We whine about things that matter like wage labour, technological stagnation, environmental damage, automation, resource scarcity etc things that matter and effect us in a very real and direct way.
Whilst you and your ilk constantly complain about college campus sjws, interracial porn and feminists.
Take a look at Sup Forums's front page and compare it to either of lefty or left pol's front pages and you can see you deluded chauvinists have no clue as to what is actually going on in the world instead eating up sensationalist reactionary drivel whilst the bourgeoisie continue to fuck you in the ass but it's OK because at least you're white.
Thomas Rodriguez
Communism is a Stateless, Classless and Cashless society.
Brayden Brown
Brayden Perez
I see you are not a fan of communism?
William Rivera
We're taking over, chump.
Jonathan Cruz
this but unironically
Blake Lopez
Also, I'd like to remind Sup Forums it's a literal fact left wingers are more intelligent than right wingers. I mean just browse Sup Forums for a day and consider how much you've "learned". the catalog is constantly just full of "BLACK GUY RAPES WHITE GIRL IN SHITUNA, SWEDEN", "SJW'S BTFO!", "EUROPE IS BLACKED", "HOW THE CULTURAL MARXISTS ARE BRAINWASHING OUR KIDS THROUGH TELEVISION"
now visit leftpol- we have threads dedicated to reading lists, we're constantly discussing geopolitics, history, economics, philosophy, why certain sects of leftism are wrong, why others are right etc etc etc.
Christian Evans
In reality you’re a total faggot who complains about non-existent issues because you’re too retarded to understand how the world actually works, meanwhile we actually complain about things that actually matter like the moral decay of society and the downfall of western civilisation
Charles Ward
You can’t even get a job, all you do is steal rightwing memes and pass them off as your own
Parker Jenkins
You’re such a bunch of faggots that you have to be referred to as leftypol, you do understand the implications of that right? Or are you too retarded to work it out? You can’t do anything except sperg our and in so doing increase our numbers
Liam Jenkins
>environmental damage >non-existent issues
Cooper Sanchez
fuck off
Jeremiah Young
If you knew what mattered then maybe your ideas wouldn't have caused so many of your fellow travelers to starve to death.
Ryan Gutierrez
That’s quite subjective. Every leftist I’ve met couldn’t tell me jack shit about how corrupt the US Government and CIA are; how we literally destroy democratic nations under the false notion of “saving the people.” I wouldn’t call it intelligent to be completely unaware of how geopolitics and the US dominance over it exists. I bet you support the Israelis and hate Iran.
Dylan Richardson
Lmao, stereotypical leftwing retard who doesn’t understand that the left have literally zero wisdom whatsoever. Look at leftwing intellectuals and compare them to rightwing intellectuals, your ideas fail literally everywhere they’re tried. And I’m not sure if you’re being extra especially retarded but it’s faggots like you who make those threads
>why certain sects of leftism are wrong
Nice to see you admit it’s a religion but in fact you’re all wrong. None of you can come to terms with the fact that you’re a bunch of talentless beta male faggots with massive egos resentful of the fact that in a free society people like trump will outearn you
Robert Mitchell
culture > money you dirty kike
Carson Sanchez
>importing millions of third worlders is good for the environment
Brody Thompson
And if you truly are concerned about the well-being of people and the conservation of resources, you should be worried about the African population explosion. Someday your privileged first world existence is going to be shattered by a massive influx of refugees with a double digit IQ.
Liam Turner
The Aral Sea has been dramatically reduced because of retards like you coming up with ideas that you think will fix the world because you can’t actuallu do anything for yourself and essentially need to talk shit out like women. Seriously think about that for a second, you literally just talk about shit like a bunch of women, all trying to agree on your next retarded idea, meanwhile real men go out and achieve things. Leftys are essentially women arguing around a campfire while the right go out and build something
Jaxson Ortiz
Ah yes, the downfall of western civilization. YOU are the epitome of western decadence- you feel left behind by liberal globalization, rather than taking it out on the system itself you attack the symptoms.
>every leftist couldn't tell me jack shit about corruption and the CIA then who the fuck are you talking to, liberals? The CIA literally exists to combat communists. Anyone who calls themselves a communist is very aware of what the CIA has done to undermine socialist revolutions around the world.
Thank you for proving my point, no need to argue now. You are reactionary, emotional, angry people- you don't think logically, only with emotion and white identity politics.
Grayson Morris
>ow visit leftpol- we have threads dedicated to reading lists, we're constantly discussing geopolitics, history, economics, philosophy, why certain sects of leftism are wrong, why others are right etc etc etc. I parosed your catalogue, this is blatantly false. Go back to your irrelevant pusedo-intellectual circle jerk.
