My professor just said that MAPS were racist and a tool of white supremacy.

White devils!


>I pay people thousands of dollars to tell me to read books I can find used for less than $10
Well, there's your problem right there.

Cool, I'm making some right now.

Go on...

Yeah the projection makes euro countries look bigger and relevant.

Great, at least this way we won't get niggers, since they won't know how to come to our place on map.

Geometric transformations be raciss yo.

Paypal me.

Tell xir to stop using GPS, then.

>The entirety of South America is irrelevant to world history.
Maps as racism has been a popular meme of the insane for a long time.

Nah, he's just anti-nationalist. Could you imagine an Olympics where everyone represented the same flag?

He even claimed that longitude and latitude are racist since 0,0 is in Europe. The term Far East is Eurocentric

>posting a mercator instead of WGS 84

The north is up and Mercator projection makes Europe bigger than it actually is. That's true.

What is disturbing is that your teacher is apprently too retarded to know about Mollweide equal-area projection, which, you guessed it, correctly shows area of countries.

Pic related.

By extension, are video game over world maps racist?

> does not understand difference between projection and a coordinate system

OP's professor

Old maps had people depicted as savages and territories called nigro land or cannibal beach.

I think they had a point, but maps are still innacurate in their treatment of europe.

>longitude and latitude are racist since 0,0 is in Europe
Isn't it right outside of Africa?

0,0 is off the coast of Africa.

what's his opinion on the Greenwitch meridian ?
is it the fault of the French or Anglo ?
is it a plot of the wite peepo yet again ?

Greenland is the true white homeland.

He said England

Academia being the monolithic ego driven monster that we know.

Fuck yeah, look where the black line crosses the red line in

It also happens to be less pleasant to look at

Op are you paying for this shit
If you are your more of a cuck than the shitskins talking

>he thinks people go to university to learn

Cartography is apart of white culture. Niggers appropriated it. May they lose everything they take for granted.

full of hapas

>this worried about a map projection based on the equator.

Scholarship. Free college lol.

Indeed, 0 longitude goes through the Greenich observatory in London. This is because you have to set 0 somewhere artificially, and this is the observatory British empire was using for navigation so everyone else copied that to be compatible.

0 latitude is the equator and that goes through Africa and South America.

0,0 cross is off the coast of Africa, ironically.

lol what ?
isn't that supposed to be the point ?

Old maps were centered on asia monor, as they should.

It's just euros pretending to be the center of civilization again.

asia minor*

Reading a map is appropriating white culture.

How could it be 0,0 if it is not even near the equator? I would have called him out right fucking in the middle of class.

Specifically, people who don't understand math or maritime navigation think the Mercator projection was created with the express intention of making Europe look bigger so that Europeans felt more important... nothing to do with it being a relatively mathematically simple way to preserve navigational consistency

he fell for the university campus scam for indebting himself into eternal cuckoldry to the state instead of learning a practical job that can multitask and is useful after a collapse of the memenet.

Maping my land it's invasion of privacy.

>It's just euros pretending to be the center of civilization again.

it's a fact , especially Anglos back then.

Its to get a job and network. If you want to learn go to the library

Like the other user said, you could learn everything from books and the internet.
In this era, university is obsolete.
However, since nearly everybody has one now, it is like a benchmark for not being an idiot.
(In the eyes of many employers)
Come on user, you think that everybody goes to university because it is how to learn about something?
It is so they can get jobs.

>However, since nearly everybody has one now
a degree, that is

Fuck off, anglo culture it's reharsed egyptian architecture and mathematics plus jewish kabbalah and some greek philosophers for the euro touch.

Do you honestly think you would be typing this sentence in your country if Spaniards hadn't colonized your shithole?

Unless you're going into STEM (and even then you can learn almost everything on your own) a uni degree is more of a proof of knowledge than the only way to obtain knowledge

how the fuck

> Old maps

That's another rabbit hole.
Piri Reis, 1513.
Shows shit he should never know about.And using a projection which hasn't been yet invented.

Holy shit. He just claimed Germany and Russia had been fighting since 1939

And would be covered in gold while doing it.

What is your job?

What about pizza-related maps?

