wonderful women out there who refuse the current stupidity.

Today, feminists and SJWs will be spamming and parroting factoids and spreading bullshit that feminism has been pulling out their asses for decades. Fight fallacy back. Use facts. Keep cool and on your ground.

You can use this brief, concise, and clear video as a start point to counter false propaganda:


Gender roles are not a social construct but a naturally-emerging phenomenon. Don't let feminism splash bullshit all over the walls.

Have a good day, Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:



Women are property.

Keep it up, and we will go back 300 years, and not a thing of any value will be lost.

As much as you are property to your employer or your country.

>Women are property.
Kek, caveman thinking in action. I bet you've never enjoyed a relationship with a real woman.

nice thread OP

If you don't treat your woman like she's your property, shell find someone else to make her feel like she's someone's property


We are the last generation with the roastie problem
In a few decades, women will be replaced with the artificial womb, and with 2d VR waifus, Robo waifus and genetically modified humans
Feminism is just the last breath until they get completely obsolete


Women don't rate a man's characteristics the same when they are ovulating and when they are on their period.
They are subject to hormonal cycles of short and medium duration in which their emotional irrationality results in variable moments of clarity.
Women are not as stupid as you think, and they like to be led, but not slaved. They eventually come to know you think of them as your property and that's exactly the reason they shit all over you to their friends and family, and eventually leave you.
It's a matter of balance: what turns them on is your sense of self worth, confidence, and role as a leader, but not as a tyrant.

without men we would all be in fucking mud huts

Imagine having tits that small, there’s no way a woman like that could be a good mother for my children, they’ll be malnourished manlets

>gun control
>war on drugs
>muh emotion based "arguments"
>single moms
>failure to pass down culture
>literally bleed for days without dying
Get back in the kitchen, fucking roasties

>Rape within Marriage is Stupidity


how can someone have such a shit taste. well, you're american after all

>They are subject to hormonal cycles of short and medium duration in which their emotional irrationality results in variable moments of clarity.
>moments of clarity

You’ve never dated a woman huh

You probably find traps attractive as well

Who raised you? Unironically interested.

lol clarity and woman in the same paragraph. are you fucking retarded. women are property, you earn them. if you lose your momentum they find another that has. have you been living under a rock? welcome to the real world idiot.

Why are there so many European feminists on Sup Forums? Has anyone else noticed that?


Nice work OP.

Then please, tell us how the modern, liberated woman is anything but a gouvernment slave.

gee so fucking useful eh, they can sit on their ass and offer bodily fluid or change the clothes of a child/baby. fuck I'm so amazed at their potential, their skill, their profferings towards society that go beyond caveman instincts. oh whoops, that was sarcasm.

>sentient human beings with the evolutionary ability to go survival mode never have moments of clarity
Way to go unscientific caveman

Men and women complete each other. To deny that is to deny tens of thousands of years of evolution. MGTOWs are just salty losers and failures who rationalize their rejection by women and turn it into an ideology. It's okay, it's just Nature's way of saying that their genes are undesirable, and not every man should breed. But for those of us who are genetically fit, we should strive to be in a loving relationship with a qt3.14 and start a family with her. A loveless life is an empty life.

HAHAHAHA, you're still trying to suggest women might have clarity. HAHAH, cheers I'm convinced.

And this is the reason the Jews manipulate them to this extent.

>higher education


All designed to controll the women of their greatest enemies

no one denies it you fucking simpleton. you're just here to bolster terrible positions of society like women having more rights in court than men. or how 1/4 homeless people are women, so now it an issue. everyone is equal but some more than others. peace out fucktards

t. capitalist who cannot think on generational terms and is fully willing to sell out the future of his race for 30 pieces of silver right now.


>gets assblasted so talks utter shite

>our extremely logical way of thinking

Learn English, paki.

you lost so hard you have resorted to childish behaviour. I think we're done here, I imagine you to be a woman. the worst insult i can think of.

Women are adult sized children who need to be dominated. That is why they can't make up their mind. They need a man to tell them what to do.

Sand nigger, you failed to understand what I wrote, due to your lack of education in general and insufficient understanding of the language of your host nation that you parasitically occupy.

English is not even my first language, put some fucking effort into it.

oooo, somebody's reading Rollo Tomasi

Women have always been property. They know this, and not only that, they desire it. Ultimately the problem in today's world are not women, but soft men, cucks and delusional men who believe women are at their level, or worse, higher than them. Women are to follow, either willingly or by force. If you, as a man, cannot understand this, you are nothing but part of the problem, faggot.

I'm an old school misogynist, I don't deny they wield too much power nowadays. But women are an important part in a man's life and there are plenty of great women out there that deserve to be loved and cared for, in a firmly patriarchal society.

Jesus Christ some common sense on this fucking thread

Goebbels was so based.

the absolute state of canada

You're the property.
Men built this whole world, while 95% of women do nothing. Who is the slave?

100% agree

This should be understood by simply deconstructing the (((msm))) push on women.
Women are like liquids, men must shape them.

Fem user here
Great thread OP

T. Kissless virgin

I was raised in a background where my father worked the field every day and my mother would take care of the house and 3 children. Mind you, this was a time when washing machines were a luxurious commodity and everything was done by hand.

Both my parents worked their asses off, and my father would have never been able to bring food home if it weren't for my mother's work.

"women do nothing" didn't apply then

THIS in caps


Women will freeze your seed before you create an artificial womb

Correct. But you are not the government, are you?

Keep dreaming.

Seize the means of reproduction


Just keeping traditions alive here. Tits or gtfo

Agree OP. Pussy is the most valuable natural resource in the world. All the wars have been fought over procuring the means to pussy. All of them.

Fuck you you piece of shit

Is your mom property?

love and respect for our women
grats for having a brain in stupid times my friend

So no argument?

Oh yeah, how come he can't acknowledge the true qualities of a true woman if he was raised by his mother. That's why I think he was either not loved by mum or not paying much attention.

Every single woman is a Proto-leftist.

The Blackpill is realizing our species can never know peace, prosperity, and will die on this rock as long as women are treated like human beings. They are a poor facsimiles.

2 options, following your logic:

1) we treat women as property without them realizing and therefore we act as dishonest, cowardly shady rats (the same kikey attitude we condemn).
2) we treat women as property with them knowing and therefore rejecting the idea, bringing as a result the end of civilization.

So which one would you pick?