White Male Role Models?

Hello Sup Forums,

old as fuck fag here. been here since /n/ and even followed when the board went offsite for a while.

I am a father of a 1.5 year old son and my wife is pregnant. Everywhere I look I see "check out what these amazing women leaders are doing!" and "check out what these amazing poc are doing!" Meanwhile, the "ideal" white male in the eyes of the media is a soy drinking cuck.

I try to be the best role model I can by taking an active role in my son's life, working hard for the family, and not having any obvious vices.

Aside from myself, how can I have my son grow up and see other white males like himself succeeding? If he grows up to be a soyboy cuck I will die of shame.

early james bond films, clint eastwood westerns, classic looney tunes, hanna barbera, etc

thanks user, thats the sort of stuff i watched as a boy.

Whoops! Looks like you decided to have white male babies in the wrong time line. Please insert more coins for another try.

should i have just kms instead so i could please (((them)))?

same, but I'm 24. Stay the fuck away from modern shows, cartoons and vidya, it's chock full of shoehorned politics and faggotry

Be the best role model you can. Talk to him like an adult when he can understand. Don't baby him. Be firm but fair and caring. Show him how to be a man and behave like a man. Share your hobbies and interests with him. Explain your take on things as he becomes a teenager. Don't just tell him what you think, have conversations on why you think that. He is your blood, and he will know that he can trust you if you are ever-present in his life.

Good luck, user. It's not as hard as you think
t. father of current 16 yr old.

my wife still has some of the liberal mind control and doesnt like "old" stuff. wat do?

sell it under the pretense of bonding, as if you're sharing your boyhood experience with him or some shit like that.

Red ranger from first power rangers