YEEEEHAWWWW *shoots modded AR-15*

YEEEEHAWWWW *shoots modded AR-15*

Looks like yall will have to hand * reloads glock* your guns in sometime soon, partner *holsters .44 magnum*

Don't be dumb. Hand in that gun


Omg so epic

I'm so looking forward to the summer. Mind you I'll be back in uniform lobbing grenades into kebab shops for Queen & country. You on the other hand...

lol no

Gov't can't win if we resist the bin


Fuck off wanker
facebook fag

UK fag

>leaf calling any one a fag

Oh the ironing

Standard AR is too dangerous. Why the fuck do you need such a thing? You burgers might as well pick something that is more "conservative", discreet and compact so you can injure (not kill) the attacker in order to call the cops later. Like a full auto .50 Beowulf with hollow-point ammo.

Come and try to take it.

Well hold up now, partner. No need to *slowly reaches for 12 gauge* show off you gun

oi m8 show us ur flower pickin license

Whatever helps you sleep at night, Nigel. Don't forget, tomorrow you have to renew your license to carry a bike tire

I cant. While you were skillfully distracting everyone with pics of your overprices vanity accessory Fatty Banlkrupt's hordes of amnesty niggers took over my community and all my possessions.

Donate now
Donate to our sticker campaign

You can't have it!

get well soon

Bloody hell thanks for reminding me!

Looks nice, m8. Not too big on the flashlight, but really dig the stock and foregrip.
Can you explain to me why people have flip up sights and a scope on at the same time, I see it a lot.

Thanks. At any given time my optic my go belly up, fall off, cracked lens, ect and I just remove it and go to iron sights

I see. That makes sense.

What guns? You mean the ones I lost in that boating accident I had last week?

I forgot to add also. I went to a training range like "tactical response" and didn't have loctite on my screws and it started to rattle and throw my shots way off. Removed it continuing with my magpul flip up rear and a2 front, completing the course.

Lemme av a go mate. Pleeeeease.

Get fucked britbong



Wow I'm super impressed, I might even cap this post, it really is that impressive! Check this guy out everyone, isn't he super awesome?

....too bad you spent the time on the range that could have been used for education, or learning how to reed and right correctly. But hey, I'm still super impressed. Please, boast more about your guns!

It's fun dude. I'm working on getting a tax stamp and approval from the ATF to get a supressor for it. I love muh freedomz so I stick within the confines of the law. Good thing I don't live in those crazy ass liberal states like California or northeastern USA

>Reed and right

>projecting this hard

We all know that youre acting out from jealousy. Its okay. Whats not okay is when you refuse to allow your government to treat you like shit while welcoming in dangerous outsiders


Refuse to acknowledge that your government*

What kinda paint is that? I thought about getting some from brownells but haven't decided yet

Forgot to add BCM is the shit!

It literally matte spray paint. I was going to get special paint, but decided to just try the rattle can after I saw a friends came out well. And thanks! I just finished the 20 inch last week. I intend to finish pic related saturday and try them out