What's Sup Forums views on International Women's Day?
What's Sup Forums views on International Women's Day?
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Has she paid the toll yet.
>constipated for hours
>turd looks like the last guy she fucked
>decides to name it
The absolute state of women.
I read the article yesterday and that is what I wanted to find out as soon as I saw the kid. You'll be surprised to know that the boyfriend is no longer on the scene.
Toll status: PAID.
>still whoring out with a child
At work and a girl just walked by my desk and put this pin there for women’s day. What do?
Haha club slut that got knocked up partying last summer. Should have let that thing die and bury it somewhere. What an embarassment
Pin it to the fly of your pants.
>"are you sure she wasn't constipated"
Its jokes like this that redpills the unenlightened