Ask me anything.
EXCEPT anything about Asian women.
I am an alt right Asian Male
Why do Asian women prefer white cock
>except Asian women
Useless desu
How tall are you?
do you have a sister?
How big is your dingaling?
1.5 inch
Do you make slide threads on purpose or just on accident
Ill slide my 2 inches into your cheeky kunt.
When did you became alt right member?
Post pics of your boipuccy
So a Pajeet or Paki
During the last 2 years of president Obamas 2nd term.
You mean my turd cutter?
If you wish.
Yes, preferably time stamped or gtfo.
How much are you gonna pay me?
Did you mourn Billy Herrington's death?
Thanks for the cute 2D females m8
took you that long faggot. King nigger getting elected should have opened your eyes,
Are you Chinese or Japanese?
I voted for him first term. Second term I didnt vote because I didnt register in time to vote for Mo Money Bling bling Romney.
How do you think Asians and Whites can work together in the days ahead?
Alt right asians...
does it even exist kek
How do you define alt-right?
Are you hapa?
Nothing get your worthless thot ass out of here.
I think things are fine. Be yourself.
Yes. On the internet and during voting polls. IRL though? I get the Asian pass and people probably assume im left leaning.
You just expect people to do things for free?
Alt right is a cover all term for politically right leaning millennials.
You must be new here, boipuccy time stamped or gtfo if you want attention. Go be a newfag somewhere else. Polite sage for trash thread by person who should feel like trash.
Hustled for all this free attention. Pce out, chum.
how does it feel being a race traitor?
Based Xi will put you and your kind in the gas chamber first.
>I am an alt right
So this means you are blue pilled?
I feel hot and bothered.
Im purple pilled. Matrix was OK. Fifth element was better.
What a pointless thread.