Should men be allowed to have anything?

Should men be allowed to have anything?

who gives a fuck? i bet jews did this.

This is the typical inverted logic of the left: Not receiving special treatment for your identity group is considered discrimination... except when it's about straight, white men. Their anger is so volatile because they can not conceive of this notion that straight, white men are using their own arguments against them. It's against the retarded rules they made up for their shitty movements.

I say, as always, that leftists do not deserve the right to vote. They want special treatment? Let's give it to them. Ban Marxism.

If they aren't willing to fight for themselves, than NO.

I don't need a fucking celebration day for me having a penis.

>the sun
>social media = news

thats not the point. The point is nobody deserves a special day for their genitalia. Watching faggot communists go ballistic at the notion of mens day shows once again their hypocricy.

Bitter ass manbabies need to be punched hard and often. Every time some brain-dead sexist shit drops out of their mouths.

After a few bruises and a good cry, they'll get the idea.

Feminism isn't going anywhere, babydicks.

Motherfucking deal with it.

And big fat fuck you to your false equality.

What do you get out of this? Seriously.

He probably thinks he's actually having an impact. It's something I often notice with Marxists. They think their insult-laden language is actually persuasive. I suppose it goes back to the central idea of Marxism: Anyone who reads the doctrine, but does not become a Marxist, either does not understand it, or is a bad person. So Marxists today think that anyone not already in their camp is either evil, or stupid. And when you realize that, you can see that 99% of Marxist arguments you see online are based on this.

Toothpaste actually provides good insight on this.

you're an attention whore and a drama queen
you're a woman
keep whining bitch
you're acting like woman's day really mattered, stop enabling those roasties

International Women's day: a pointless celebration created by (((communists))) and later adapted by globalists.

Interesting. I always assumed it just for (Yous)s, but this place gets raided a lot.

I think pic related also does a good job summarizing their thought process. Attack, belittle and degrade anyone who questions your lies or thinks differently then you. It's more about censoring then convincing.

>tfw slav
>tfw 8 March is just another glorified mothers day
>tfw mom is currently in the kitchen making food and a cake for today

man, woman. what of the other 100 genders guys!? they need a day too. like, c'mon.

Just like women don't deserve a celebration day for them having a vagina.

Toothpaste knows what's up. They're terrified of White Men asserting themselves in non faggoty ways.

Funnily enough there is an International Men's Day, but its pretty much only brought up in articles like pic related. I don't think that many countries even recognize it

>Men should be put into a giant blender.

No. Real men don't give a shit about having a day. This is a beta complaint.

Stop being a whiny bitch beta male. Who the fuck cares about having a day?

Feminism is actually pretty based when you think about it. It's basically anti-beta male. Note that the only people who whine about feminism are ugly unwanted males.

Every day I fap is Men's Day.

>Feminism isn't going anywhere

Exactly, this same shit has been pumped by Anglo-Communist propagandists since the 1840s.

The biggest thing that Progressives will never understand (and is proof of how braindead the entire concept is) is that equality and feminism and all that Jazz are periodically re-introduced into American culture by change agents. At first, it was 'positive' because even in the 19th century women were popular on lecture circuits and even as respected novelists etc. But still, in 2018, women need to be congratulated in excess by TPTB and to tell them they are perpetual victims of the patriarchy.

You had everything for thousands of years. #Timesup

Honestly, why would straight white men with even the slightest modicum of self esteem even care about this? Every time anyone else on the spectrum tries to celebrate anything these days, you have this whiny, sniveling contingent of butt hurt white males hitting the internet like a sad plague.
"What about ME? What about ME?'
Really? You sound exactly like the 'Gibs-Me-Dat!' minorities you so love to attack. For Christ's sake, super glue your balls back on and act like men.