"California Represents The Future"

Get that you racist!!! Kamala "Half Nigger, Half Poo, and Married to a Jew" Harris says "California Represents The Future""!!! Time for all you white crackers to accept the illegal gibs army of future Democrat voters!!!

"HIS Credibility Is SHOT': Kamala TORCHES Sessions Using Slavery to Defend DOJ’s ‘WAR on California’"

"Kamala Harris On Immigration: Sessions Wants To Roll Back The Clock, "California Represents The Future""

I'm going to enjoy watching California lose the lawsuit

It's Kamallah, spell it right ffs

Califag here, can't wait until the illegal loving dems are stomped out of California. We need to take our state back from the criminals and political criminals.

Good luck.

your state belongs to mestizos bro




She's right tho. The age of white men is over in America.



I really hope she runs in 2020.

>fuck white people
>shiiieeeetttttt! How did I lose?

>Sessions lacks credibility because of where he comes from.
Kek. Hope we run against this one, bros. Certifiably dumb enough to give Trump a landslide.

That 95.5 is primarily thanks to the depth of my genius. Everyone else here is a fucking halfwit.

Spics will be second to go in the oven .

California will be the first state kicked out of our union.

>They had it all and wasted it away in two world wars.

All the shitskins those V-2 rockets would have killed.

>Fuck having borders n law n shit, I need more voters.

Sadly it probably does

why abandon our land instead of sending the military to stomp it into oblivion and rebuild?

>poverty, wealth disparity, brown people, high taxes, human shit, homeless epidemic, gang warfare, drug problems, absolute degeneracy, illegal immigrants prioritized over law abiding tax-paying citizens
>this is the future we have to look forward to

Black user whose spent extensive time in the bay area....
I have never encountered as much racism as I did in my whole life in the south/northeast that I had in California. The irony is that it was from 1st/2nd gen Americans who don't even have any long standing roots in this country. Furthermore, I've never seen as much segregation as I have in my life as I did in California. They keep their slave class spics in run down particle board appartments scattered around like roach enclaves. They kept the niggers in oakland until they ran out of overpriced lan. Then they ran them out to sacramento w/ the mexicans. Asians are racist af and have their pockets all across the bay area. Indians are racist af and segregate in their own pockets. Whites are the wealthiest and have been getting the fuck out of dodge slowly. Meanwhile you have these 56% fucks like this half breed who because she sits in a position of power/wealth whips up fantastical bullshit about how the world should be.

California represents the future? Lets see here :
> A dedicated slave class
> Ranked worst quality of life across 50 states
> Homeless people everywhere
> Shit all over the street
> Hepatitis A epidemics because the public areas are so filthy
> Extremely overpriced homes
> Oppressive taxes
> Segregated communities
> Pronounced third world racism
> No middle class jobs because they've all been exported overseas so limousine liberals can live high on the hog
> Heavily indebted govt for which you can't seem to understand where the money is spent because the public infrastructure is run down and there's nothing to show for it
> 3rd world public education.


> mfw user was in my head during my post.
> Literally this

her Twitter feed is almost solely people talking shit about her and her support for illegals

I want her to squat on my face

>someone in the video comments points out that immigration is a federal matter and the local government is committing sedition
>"yeah, but muh GDP!"
How is this an argument? Do californians think laws don't apply to them because they're rich or something?

If California represents the future, we are all fucked.

She looks like a tranny user

you represent the past and china the future
you represent the chaos china the unity
you represent the destructionof culture china the preservation
you represent the hate china the love for their ancestors
you reprsent low iq imbred race chinese high iq society
you ahave destroyed america in a world with china rising europe and usa could have stopped it but not your type


This but with California as an intermediate step.

the ryse of the planet apes