Why #MeToo is the last nail in Worst Korea's coffin

What was it like to be a gook in Worst Korea in the 1980s?

It was poorer. People have terrible fashion sense. Men didn't wear makeup. It was a dictatorship so no candlelight protests or yellow ribbons (if you knew what was good for you). But actually gook men back then had two freedoms they don't have now: 1) legal hookers and 2) legal prime teen pussy.

That's right, when you look at photos of conscripts and their gookettes back then, you'll see half of them are wearing... school uniforms. Because the age of consent used to be 13. And prostitution used to be totally legal AND socially permissible because "good girls" are so fussy and want marriage and all that bullshit. Sure back then Worst Koreans had to suffer the humiliation of a few tens of thousands of their girls getting BLEACHED by soldiers and beta teachers, but small price to pay for getting to live in what was despite the dictatorship a pretty free country.

Now they have more money. Better fashion. Soldiers and teachers find it hard to get laid with Korean girls because the economic advantage foreigners used to have is gone and they successfully stigmatized whites as broke and creepy losers. BUT gooks are not getting cucked, even harder than before through Western culture.

Feminism has absolutely exploded and is accelerating. Prostitution is banned now and schoolgirls are absolutely off limits for older guys who are expected to be good beta cuck providers for women their own age. The surveillance state and social media are making social rules hard as stone as well.

NOW #MeToo is coming on the scene in a big way. And because of how totalitarian even the Free(er) Korea is, it's going to be terrible for guys. Because of how much more naturally extroverted Western guys are, there are limits to how thoroughly #MeToo can be fully implemented in the West. Just like blacks but to a lesser extent, whites are just harder to control. But in Korea, this will be absolutely vice-like in its grip.

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Once a social trend gains traction in Korea, it's like a fucking law. That's how South Korea has generally become so leftist in such a short period of time. But this is going to become a social hell for Korean men, who won't even be able to publicly whisper how much they resent it without social and professional consequences.

Now the South Korean state obviously depends on the average Kim to defend it. Consider how terrible this is going to be for South Korean morale when it comes to the struggle against North Korea.

Until recently, despite the US presence, despite how harsh South Korean society is in many ways, it still felt worth defending to most Korean men. You had economic freedom, you had free(er) love and sex, you had rights.

Now what the fuck do you have? Sure South Korea is still better than North Korea, but that's not enough to make anyone want to fight and kill to protect it. South Korea's brand has been tarnished. It's more (((democratic))) than ever, but ironically that's what's turning it into a dystopian place of misery.

#MeToo will be the straw that broke the camel's back. Until now, even with prostitution banned, ptp off limits, no legal porn etc. you could still fucking be a man around most women. Now they're getting totally cucked by an alliance of women allied with the UN and the (((global))) media and feminist organizations, ironically even harder than before when foreigners were muh dikking their women.

tl;dr nice knowing you ROK


Isn't South Korea's birth rate something like 1.1?

Embrace Juche, only Kim can save you now.

It recently fell to that, yes. For economic reasons and that was before this MeToo bullshit. This likely won't help, though.

See thing is until recently, the average slob I suppose kinda like in the West could still hope that they'd work hard, make it, and be able to Chad it up. But this is going to be apocalyptic here, because like I said, once something gets rooted in the culture as a "social rule" here it's ironclad. Once women decide that something is "creepy" that's it, you just can't fuckin do it. Because people here are able to exercise more self-control than whites (or blacks etc.), there's no wiggle room at all.

I can't say I agree much with the feminist agenda in your society but the age restriction on consent is pretty reasonable. But yeah the feminists fucked over your country for awhile now, and I don't think it'll get much better thanks to all of (((their))) influence.

South Korea is a preview of what globalists want to do to Japan and prime justification for everything Japan does to tell foreigners to fuck off.

>older guys who are expected to be good beta cuck providers for women their own age
This is the most flawless part of their plan.

Japan is not actually that different AFAIK, I think they had a big blowup about "seksuhara" in the workplace around a decade ago and since then regular Japanese guys have to walk on eggshells around women unless they wanna get in trouble.

The Japanese even have insurance for men who want to protect themselves from false claims

Prime example why Japan should have taken over S. Korea. You have a commie president, which will let Best Korea to keep their nukes. Keep complaining about muh comfort women and USA presence. It's only a matter of time until China takes over.

