
How do we stop them from hateing each-other?

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easy, by force

leave us alone or we'll gut you and take your wallet


search "IMG HOST" images safe search off

report it

Have Russia annex them all and forcefully russify them

Give it all to Greece

You don't. The whole world would fall under our collective might if we got our shit together, it's best you keep us down.

Gib whole balkan to Macedonia and reinstate the Empire and conquer the world

how to report that? I cant visit the site through duckduck.go and going to the site manualy, I cant find the pic.

unite them in hating italy

>kosovo as state

You can't

We have not even shown our power lvl yet.


We function best under dictatorship

Destroy the Serbshits once and for all.

this but unironically

Problem solved. Pic related.

>a bulgarian and a croat walk into a bar
>they quickly walk out because they don't have any money to buy drinks

From a utilitarian perspective, it comes down to the Serbian question as they're the common denominator in nearly all Balkan wars.

Stop larping.. i would first go fight for Poland if they try to invade again.

You will only know peace under Muslim rule.

Who buys drinks on Balkan?
We make drinks...if you don't have home made rakija or wine or know someone who has.. please go away...

>implying south Slavs aren't by definition meant to be under the boot of a Serbian leadership.


We need an uncorrupted Gruevski to become a dictator!


this is true, only serbia should be drunk and angry and on their way to buy illegal shit that they'll sell to the the germans for a good price my friend

At least you do genocide with a sense of humor...

Serbs are Turks

>implying i want to rule over the rest of Yugoniggers and deal with constant revolts
Nah, I'm good

>let me tell you about your ancestry

Low tier bate when everyone aside from some bosniacs and kosovans are against the ottomans and the there is the minor issue of Romania never being part of dar al Islam. They had to invent a new house for us to put the fanariot puppet leaders to Jew the land and people and have us as vassals.

Geography also helped as everyone else was smaller or lacking in natural defenses.

Isn't the whole area drunk and angry?
Ya you fellas are too serious about it.
That's literally what the monarchy was about, and you put a Cetnik there as you refuse...



>serb diasporatrash is mad his granny took Turkish cock with pride

I don't want any Turkish ancestry user, even at discount rates.

Let's be honest here. If the kingdom of Yugoslavia somehow magically came back in to existence there would be massive revolts because Bosnians and especially Croats would be buttmad that they're being ruled by a Serb king.

It's just not a good idea

hello bosniak diaspora, projecting again?

why are threads being deleted about this?!
this needs to go bigger so they delete IT

But I like Italy

How do you know he's Bosniak?
He could literally be any Balkan diaspora
As far as we know he could be just a mutt who decided to shitpost a bit

>Isn't the whole area drunk and angry?

yeah but serbia is the guy who gets drunk and then gets into a fight with everybody, and then the police comes, and then the party is over...

Slovenia and croatia have to get a real job, montenegro just smokes weed all day and lives from renting out his beach house, and bosnia and herzegovina get a divorce but still have to live with each other because they have to take care of their retarded child republika srpska

Kosovo and macedonia just left one day.. I think they joined isis or something

>$lovenia not a part of Balkans

Nice try meme flag, show us your real stable boy flag Žigmond

>How do you know he's Bosniak?
because he posts the same thing over and over again in these threads and in the beginning he exposed himself as bosniak

>yeah but serbia is the guy who gets drunk and then gets into a fight with everybody, and then the police comes, and then the party is over...
>Slovenia and croatia have to get a real job, montenegro just smokes weed all day and lives from renting out his beach house, and bosnia and herzegovina get a divorce but still have to live with each other because they have to take care of their retarded child republika srpska
>Kosovo and macedonia just left one day.. I think they joined isis or something
Genuine kek, have a (You) neighbor

No nation no say. The name Serb is bastardized and has negative connotation. Although all south Slavs are Serbs not all Serbs are south Slavs anymore. Kingdom of Yugoslavia would be a monarchist heaven where non-slavs (Albanians, Gypos, and other undesirables) are second class citizen. There is no such thing as a Bosniak. Only a Croat/Serb from the province of Bosnia.

