Okay Sup Forums

Okay Sup Forums
Help me redpill a german.
So there's this german girl that studied somethign related to translation. She knowns spanish, english and german of course.
She's supposed to help me correct whatever I write in german.
Anything related to nazi germany is out of the question. What should i write, if possible, some german fag should write it for me ASAP, as she's sitting just next to me right now.
Let's redpill her, Sup Forums.

I can pull the native american card, the gay card.

Other urls found in this thread:


>someone is doing me a favor!
>How do I jerk her around?
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This is why you don't have nice things.

translator some of the works of kalergi

Bean her.

Ich bin ein schwuler Verächter, bitte vergewaltige mein Gesicht

mutt, i know a bit of german.
regardless of that, google translate helps

Haben Sie sich jemals gefragt, warum es so ist, dass die Besitzer jeder Zentralbank in der Welt nur eine Familie sind und diese Familie jüdisch ist, die einzigen Länder, in denen sie keine Zentralbank haben, sind Irak, Syrien und Kuba, Jetzt stell dir die Frage, warum gerade zwei dieser Länder im Krieg sind?

you are welcome my bean friend.

dude, let's redpill a massive lefty.

that's a bit too much, maybe something about racial realism, and in which i admit native americans are more violent, dumber than europeans. etc...

there is no readpill as too much, you can start by showing her the world IQ and tell her niggers are the problem of violent crimes in every corner of the world.

but we comit worse crimes than niggers, kek.

Image like that she will say it’s fake news.
We need to find out how to start a small dose of red pill.

she's supposed to stay here for another 4 weeks, that means another 4 days of helping me 1 hour each day.

Talk about the religion of soviet leaders or Bavarian soviet revolution.
Or russian oligarchs.
Or Talmud quotes.

you are a mutt but not a nigger, mexicans have done shit things, but never compare yourself with a nigger in africa, they don't see any reason or have a purpose they will just rape and kill everything they see, they eat shit directly from a cows anus, they rape horses, they live in mud houses, at least in your country you have cities, this motherfuckers will only see you as dinner.

lel, what is she doing in mexico? bean buerner...

not a mutt, full breed native american

I'm just gonna write something, hopefully one of you fucks can translate it because i'm running out of time here.

Only found the thread just now - something like this guy might interestingly help out: badeagle.com/

Hit me with your translation

> 95
That is fake news.

Translate with her local headlines.

We’re not the same.
We will never be the same, the faster we acknowledge it the better. We the native Americans, are not as smart as Europeans, and we’re not as dumb as Africans. It can easily be proved, it wasn’t an African or a Mexican that invented the car, it wasn’t either the Chinese creating wonderful symphonies, much less the Mongolian tribes, to refuse to admit that European music is vastly superior is just wrong and a delusion.
And just as Europeans so eagerly taught us their religion, which nowadays is the very core of Mexican culture they could teach us more. But always keeping the differences between us real, that they acknowledge them instead of pretending we’re the same. Just as a father doesn’t see his dumb 5 years old kid as his equal but someone he must look after, someone that doesn’t possess nor the ability to think at his level or shares the same amount of maturity, just like that must the Europeans see the world, and even more their governments. Immigration has caused nothing but trouble for all of us, why would these European countries accept the best of the world? That’s nothing but brain drain, the European would then be depriving the rest of the world of their best citizens. They shouldn’t either accept the rest.
Just like mom once told me, you don’t leave your house because it’s dirty to your friends because it’s clean, you clean yours.
We’re not the same, not even when we end up race mixing, here, in Mexico the more European you are the more successful you become, and I’m not going to lie, it’s not any kind of systematic racism, it’s just us, we native Americans do not perform well in their societies, we’re not as smart, as patient, we’re far more violent, but if we accepted it, and saw that this violence has put Mexico in a spotlight of Boxing, we’d be much better.

I’ve lived prejudices all my life, always being followed around by security guards, always being the first suspect. But I understood why they treated me that way, and I don’t blame anyone. I blame not acknowledging, that we will never be the same.


Wir werden niemals identisch sein. Wir Amerikanischen Ureinwohner sind nicht so klug wie Europäer und nicht so dumm wie Afrikaner. Dies kann man sehr leicht beweisen; es war kein Mexikaner oder Afrikaner der das Kraftfahrzeug erfand, es waren nicht die Chinesen, welche großartige Symphonien schufen, und gewiss nicht die Mongolen - nicht zugeben zu wollen, dass europäische Musik weit überlegen ist, ist falsch und eine Selbsttäuschung.

Und eben so, wie die Europäer uns einst eifrig ihren Glauben lehrten, der heute den Kern mexikanischer Kultur darstellt, können sie uns noch mehr beibringen. Allein die Unterschiede zwischen uns müssen bewusst bleiben, anerkannt und nicht verleugnet. So wie ein Vater seinen Fünfjährigen nicht als gleich betrachtet, sondern als jemanden, den es zu schützen gilt, jemanden ohne die Fähigkeit, ebenbürtig zu denken oder ebenso reif zu handeln - so müssen Europäer die Welt betrachten, und umso mehr ihre Regierungen. Immigration hat uns allen nur Unheil gebracht, warum sollte Europa nun den Rest der Welt unterhalten? Das stellt nur eine Verdummung dar - Europa absorbiert die Besten anderer Völker. Den Rest sollte man ebenso wenig annehmen.
Meine Mutter sagte mir einst, dass man sein schmutzig gewordenes Heim nicht verlässt, um zu Freunden zu ziehen - sondern sein eigenes Heim reinigt.
Wir sind nicht gleich. Nichtmal wenn wir uns vermischen. Hier in Mexiko sind Europäer die erfolgreichsten, und ungelogen liegt es einfach daran dass wir Eingeborenen nicht gut mit euroäischen Gesellschaften umgehen können. Wir sind weniger klug, weniger geduldig, wir sind gewalttätiger, doch wenn wir lernten, dass das unsere Eigenschaften sind (und Mexiko ist im Boxen nun weltweit ganz vorn dabei), wären wir besser dran.

I really rushed the job on this one but I think it's pretty much spot on.

what about the second part HANS

>I’ve lived prejudices all my life, always being followed around by security guards, always being the first suspect. But I understood why they treated me that way, and I don’t blame anyone. I blame not acknowledging, that we will never be the same.

Ich habe mein Leben lang mit Vorurteilen gelebt, wurde von Sicherheitsleuten verfolgt und als Erster verdächtig - jedes Mal. Doch ich versteh auch warum, und gebe ihnen nicht die Schuld - ich gebe die Schuld dem Nicht-Wahrhaben-Wollen dieses Fakts: dass wir nie gleich sein werden.

Sorry about that, I didn't see the second part until after. Also "verdächtig" in my last post should be "verdächtigt", with a "t".

Well, I have to hit the road. Hope everything works out for you, good luck - and thank you. There's too few of us with pride; reasonable voices from outside are often the only help that can take with the others.

Fucking dumb beaner