McDonald's turns their logo upside down to celebrante boobs

McDonald's turns their logo upside down to celebrante boobs

Whats now Sup Forums?

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Those are some saggy ass boobs. Anyways, can you get me a quarter ponder with cheese?

It means they have capitulated to the Wendy's Empire in the Fastfood Wars. Now once Burger King is dethroned, Empress Wendy will stand at the top of the pile.


for mason


Kinda insulting to associate McDonald with 'White power"


Come on you know. I wumbo. You wumbo. He She wumbo. Wumbo wumboing.

Now we castrate men through fluoridated water.

Looks like saggy tits it does

Checked and keked..

Cease and desist

Your future wife is ugly and bitter by your lack of ambition.

Post it to their social media pages..

I hope you are guillotined.

Oh look a Flaggot..

You are going to die soon.

It's me, God.

Useless eater.

MI6 are now defunct because I have given the storage locations to the CIA.

wow that sick bantz. much original. Yo momma must so proud of her faggot boi.

You say this like it's anything new.

Shit a namefag aswell! Shit you must be new here! Tay

Ayyy lmao

Step aside white male only single moms and people of color get to the front of this line.

>t. Saggy boobs

I have been here since I built the pyramids.

>moonman is a symbol for white power
>inverted arches look like a W

This is going to be very easy, lol.

I thought they were setting their establishment to wumbo

I was resurrected in 2017.

I am a clone from my sarcophagus.

I run the New World Order.

Sniff sniff

I love you cunts

Did you say, boobs ??!

No Moon Man is a symbol of Satan

Looks like the emblem of the American Fascist Empire

Saggy tits are a symbol of feminism since bras are a part of the patriarchy that symbolizes oppression.

CIA is the only worthy organization because they hire Nazi scientists.

Pepsi is another word for Satan.

It is decided the meme's will commence

Spread it like a virus

Enjoy Yourself

I think we know who is REALLY behind this!


Calling memetic warriors start your memeing engines.

>I love boobs
This triggers cnn


gibs golden arches milkers

How autistic should I be about this? Lol.

Full spectrum autism.


b-o-o-b-s or b-o-o-z-e????

Sounds fun! I’ll be sure to make some counter memes warning people that the evil Alt Right is trying to steal McDonalds.

>How autistic should I be about this?


Digits confirm it. Meme it

Combine it with the White Power one above, and a statement that McDonald's did it in support of a white power movement they began years ago via Moonman. That could be a quality maymay, since any who really look into it would run into all the Moonman works.

I can already see the Buzzfeed article.

His approval is made manifest.

Guys check this one out , if McDonalds and the whole Holocaust thing got around it might just get peoples attention on certain things that happened a long long time ago and when they start thinging about those things again who knows amongst all the commotion maby people might start thinking and asking questions and maby even begin to wake up.

Remove the pepe though

Like this?

But they HATE Pepe...

she wears pantyhose for a bra...

Also this is Reddits fault if it all goes belly up we never had anything to do with it and neither did pepe it was ALL REDDITS FAULT.

NO we cannot link it to us


original nigger killer hardcore rip nigger heads off

He has a point

Fuck that shit I wanna kill a nigger
Pull a trigger stab and kill
And torture niggers
Stick em in the fucking oven and close the door
cook a nigger punch a nigger
Kick a nigger in the fucking dick you nigger
Fuck a nigger fight a nigger
Steal your fucking bike you nigger

Yeah, KKK, nigger babies i don’t give a fuck
Stick it up the butt
Bang every porch monkey easily busily
my cock nigger

I don’t give a fuck about people of other colors
Get the fuck out you ain’t my brother
Why don’t you go and fuck a hyena
When it’s dark outside I can’t even see ya

He is deep in a trance like state
Focusing all his anti-Semitic hate
He looks ready to unleash the next race war
With a battle cry of 6 million more
Go columbine in every downtown corner store
His dick will blitzkrieg the throat of the mexican whore
There is no physically stopping the one man train to Auschwitz

hollow point tips load the clip
one shot to the dome takes out Tyrone
pull the trigger
kill a nigger

I'm starting to think you might be a little racist.

smoother than Dr. Pepper
more hardcore than your average goose stepper
kill a nigger and skullfuck a jew

be a hero

what was your first clue?

don’t give a fuck about your mama
Jizzing on her face ain’t no drama
It’s probably different than the nigger cock she’s used to
Kill a nigger and skullfuck a jew

Hmmm. Looks like somebody here struck a nerve. Now we’re getting random racist methhead spam.


How autistic are you right now? Scale of 1-10

just sharing some thoughts and ideas here

Yeah okay reddit.

I put niggers underground without a sound
you minorities can’t step to me
All spics need to go back to Mexico

don't call me r*ddit you stupid fuckhole cuckface

I like it but just remove the pepe

BAN ASSAULT BURGERS. A hamburger doesn't need two all beef patties. One is enough to kill. Think of the children that are forced to eat these death meals. The kosher pickles can stay though.

Can we make the little reddit cuck a hate symbol?

pick up your sombrero get back in the Camaro
or I'll fuck your ass dead like Eddie Guererro


racism is not permitted on Sup Forums. I've been on here for 15 years and I've never seen that kind of shit permitted on here. we are a decent, tolerant, upstanding...ok the bullshit's getting deep

Looking forward to the day Wendy's turns it's W upside down for a day

methinks mcd might be infringing on mike judge's trademark


Wendy's can do it for Muslim Day

wwww ww ww wwwwwwhite
I'm lovin it

Really looking good.

Digits approve. Blast it

we can make *anything* a hate symbol

There is no physically stopping the one man train to Auschwitz
Pack your dreidels and run before he blows your brains to bits
Be quick because he won't be occupied with digging no holes
That's not how the 10 ton Tel Avi terror rolls

Dude... THE DIGITS. Kek wills it