Front page of Google today
Front page of Google today
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I saw this as well what is even happening here
Man in drag
proof that traps aren't gay
What in the actual fuck
>ok ill just ignore your penis, its not a big deal anyway
fucking kill me already. im so tired of living.
Date tranny's you fucking white male homophobic religious racist fuck!
>she still loves you when she cheats on you
>just be cool with it, she’s (((liberated)))
>drink your soy
neat trannies are women too, inferior
It's just a google cartoon. Calm down buddy.
>Suck her dick, bigot.
Why aren't you dating a women with a penis? It's the current fucking year!
>Man in drag
>these mysogynists dont do a comic with a real woman on fucking womens day
Oh shit I totally misunderstood this lol
wtf does this mean.
i am so tired of this clownworld
Does she have a feminine penis?
what the fuck
Where's the rest of it where they can't reproduce and die complacently?
I hope she still has her penis otherwise it would be pretty gay.
Front Page of Vanity Fair.
This is a woman. I think?
ALL U need is love of boi pussy its all ok to be a faggit
Remember when they honored the Japanese woman who said America deserved September 11th? What a progressive world we live in!
Transgender cartoon artist from Brazil. What else did you expect from Google?
Laerte, despite being a despicable leftist, was a good cartoonist until he was completely insane. His current madness is gender dysphoria. Pic related, Laerte.
Oh my god
hard times for toons to identify a trannie
Why do they ALWAYS use a redhead in these strawman comics? What is the reasoning behind it?
this is the "woman" ho drew this shit
>It's women's day today
>google prioritizes the feelings of mentally ill men
der untermensch
Because trannies often dye their hair. The pussy is already fake, the tits too - might as well dye your hair too.
Who cares? Some traps are cute as fuck.
i hope that your pic is born female
although her arms say something else
So is red the go to hair color for trannies? How do gingers feel about this?
T. Tranny or trap
That's because Laerte is a cross dresser.
Meanwhile back on planet Earth
What a beautiful gal
Some unicorns are real too
probably he cut his penis off and now use it like an eraser.
That fucking nose
Yea user, they're in the catagory of males that don't pass on their genes to the next generation. Rather like childless spinsters. That dosen't mean they have to be miserable in life. They can always adopt and give a kid a happy home, or at the very least enjoy the company of a cat.
>It's the responsibility of every generation to renew the life of humanity. Regardless of their other achievements, if they don't do this, the generation as a whole can be considered a failure- as well as the generation that set them up to fail.
Yes, lesbian from Master of None, also the worst part of it.
>It's just (((A))) google cartoon
He doesn't want to die because of just one, user.
That fucking everything dude
t. shekelberg-Goldnose
woops my hand slipped
>TFW my first thought was "Why is a white man with a white woman in a google cartoon, oh I bet he's gonna get cucked"
It’s on my fucking as well!!!!
What do you mean "front page of google"?
>tfw no cute redhead gf with glasses
It's not fair
i would be like
"I didnt get a job in Bayer's R&D dept. by being a retard"
This trap or what? Don't understand
Did that Guy just change his opinion after he saw the trap's boobs ?
Objectification much ? LOL
No tranny in history has managed to maintain the illusion in person to the extent that a date would not know they are a man, let alone a man who they interacted socially with beforehand.
It is highly amusing this fantasy is posted by google on women's day though.
Good post
Maybe she was just a really ugly woman.
traps are gay
dicking one makes you a faggot
Is that creature real ?
>be march 8th
>is official women day
>jewgle kindly makes a point that even at being women, men still are better
I don't even know who's trolling who anymore
I wouldn't actually mind dating a tranny but blatantly lying about your transition is just rude and inconsiderate. It's perfectly understandable to not be attracted to people with dicks and people with holes where their dicks used to be. It's almost like google are telling guys that they shouldn't be angry if their date doesn't disclose a vital detail about their own psychology.
Stop using google you faggots.
Ahh, figures the macacos were behind this crap.
Traps are gay
What did they mean by this?
because this is the only instance of this faggotry ive ever seen.
now i want to stay alive long enough to see you die. thanks for the encouragement!
Much better.
>They can always adopt and give a kid a fucked up and confused upbringing
Jesus christ, the state of the world today, eh?
>that schnoz
Not really, I'd say that being attracted to the feminine appearance of a trap while considering the penis to be an added bonus or just something you don't care about while not being attracted to regular guys makes you bisexual at the most.
>a big company makes a comic about relationship between a man and a woman
>both of them are white
>plot twist: one of them is a tranny
well imajun my shawk
you could see a twist coming from a mile away, there's no way they'd promote white heteronormative couples
i don't rly care for trannies but it really is just a harmless comic don't get your panties in such a twist
Thanks I had no idea what the comic implied
Yep commie
>This is a woman
about as close as pic related
Lefties think made up cartoons reflect reality when in actual fact it exposes the childish fantasy land in their heads.
Pic definitely related
It means you have to suck dick or you're a fucking homophobic, what's so fucking hard to understand?
That's a lot worse than I was expecting.
I am scared for human race google needs to die
Physically repulsive
wake me up from this nightmare
Some can, and fool naive men to make up/fuck them without they knowing the truth.
You'd think they'd know enough not to drink their own Kool-Aid.
There is one (1) good trap and it's Mariza. That German has a fat ass and wide hips so it's impossible not to lust for him.
Kek it’s really not too far off from it being actually produced by some lefty fag