David Brock wants you DEAD


>Be autist
>Go on Sup Forums
>Meme the God Emperor into the WH because the leftists can only use lies, shamming, threatening and censorship as political tools because the facts show they are just globalist satanic pedos that want to enslave humanity
>Get doxxed by shills via their usage of ACIDFOX which is a NSA tool for compromising devices
>Get the Seth Rich treatment because you like memes
>Totally worth it

Read the article if you don't want to watch the video:

Other urls found in this thread:


>25 min video
Get to the point in 5 min or less

quad powah
so without the NSA providing information he has nothing hence why that heart of his couldn't handle all that guilt hitting him.
at least he can still rely on the ctr, shartblue, bluewaffles and media matters rejects to be his eyes and ears...



David Brock wants all Trump supporters to get the Seth Rich treatment and is using an NSA intrusion package to do it.


Consider the following leafy fren:
The tools of intrusion can perhaps still work.

Sub-niggers like you are the reason the world is the way it is.

You just make David pay him 2 more cents fren.

I fully expect each and every one of us to pay dearly for our radical use of speech one day. I just hope that when they read some of my Sup Forums posts out loud in the hate speech trial that they include some of the funnier ones.

Am on phone so not looking into it now, but i check those numbers.
Fuck the pedos

>Radical use of speech

Dude, if the deep state and leftards weren't such lover of censorship violence could be avoided 100%.

Make yourself a hard target.

>be OP
>make shit thread
>spam link to thread in a dozen other active threads
>20 minutes later
>10 replies and six of them are (you)

All i have on satanic pedos in the elite

What I find really shocking (telling) is that they have not been able to do any of that in any sort of numbers. My opsec is in the negative digits, and yet here I am. I fucking wish they would... I spent weeks learning how to work leather and made myself a real fucking nice ccw battle rig.

But that reddit fagggotry is showing

The only debt I will be paying is with the blood of my enemies.


What a manbaby.

Most probably you'd get poisoned, not shoot.
Seth Rich was taken into the hospital alive.

>>be OP
>>make shit thread
>>spam link to thread in a dozen other active threads
minutes later
replies and six of them are (you)

because its some LOL-HE-DOES-IT-FOR-FREE tier shitposting shill.

Lol, have 2 more cents guys.

A thread with just 20 replies got deleted, guess what kind of? It was a swedbro making a statment that shills are sliding threads to get the attentin away from the Lithuanian happening. It got deleted. (((They))) are also in Lithuania and don't want US to INVESTIGATE. We either need weaponised autism or they will flood us even harder.

Snort this bump

I bumped that. Grab it from the 4plebs archive and repost, then post it here.

When you view bitchute vids the uploader can see your ip. This video is about doxxing but you're kinda doxxing yourself by viewing. Upload to hooktube instead. If this isn't some leftist honeypot.

Making a thread complaining about sliding is OT and therefore also sliding. Yes there are shills here, but making numerous threads discussing said shills only helps their cause by doing work for them.

I'm not the original poster of the vid, this guy is, he seems legit:

I don't think HookTube can grab BitChute videos, let me try thou.

>the guy spamming links in other threads seems legit

what's that a veiled threat?
serbs were more frightening in the balkan war than anything you got you stupid nigger

HookTube can't grab from BitChute

I was the one spamming the link on other threads, but the video maker is that guy on the twitter.


I'm just telling you that you should not just discard OPSEC because the shill's tools might still work.

Don't be a retard.