Help me fight for a bar in our new student union building

ok so my uni is to open a new student union building in spring 2019. they released a fly-through video and some of us noticed one odd thing: the PRAYER ROOM in the new building is bigger than the social space where we supposed to sesh.

also there is no propper bar...

help me fight this discrimination and post most passive agressive comment you can think of. the best i came up so far is
>"nice prayer room, but wheres the bar?"

we need to solve this issue before they start construction works. PLEASE Sup Forums, support your fellow user

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No, it's a Mahmoud room now

Video your gloved hands putting bacon into the foundations before they start building. Later when it's built release the video.

get yourself a sword and do it the old way

no shit, i might do smoething like that

honestly, i cant express how mad i am. throw more idea in. the best one ill try to implement and record it

Literally the best advice youll get all day

This is just a pathetic slide thread. I am not even going to sage it.

A fucking prayer room lol.


alcohol is haram
hope the prayer room is pointing towards mekka or you'd get sued.

Shout discrimination and point out more people on campus drink than pray 5 times a day

Turn the Prayer room into your own personal BYOB hangout. Bongs lack creativity.

Alcohol is discriminatory against Muslims. Kek

wtf this is disgusting

best of luck from a sesh heavy uni on the north border

>Turn the Prayer room into your own personal BYOB hangout. Bongs lack creativity.

wear toga, bring booze, claim to worship Dionysus, and commence praying

Thank you for expounding further, sounds fool proof. Don't forget to sue if they try to stop you.

Go in there to prey to Satan and use a pigs head to represent him. Own it.

This is actually an amazing idea that I will implement in my local university

>prayer room

you know WHY they put a prayer room in our SU?

so the fucking moslem pigs stop praying under the stairs in the library.

no shit, we even had a sign saying "this area is not for praying"; you could see mohammeds kissing the floor at like 6 am. imagine me after a long night study sesh at the library coming down to see those pigs pray

Tell those faggots there should be no prayer room at all.

Why is the left so in love with keeping religion out of politics and education until its a minority's religion.

pour pigs blood all over the prayer room

'a man can live without praying, but can't live without drinking'

might aswell after i graduate

Can you make the prayer room the drinking room?

Isn't that simpler than changing the planes?

Just put up church of satan shit everywhere