Saying "Globalist" is antisemitic. Stob it

The European style socialists at huffpo have fucking BALLS man.
Only 2 comments on the article.
Man up and swarm the comment section ffs.

Other urls found in this thread:'s_theory_of_history

Thanks for being a none shitskin Canadian white male


Yep. Its an anti-semitic dog whistle. You know it and I know, don't even try to deny it on Sup Forums.

We all know you don't actually mean globalists, because none of you know what globalism is. Its a right wing neo-liberal capitalist idea.

>Man up and swarm the comment section ffs.
They delete non-pozzed comments instantly.

But yeah, globalism is totally antisemitic, only retarded redneck republicans deny this.

Hang your self before someone else has to do it for you

What a clickbait headline.

I don't know if b8 or not but by your standards of right-wing, us fascists are lefties. We're fighting the same (((people))). Join us, commiefag.

>globalist is anti semitic

>giving huffpo clicks
kys nigger

I actually mean globalist.
Now stop larping as soviet faggot.

>>Man up and swarm the comment section ffs.
>They delete non-pozzed comments instantly.

That explains it I guess.

It is.

>right wing
there are dozens of far leftist philosophers who say capitalism is the engine from which communism will be built

Jeesus stay focused you retard.
Archive it if you want.

The retards here will storm the thread posting about how everything is all the Jew’s fault. They will prove huffpost’s point, and they will destroy legitimate debate against globalism, by turning it into a nazi meme. The current pol population is full of nigger tier retards who have no understanding of how persuasion works. Seig heil! they say, while destroying their own relevancy. Who needs CIA controlled Richard Spencer when pol retards discredit the right all on their own?

>there are dozens of far leftist philosophers who say capitalism is the engine from which communism will be built
Yeah, that's Marx's whole point brah.

Haha, fucking try it mate. Every alt-tard I've ever seen is a mentally deformed ugly fat sadboy little sack of shit. You can't do fuck all m8. The scary commies are coming to kill you and take your free speech away, better switch sides while the heat is low.

And there's plenty who don't, what of it?

Akin to blacks saying gorilla masks are racist.

I love it when minorities unwittingly peddle their own torture.

did my bit
. Fucking parasites

I can't wait until we don't have to hide our hatred for Jews anymore.

Read: Because the globalists are globalist pedos

like every communist I've ever met. I would be scared if you weren't all giant pussies. Your revolution will never happy because you are too scared of guns.

>And there's plenty who don't, what of it?
Do you even know the basics of your proclaimed ideology?

click here! your dog might die tonight!

fuck you OP, archive your fucking clickbait.

dear journalist hacks

please keep tying the alt right and white nationalism to normie trump politics, the more blur the lines between us, the more our politics becomes normalized and we can redpill normie conservatives

its a shame youre paid pennies by the rags you work for, we should be paying you

Aren't they literally doing our job by associating globalism with jews?

>the word globalist is anti-Semitic
>this means they admit Jews are globalists

saying "slaver" is anti jewish, stob id


It's not my fault most globalists turn out to be Jews. It's like all Jews aren't globalists but all globalists are Jews.

That's actually correct

>The scary commies are coming to kill you and take your free speech away, better switch sides while the heat is low.
just don't be surprised when you get thrown in the gulags instead.

>The Alternative Right movement is slowly declining

Nina (((Golgowski)))

>you can't argue against globalism if you can't use the word globalist

i don't want to live in the newspeak world

I hated globalism before I even knew the JQ.
All this will do is redpill a lot of libertarians, conservatives, and constitutionalists.
It may cause more YouTube censorship. That's about the only negative.
Make no mistake - censorship is a foreign concept to the West. It's antithetical to liberty. Censorship is a feature of Semitic culture - its always been that way e. g. G-d / YHWH

You faggots and your newspeak. Your politics and manipulation of language goes against all natural law and you will be humbled when you ultimately fail. Your antisemitism shield doesnt work anymore

>fake news still associates lil' Dicky Spencer with the Alt-Right

>Globalist is Anti-Semitic
Don't they realize that by saying this people really ARE GOING TO BE ANTI-SEMITIC because they're not going to bother with the niceties and just stick with the term as an insult and just connect that: "Jews are Globalists? GAS THE KIKES RACEWAR NOW"

t. Muslim scum

>implicitly admitting world jewery is behind globalism

Hiding in plain sight redpill.

>implying you have to be a jew to be a globalist or a zionist.

Do they think people have a problem with the jews because of their choice of holy book or holiday? It has nothing to do with their religion and ever thing to do with the content of their character.
The people pictured to the left, for example, most people have no real problem with because they keep to themselves and practice their faith instead of trying to subvert their host nation.

Is this why Alex jones is being sued? Did he call him a same sex marry'er as well.

Left vs Right doesn't exist anymore.
The war is now (((Globalism))) vs Nationalism.

WW2 never ended. It's still raging in the shadows via proxies and sub ideologies for both sides.

Short term military defeat for long term political victory.
Very good point.

Leftists miscalculated their resistence on an epic scale. They started out of the gate with Trump is Hitler rhetoric, leaving themselves no way to intensify without making themslves look like authoritarian hate mongerers. Karma, sux to be a leftist loser !

>hurt durr click on our irrelevant kike clickbait and give us shekels.
Fuck off schlomo

Infowars is covering it now.

They are literally admitting that jews are running globalism


Leftists mis used / over used their most potent guilt tripping weapons. When everything is racist, antisemitic, xenophobic, misogynist, then that becomes the new normal state of affairs and the words ised to describe them lose their power.

This pic would be much better with the head and feet replaced by the silhouette of hand rubbing merchant.