You can learn more studying under somebody who does a job in like a month than you will in 4 years .
(Regarding stem)

Maps in China and Japan put themselves at the center.
The only way you can even think this is a problem is if you assume that everyone uses the European map, which is, ironically, actual Eurocentrism.

I got my other professor to admit to high Jewish leadership in the Bolshevik revolution.

You would be living like the indegenous people in your country that you probably make fun of

Omg, he just called NATO, the "Good Guys, sarcastically.

After looking at undergrads in my CS program, lolno. These people are far from fit to work in the field

Thank you Pierre

In Chile the injuns make fun of you.

Where do you go?

In Chile the media promotes whiteness, and the Chilean people eat it up because they want to be white.

You're right.
I'm GenX.
Showing my age.
When I was a kid I was taught that you went to university to learn.
Sometimes I forget about the cynicism in academia.
Could couldn't go to university now.
I would be contemptuous of the professors and just grill them for sport.

>It's just euros pretending to be the center of civilization again.

if we arent then who is?

Why the fuck are you writing in two word paragraphs?

It shows those niggers the score card.

Yeah it’s reallly stupid as it assumes a few things

1. That people would equate geographic size to power/importance

2. That so many people do this that it is worthwhile to alter people’s perception of the earth

3 that there isn’t some utility in Mercator projection (which there is for sea travel)

4. That seeing countries sized differently will somehow subtly effect perceptions and its worthwhile for someone to even bother doing

It’s retarded on many levels and you should tell anyone who gets into it that they are in fact retarded.

They’ll try to pull the same thing with north being up as if it is arbitrary when it isn’t

Every Xhosa tribesman constantly suffers from mental anguish as his mind is too busy modeling the spatial implications of the various methods of cartography. The white man doesn’t have the intellectual capacity to struggle with such complex mathematical paradoxes. Heh no cracker ever invented Terryology

He shits on Richard Spencer and Shapiro too. Peterson as well.

>tfw your real name is actually Pierre.

That’s not even right but not shockingly the people that invented latitude and longitude based it OFF WHERE THEY LIVE.

How could come up with such a thing

>look mom i'm larping on Sup Forums

Expecting people to use the dominant system is racist apparently. My other professor is a self claimed female Marxist

Marxist professors of faggotry have been pushing that line of bullshit for decades now. They just keep recycling that same tired crap.

Never again will the white man steal our magic by denying 1x1 = 2.

No you funking faggot, when the modern map was made of the world it was centered on london and he equater because London was the center of world commerce and the capitol of the largest empire + the pace where this shot was invented and commissioned

Nobody complains that jap maps have Japan at the center or Chinese maps have China in the center

It’s almost like that makes sense when you are mapping the world around you

Really..? I wouldn't have believed this at one time.

1 would be insignificant if it was any other way of course

>hurr durr the mercator projection was a deliberate attempt to promote white supremacy by making europe look bigger and not just a really shitty basic projection

Compasses are complete Nazis

I got my other professor to name the Bolshevik Jews. She's a Marxist. Lol.

das rite , now you should base your black mathematics on this beautiful equation and strap boosters to africa to become the first human (and African) colony on Mars , i mean , what COULD go WRONG ?

Stop using statistics; They're racist.

>bard detected

Satnavs are literally Hitler.

1. To establish a labour network.
2. To acquire the little piece of scrap paper that tells employers you're special.
3. To not get rejected when you apply for a job.
4. To live the Marxist lifestyle.

University has been obsolete ever since the Internet became widespread, but it will take a revolution of its own to establish that.
I can see the West going back to apprenticeship guilds as soon as the boomers are evicted from their managing positions.

Stop appropriating white language

Marx himself probably would be called a racist in this day and age. Nearly all figures libshits look up to in history defy their expectations.

And if Sumerians invented everything?

Good show. They are insecure and play a popularity game. They need shouting at and then they'll literally melt away and change. They are the weakest people in society because they've never even left school.

Day of the care home.

as a guy with a map fetish, its actually describing africa I think

This was unironically his argument. Global white supremacy.
Longitude and Latitude were built to favor Europe.

Of course it is. It objectively shows the incompetence of non whites.

How dare those white men make a navigation system of the earth that anyone can use.

Why didn’t they center it around irrelevant tribes in central Africa they didn’t even know about at the time?

The term first world is now racist.

Does it disturbs you that people don't want to be white?