I just want to watch it burn... but from a safe distance

What are some ways I can hurt society without ending up dead, homeless or imprisoned ?

Ive come to the conclusion western civilization doesn't deserve to be saved, I'm considering everything from bathroom stall propaganda to starting a fake charity for women's rights and sending all the money to isis.

Ah, so you've welcomed the Dark Side? Excellent.

>I just want to watch it burn... but from a safe distance
Quintessential Judaism

>What are some ways I can hurt society without ending up dead, homeless or imprisoned ?
you can build your own HPA air rifle that shoots "tranq darts" aka modified syringes filled with ricin,abrin,cyanide or a 100 other easily available poisons you can make in your kitchen and garden, then you can kill 1-2-3 people if you are really sneaky, thats it

Stick your ass in the air 5x a day for Allah to smell or GTFO.

Go town to town under an assumed identity. Fuck and impregnate as many women as you can. They will eventually get on social welfare, job done.

Pee in the pool

I can probably do quite a few if i do it far from home where i will never return and space the kills out over several years.

Does jizya mean what I think it does

This sounds both fun and legal... and my genetic material will be way more likely to continue into the future... i like the way you think.

What rifle is that? Haven't seen a bullpup with the trigger group that far back. Is it just a Tavor with ext barrel/handgaurd?

>homemade airgun
>trusting a dart to deliver a poison
>no poison quick acting enough

So he'll be spotted shooting the first dart which won't even go through the clothing of the person he shoots at and they'll have him arrested. Great plan, moron.

Just produce large amounts of chlorine gas in an enclosed space if you want a one-off attack. Bonus points for shooting at the people fleeing forcing them back down into the gas.

Probably just some plastic shit this bitch made to cosplay with mang.

>and my genetic material will be way more likely to continue into the future

Within a dozen generations your contribution is meaningless.

Genetic change happens on the population level, not the individual level. The only traces we see of individuals is enormous warbands on raping sprees, like Ghengis. When people say X amount of people are descendant from him they mean his line, all the sons he had all over the steppes, China and into Europe, that in turn raped more women and so on. Not his personal contribution in his lifetime.

Biologically, you just aren't that important even with a dozen children.


Quit watching porn/jerking off

no way, that's a real gun

This will sound counter intuitive but help the system whenever you can.

You will hasten the eventual chaos to come.


...and then they wonder why western civilization is in trouble....and then they have the nerve to say it doesn't deserve to be saved......wew fuckin lad

Ask or somthing.

Meh as long as i still get to jiz in some girl.

>Sup Forums creates insane amount of value in the past 15 years
>shitskins are attracted to value like flys are to shit
>shitskins come here but get severely triggered by stuff white people talk about when there is no censorship imposed on them
>for a shitskin this must be the first time they get confronted by unfiltered white opinions
>the cognitive dissonance they experience is SEVERE
>sometimes they can’t sleep for days(I’ve spoken to several pol-shitskins)
>they get addicted to this place because all these things they hear make sense and explain many things in their lives
>they do not admit all of these things but become angry at white and thing that’s it’s just a game to make them feel bad
>they think the world only revolves around them and whites here do the things they do as a way to trigger them
>so they start to playing the game that they assume is being played here

>start posting things explicitly designed to trigger whites
>white purity spiral (causes division in the whites)
>white women hate (causes whites to hate their own kind)
>nigger dick posting (triggered white people’s sexual insecurities)
>attack representatives of white interest politicians&e-celebs

Hurt society like it hurt you with the reality of your subhuman status? You little shitskin just want to inflict the same kind of pain we inflicted on you

Vow to never ejaculate again unless it's into a child(bride). Works for me!

People where faping in the west even when it was worth saving... I bet a bunch of hussars jerked off right after saving Vienna my dude

If you send money to ISIS you really will make a list.

Come on now man just because I'm 10% Mexican doesn't mean I'm not white... if the Italians get a pass so do i.

Yeah... ill probably try something else first.

DESU It's doing a fine job of destroying its self without any help.

How can one be 10%mexican? Mexicans are made up of several types of races and mixed races if you look at who runs the country it's mostly "whites". See Jorge Ramos for an example.

>starting a fake charity for women's rights and sending all the money to isis

Heartiest of keks. I'd say you were looking for the SIEGEpill if you weren't a filthy capitalist.

I have a few Mexicans in my family but there are mostly Spanish so I'm not but hurt about it.

Become extremely successful at exposing society's dishonesty in legal ways. If it helps society change for the better, you win. If it leads to collapse, you win.

>without ending up dead, homeless or imprisoned
sounds boring

>literal israelitrash gun
>4 MOA
I want the tavor israhell trash gun meme to die.

Better off bored than completely fucked.

>western civilization doesn't deserve to be saved
Western Civilization as it exists today is not worth saving, but WC today is pseudo-socialism. If we as a society can get back to merit-based capitalism tied to the gold standard half of our problems would be solved overnight.

Become varg.

So not hurting the society at all?

For $50 you can buy a shovel and a pair of Kevlar snips and start cutting internet fiber.

Sensible kek

Dumbest meme ever. China built the world's first cannons, artillery rockets and daisy-cutters. The daisy-cutters were for use against Mongol hordes.

Attack the power grid, internet infrastructure, cell towers, broadcasting stations, etc... Low chance for fatalities, large monetary damages, not interesting enough to garner large media coverage.

i find this picture oddly arousing

>I just want to watch it burn... but from a safe distance

But you can't, it always comes around.

Bathroom stall propaganda or graffiti is the way to go.

Find a neutral billboard (not a racially-charged one, just a random ad) and drape a massive sheet saying "IT'S OKAY TO BE WHITE" over it.