Justin Rodriguez
The fact that you guys seem to be so obsessed with "millions of third worlders" shows me just how disconnected from the real world you are. I assume most of you don't hold jobs, you don't contribute to society- because if you did things like affording health care, wage labour, workers rights etc would hold more significance to you than fucking Africans migrating to Europe for cheap labour.
Carter Young
Lol top kek a commie talking about environmental protection.
Ethan Baker
I can take care of my family without the government I don't want foreigners in my country it has nothing to do with money
Brody Rivera
>there aren't retards on leftypol I never claimed this, the BO is a fucking cunt. here's our catalogue. Now compare it to yours
Andrew Robinson
looks like a bunch of kike nonsense doing nothing but complaining about shekels
Thomas Jackson
How come communism has never worked?
Dylan Ross
>communist states at an all time low >w-were taking over c-chump
Jayden Clark
>Concerned about revolutions being undermined by the CIA while both are responsible for the deaths of innocents.
This is highly ironic. How does allowing hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of “refugees” help a country? There’s already a fuckton of homeless, mentally ill, disabled, starving, and underpriveledged people in this country. Why aren’t we helping them? I would rather help my countryman, no matter his color or creed, than help a mechanism of Capitalism (cheap foreign labor) that further results in the oppression of a nation’s citizens. Why should I be concerned about some starving African when the homeless man on the street corner isn’t being provided a hot meal and a roof over his goddamn head. So much for the conservation of resources when we’re blowing them on goddamn non-citizens. You can’t raise everyone up, but why not raise up as many people as you can in your own nation first?
Julian Myers
>I never claimed this You implied that /leftypol/ is superior because of the quality of discussion over a broad subject of topics when in reality the threads are a mix of month old posts that are biased and falsely smug drivel and Sup Forums trolling that you faggots freak out about. That is not really convincing me that your board is superior. Saying "our dumpster fire isn't raging as hard" isn't a great argument. At least this board is fun, yours is kinda sad.
>here's our catalogue. Now compare it to yours Again, I'm seeing the same level of discourse that discusses the same tired points and claim that you're obsession with idpol (what do you think class struggle is) isn't an obsession with idpol. You're all a bunch of intellectually dishonest faggots that need a kick in the balls. Including your tranny overlord. It doesn't help that ever IRL communist I've ever met is a unwashed gremlin with mental issues and a chip on their shoulder.
Connor Ramirez
"B-B-ut look at OUR front page!" Yes, look at it - full of leftists touching dicks over the same failed economic and government ideas over and over. You romanticize the notion of some grand upheval in the name of idiots whose rhetoric has been beaten into a stain on the sidewalk. You desperately try to wrangle and groom people into your cabal, but anyone short of the retarded can smell your failures a mile away. Face it, your paradigms are stagnant old turds that experience disgust from even the filthiest things within the sewer.
Charles Ramirez
>are biased
Oh, compared to "hey guys I read this article on Breitbart about how they're brainwashing school children with the Quran- the source was the janitor who was fired from the school 6 months ago for jacking off in the broom closet"
I'm done arguing with reactionaries, I just want you people dead. You cannot be reasoned with. You refuse to acknowledge discourse and instead jump to strawman arguments every single fucking time.
Great argument for why Capitalism is great. What it comes down to, is we see the failings of Capitalism and want to fix them. You see the failings of Capitalism and praise them i.e. "Hey, you just aren't working hard enough! How about 50 hours instead of 40, you lazy cunt?"
Luis Clark
You're between the ages of 18-29. You're marginally employed. Your parents were middle-class. You were raised in a mostly-white suburb. You performed above average in school, but never achieved anything. You have bad tattoos which you had done with your parents' money. You thought they would make you look quirky, interesting, and fun, but they don't. Your exposure to communism is solely through the internet. You became convinced communism works via Youtube videos and internet forums. You're unmarried and have no children. You've had at least one gay encounter which you keep secret.
Christopher Cox
You’re not acknowledging my discourse.
Ayden Rogers
>we whine about gibs because most of us are unemployed or defacto unemployed faggots, while circlejerking about edgy selfinsert fantasy books and endless issues of selfpitying selfdeluding, selfmasturbating fanfiction >you only whine about essential aspects of life, the open war led against your kinds very existence and your struggle against us marxist degenerates ruining everything people like you create >Sup Forums BTFO oh wow marxist deflecting! never seen that before!