I don't know, but I highly enjoyed WJSN's comeback recently. Can't wait to watch Simply K-pop in the coming hours!


>Japan is not actually that different
Typical Korean nonsense, it's always either "Japan is just like Korea but worse!" or "They're subhumans Korea stronk!"

I'm not Korean.

And you'll notice I'm not praising Korea.

Literal false flag then.

No, but you are trying to downplay how bad they've gotten in comparison to their neighbor. I don't remember porn or perverted cartoons being banned in Japan, or for typical SJW female dominance shit to be normal culture, sex assault scares or beta bitch boys aside.

>Japan is not actually that different
they still have their lewd comics so your argument is invalid

Remember another thread made by a korean about feminists cancer. i thnik i have screecaps

>Literal false flag then.

Not really, since flags don't magically show the nationality of the poster.

>No, but you are trying to downplay how bad they've gotten in comparison to their neighbor.

I didn't say it was the same, you're right on the porn (mostly). Since this thread is about the potential impact of #MeToo though, I made the (correct) point that the sexual harassment in the workplace meme is as big a deal in Japan as it is here (and has been for longer, since it's only becoming a thing here now whereas in Japan it has for quite some time now).

tl;dr Japanese have some sexual freedoms Koreans don't have, but the fear of false allegations of groping/sexual harassment is the same (now) in both countries.

Both Korea and Japan are fucked due to US shenanigans bro

Young guys will keep doing what they're doing, PC-Bangs are cheap after all. 15-18 year olds are already spending most of their time playing League or Overwatch to try and become a pro, they dgaf about pussy. This is just going to make it worse for women

here you go



>Men the only thing between you and death by commies
>Beat them down at every opportunity, pussify them as much as possible

south korea is a such a shithole little bitch country. literally do whatever the u.s. does no matter how visibly damaging it is. let kimmy nuke it already

Commies in South Korea are weird. They demand all this SJW stuff and yet they support North Korea even though KJU would (will?) send them to the labor camps.

I dunno if they're just stupid or if they're secretly trying to put the country out of its misery because they're secretly madmen crashing this plane with no survivors

Do we have a indicator for the progressiveness of Liberalism/Feminism?
Yes. It's called the birth rate

Eastern Asia is fucked up big time

What about China?

>literally do whatever the u.s. does no matter how visibly damaging it is

The weirdest part is how they gobble up all the worst American social trends and yet put on a big show about rejecting American "degeneracy" and putting on a show of ethnic pride.

The conservatives who hate left-wing social movements with roots in the USA actually cling onto the US for dear life because they are afraid of South Korea getting JUCHE'd hard

This is literally the craziest country you can possibly imagine

What you see is clearly the result of nihilism. Pro tip: the solution isn't "free" sex.

Thing is marriage is a bitch now for Korean guys since divorce rape is now a thing here too.

Basically shit is worse for men in every way regardless of what kind of relationship you have just like in the West

Based Yuri

>Thing is marriage is a bitch now for Korean guys since divorce rape is now a thing here too.
What are the statistics for Koreans?

I forget, it's high though, like 40%+

Yeah, that's pretty bad. Consider setting up a secular community for people who share prosocial values and want to tackle social issues instead of relying on the government to do this for them. This will forge unity and understanding.

Politics should be banned if you don't want to be co-opted.


At this pace North Korea will win by 2100 because there's no more South Koreans left.

At least they've revealed their master plan.

What plan? A creative form of losing a war?

Kim jong-un turns blue haired landwhales into soap and lampshades, so you should move to Best Korea.

Ehh... as far as i know hookers are still cheap and affordable even for foreigners.

It's still illegal tho

Get caught and you'll end up on the sex offenders register and now they have convenient online maps and shit so that your neighbor Stacey can set the whole town on you

Also foreigners are irrelevant to what I'm talking about, Koreans have to live like Koreans in Korean society unless they get out

I know what you are getting at. It sucks. What i wanted to point out is just that you might overblown it a bit. Prostitution in Korea afaik is illegal only on paper. Seoul is full of brotherls and it has its own red light district still. Its still so widespread that even forginers get some and Korea is more "gajnin" unfriendly thatn even Japan in terms of forginers fucking Korean whores, they are only for Koreans or something. I don't know man. I don't really care. Do something about it if you care so much or stop moaning.

>Do something about it if you care