What does it do?

Well summed up Hrvoje

You gypsy turk rape bitch

You're still ignoring the point that I made.
There would be constant civil unrest because Croats and Muslims wouldn't want to be ruled by a Serb king

Wtf, how to report?

Shows cp
No joke

Unite Balk into one big fat loserdome.

a bunch of cp shows up

It's not a *Serb* king. Also the first king should be half Croat/Serb.

Do you know (((who))) made them hate each other?

>Also the first king should be half Croat/Serb.

found a way to report, kinda scared they will track my IP though.

Reported anonymously ofc and explicitly said I dont want to have contact with them. Still feels awkward.

True. Balkan moonshine best moonshine. Also Slovene salamander rakija. Weird ancient hallucinogenic drink. Balkan know how to have fun.

A fascist Yugoslavia would be the best nation on earth, prove me wrong
>you can't


good idea. that way both croats and serbs can hate him equally

You fuck off and stay off. Every time shit hit the fan it either had an Anglo or a German behind it. Nowadays it's the EU Jews pulling shit. Not that we're not prone to agression, but the West is not helping with their meddling. Case in point, we didn't participate in WW2 nor were we killed by the Germans until the fucking English installed Tito to fuck shit up.

google "anonymously report child pornography" to report to your local cyberpolice.

i often think how a child of them would have looked like

every dictatorship is basically fascism, and we already tried that. didn't work out.

you did the right thing
they cant do a thing to u

Monster trucks.

btw who the fuck is Christian Grey?

Best genocidal music I will give them that. Funny how nothing changed when you read ancient greco-roman descriptions of Balkans. Obviously south Slavs are only Slavic in language but the same old mountain wolves in blood.


Not fucking Vučić...god fucking damn it.. I'd rather have Šešelj.. at least i know what he represents.

Even if that was the case and we somehow got a mongrel king I don't think all Yugoslavs would want to live in a same country.
Let's ask the Croats in this thread about it and see their opinions and let's hope we get an answer

Croats, would you live in such a nation if the king was half Serb half Croat?

not authoritarian enough

....I can count to srebrenica

desu dictatorship of our king in yugoslavia was ill-prepared and therefore shitty


Make Sarajevo or Zagreb the capital city so we don't get blamed for everything.

by accepting greek supremacy.

greeks are better than other balkans.

i am a greek.

I like Serbs better.

not for child pornography obviously, I dont even watch porn because its degenerate. But "thought crime" and shitposting on an antarctical raindance forum.

Divide the peninsula between Hungary and Bulgaria. The nations of the Balkans will prosper under thei iron rule of their harsh, but benevolent masters.

>greek supremacy
>lives in germany because greece is broke as fuck

If we don't genocide each other for no reason and if we manage to de-centralise the money going to only one centre to be honest i see no issues.

also, if there weren't those anglo kikes who instigated the coup against the king via their agents, who know what would have happened as we already signed a peace pact with hitler. but it would have went better for sure, without all those rivers of blood spilled for no reason

you are a slavshit subhuman jealous of greeks

>it ain't that complicated

you're a fake ikibey
kys you bad copy

about coups.

do you think that Gavrilo Princip is (((Gavrilo Princip))) his name sure doesnt sound Slavic?


Really? Even if the king was an ethnic Serb but we all got the same rights and we de-centralise the money would you be fine with it?

I feel like If I was a Croat I wouldn't be comfortable with that idea for some reason.
But then again, I'm only 1/6 Croatian so I can't really put myself in your shoes


if you go deeper down that rabbit hole, you'll still find damn anglo kikes pulling the strings of the whole organization



what makes you feel uncomfortable? we were fine when a croat (tito) was ruling here with his lifelong dictatorship

You hate us cuz you ain't us.

Reported it anonymously to child focus