Austin Reyes
Capitalism is a vague useless term you brainlet. It describes a million fucking things and political systems. What we really want us a free market. Switzerland has something close to a free market with high living standards. What's wrong with them?
Also you can't have a free market with central banking. If we had no central banking it would literally force wages up and prices down. This is what "capitalism" really is. Also LTV is impossible because the working class buys and consumes 99% of all consumer goods. Taking over the means of production will not benefit the working class materially at all.
I'm going to sleep so I won't reply to your post.
Benjamin Morris
>Oh, compared to "hey guys I read this article on Breitbart about how they're brainwashing school children with the Quran- the source was the janitor who was fired from the school 6 months ago for jacking off in the broom closet" >guise the marxists.com article written by a dude on benefits we jerk too isn't totally biased at all you reactionary scum
>I'm done arguing with reactionaries, I just want you people dead. Good, now you are seeing things from our point of view. See you on the killing fields faggot.
>You cannot be reasoned with. Look who's talking.
>You refuse to acknowledge discourse and instead jump to strawman arguments every single fucking time. Because calling everyone that disagrees with your delusional worldview a "reactionary" isn't strawmanning out the ass right? I also liked how you take the one phrase "biased" and run with it as if you're worldview is undeniable truth and not allowed to be criticized. it's almost as if you have no real arguments other than "you're just wrong, accept the abuse of occam's razor" in the most materialistic way possible. This entire thread is based off of a strawman that you proposed and can't maintain because you look like a fucking moron for doing so. Now you're posting porky memes in some vain attempt to save face. Sad.
Run along back to /leftypol/ and cry to your fellow autists about how you're being kept down by the man.
Matthew Harris
>We see the failings of Capitalism and want to fix them. "Sure, the last seven houses we worked on burned down from electrical fires, but let us rewire the electricity in your house our way." Why argue anything with you? That would imply that your point of view has any validity. I would rather mock you. Go back to your failure board and read your moldy books.
Justin Evans
we're going to collectivize your memes and there's LITERALLY NOTHING you can do about it
Josiah Price
>I just want you people dead. You cannot be reasoned with. You refuse to acknowledge discourse
Brody Diaz
>Weak sage
Connor Perry
>Capitalism is a vague useless term you brainlet. It describes a million fucking things and political systems. Capitalism is a mode of production, not a political system, You smart boy. It is quite well defined, and if you can't differentiate between politics and production i sugest you start visiting the nearest library.
Switzerland has state owned education, post, rail and a central bank. Even tho their health system is private it is compulsory for every citizen to buy (like taxes but it goes to the private sector. look at all that freedom!)
>Also LTV is impossible You have no idea what the LTV is
Julian Morris
You're between the ages of 18-29. You're marginally employed. Your parents were middle-class. You were raised in a mostly-white suburb. You performed above average in school, but never achieved anything. Your exposure to the right wing is solely through the internet. You became convinced Jews control the world via Youtube videos and internet forums. You're unmarried and have no children. You've had at least one gay encounter which you keep secret.
Anthony Parker
No one's talking about third-worlders.
Carter Scott
>look mom I posted exactly what he said This is the power of /leftypol/ discourse.
Levi Young
Aaayye! You said it.
Joshua Turner
>the point
>your head
John Reyes
Except point out that the left can't meme and laugh at you.
Jaxson Peterson
The Left can't meme
Luke Nguyen
Lol no the only thing you care about is idolpol you pretend not to, but that's it. This is why you have no workers.
Robert Wilson
You also have threads dedicated to collecting jailbait how your hormone blockers are working not to mention all the cock the owner of the board sucks. You faggoys are really a disgusting bunch. Any tankie worth his salt wouldn't even gulag you. You're straight to the wall.
Liam Clark
2nd pbp
Parker Fisher
Why did communism fail?
Wyatt Diaz
Lincoln Moore
>Automation Is this supposed to be a bad thing? Could solve some of the problems you list as consequence of needing less workers.
Jayden Martinez
because with jews you lose
Robert Watson
he never said automation was a problem, just that it is a real matter and it afects us. Nontheless the last wave of automation is creating, and will continue to create huge unemployment. No empoyment, no consumption, no consumption no capitalism. This and all the other problems associated with unemployment such as poverty, violence, disease etc.
Nicholas Ward
The problem is less about capitalism vs communism and more about the fact that we have gone beyond the carrying capacity. And that we keep wasting materials rather than repurpouse them, which could also help economies. Also, before you say that communism is an environmentally friendly option, consider that ,for starters, both China and the URRS fucked up several extensions of plains iirc in the Gobi.