What a bunch of fucking idiots lol

Btw I have no captcha

just start calling them European style socialists instead

When antifa are rioting over Sargon, Jordan Peterson or Christina Hoff Sommers, you know the left has jumped the shark.

>right wing neo-liberal capitalist idea.
Jewish then.

I don't watch E celebs and controlled opposition but this shit was funny, look how terrified they are when their masks are taken.

"Fuck Antifa, you communist whore"
"you fascist antifascists"
"That black man assaulted me" absolute comedy gold

That was a great MM episode. When he goes into a blank state trying to hide his reactions during the European Style Socialists rant had me crying with laughter. Its essentially me whenever someone brings up politics and its always anti white shit they support. I've actually physically bit down on my tongue or lips to prevent me from launching into an extreme militant rant. When I start, I don't stop.

>look how terrified they are when their masks are taken.
I have always been fascinated by the fact that the people on the right who can lose their job and standing in society for the beliefs they hold will do events without hiding their face but the left whose beliefs are supported by the current liberal order choose to hide.
It really makes me think that the people who participate in these events, on the left, have not seriously taken a position. They just go along with the crowed and participate but have no conviction. There is no spirit or greatness that fills their heart instead they are mindless corporate drones. What a pathetic life they live. I almost pity them for having to be stuck in such a hell.

It’s funny how the (((oppressed))) try to force people to do what they want. It is almost like they are oppressors ?

Of course the (((globalists))) would want you to think this.

Globalism v nationalism doesn’t necessarily mean a specific economic ideology

t. Leon trotsky

>the term globalism is not allowed

How pathetic.

You want to be an isolationist country and not bomb the middle east? This means you hate the Jews apparently.

a globalist is a globalist. they are the anti-semitic scum for applying the term globalists to be all jews
stupid fucking "progressive" women

Is this how they’re playing at getting InfoWars? All Alex talks about are globalists, but if the word is now a slur and therefore hateful he’ll be banned in a snap

It is because in doing what you want you are rejecting your place as goyim and refusing to allow the Jew to rule over you as god intended. What more can be said but that you are engaging in a hate crime if you reject having a Jew rule over you as master. Just don't identity that Jew who rules over you as a Jew because that is a hate crime as well.

>Saying "Globalist" is antisemitic. Stob it.

Trump won't stob :D

They're right globalism is definitely the domain of the Zionist

>Allying with commies
The absolute state of nazis

>People talk about nation-wrecking globalists
>Jews always seem to immediately assume that people are talking about them

>globalism is completely normal and widely accept phenomenon
>globalist is far-right tinfoil tard word


t. Schlomo "Leon" Shekelsky
PS Bolsheviks did nothing wrong

>The scary commies are coming to kill you and take your free speech away, better switch sides while the heat is low.
Lol ok.

>Left vs Right doesn't exist anymore.
>The war is now (((Globalism))) vs Nationalism.
it never existed, the war has always been little guy vs big guy 4 u

Yes. By saying "globalist" is an anti-Semitic term, it implicitly means they believe Jews are globalists. Just like the black in a monkey shirt. It was called a racist shirt by the Jewsmedia, meaning implicitly they think blacks are monkeys.

It is narcissistic of them to assume we are talking about them, isnt it ?

Why do they have to use the word anti-semitic, when there is little historical evidence that they ever were a united semitic people linked to jews, rather than just say antijewish / antijews?

Were not all rats like you Moshe. I would rather die standing proud.

Jews only had a problem with the term "globalist" once the goyim became increasingly aware the globalists were all Jews.

Trying to ban words so that they cannot be further identified is only going to make it worse for them.

Also reminder that the revolution always eats its own children

>the Alternative Right movement is slowly declining
Says the increasingly nervous rootless cosmopolitan social-climbing globalist elite in the eighteenth hit piece this year as identitarians and neofascists win bigger and bigger victories in Europe, American politicians use far-right dog whistles, and the numbers of far right activist groups continue to grow.

We're sure dying out here, Nina (((Golgowski.)))

God dammit I hate the kikes so fucking much.

Neo-Liberal Capitalism

>all those antifa being anti-globalist at the same time
>that means they all antisemitic, thus nazi
If anything, I would spread such "saying 'globalist' is antisemitic" notion as much as I could. It could open quite a few eyes.

How long until 'European-style socialists' is also on the antisemitic list?

Ain’t it funny? When it was actually a tiny fringe movement they hyped it up to be this massive bogeyman that got Trump elected so that they could blame nazis for everything, and now that they’ve created a real monster they’re desperately trying to say it’s dying before it wipes them out.

>We all know you don't actually mean globalists
But we do, and you're entirely wrong. Paul Ryan is a perfect example of a non-jew who is a globalist shitbag.

There is no need for an ((( alt right ))) movement when common sense exists.

One day, user, one day they will have their comeuppance, and they know it. Be it tomorrow or a thousand years from now, one day they will be reduced to shivering insects, the dirt on our sole.

And what is fascism if not common sense

>Co development of tanks
Are you in high school or retarded? They used each other in an alliance at the start.

>We all know you don't actually mean globalists
If you jews stopped banning words to be used in public, then we wouldn't need to manoeuver around like this.

Fascism is a boogy man cooked up by the socialists because it is the only ideology that people hate more than communism.

Add Bill Gates to that list, bad goy

I'm not a boogeyman, user, I'm a regular guy. Hitler didn't do anything wrong. In time you will learn this.


Although I believe the holohoax was fake and gas chambers never existed, I wish they did because they fucking deserved them.

"Es sind die einzigen die wirklich als internationale Elemente anzusehen sind, weil sie überall ihre Geschäfte tätigen können."

Globalist means international Jewry.