Are you a virgin?

Are you a virgin?

Do you think being a virgin influences a person's political leanings in any meaningful way?

If so, do you think virginity has differing effects on the two genders?

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pic related is probably gay

I’m not. Probably expect explains why I’m not Alt Right.

Not politics

everyones political alignment is in the service of self interest
>single working man will vote and ideals will align with whoever provides the most for his needs

Getting blown by your femboy cousin doesn't count, faggot.

I don’t live in Kansas faggit, lol

>doesnt deny cousin blowjob

Study after study shows conservatives to be happier and better-looking than liberals. If you want to find virginity en masse, go to these campus snowflake safe space/intersectional feminism meet-ups with the obese trigglypuffs and the betas of the betas trying to employ this male feminism as a desperate mating strategy.

>Are you a virgin?

I'm not only a virgin, but I turned 30 last month, which makes me a wizard. If I ever lose my virginity, I'll be a non-virgin wizard (which means that I'll get the best of both worlds).

Damn I wish the backpage girls looked that good. Wtf Jesus?

aren't you too desensitised by now

>be wizard
>expect secks ever

incel nationalism is the only way forward brothers

Datamine thread OBVIOUSLY

What kind of little dead bitch would ask this question?

YOU don't deserve that meme pic

Chad trends libertarian, because he can buy his own apartheid and generally wants to keep the subhumans away from his harem and money. Until recently, he was indifferent towards feminism but that might be changing now that they're going after even successful guys. The bar for being treated like a human being by women if you're a guy is getting too high even for Chad

Normies are centrist for the most part, because they are mostly married or soon-to-be-married wagecucks who can't afford to rock the boat. Nose to the grindstone, happy wife happy life.

Losers/Virgins: Tend extremist because there are fewer or no social restraints or consequences and because they're less well socialized and besides, more likely to be discontent. Hence more likely to be fascist OR communist/generally extreme and fringe in any case. Some yaw between one extreme and the other, historically many far right types were actually communists early in life.

>Are you a virgin?
>Do you think being a virgin influences a person's political leanings in any meaningful way?
No, looks do though.
>If so, do you think virginity has differing effects on the two genders?
Yes. Male virgins = ostracised, female virgins are praised (except by roastie feminists).

Gratz. I couldn't make it to wizard powers, I'm on the long climb back...I'm closing on 10 years back towards it

Most incels are Nazis.

That's not how it works, once you have sex before turning 30 you can never be a wizard, ever. No matter how long you go without sex.

>Are you a virgin?
>Do you think being a virgin influences a person's political leanings in any meaningful way?
>If so, do you think virginity has differing effects on the two genders?
Premarital sex has improved my life in exactly one area: I am no longer worried about sex or my performance therin. Otherwise it just feels good and nothing else. Virgins really aren't missing out, and now I can never be a wizard.

Being a virgin until marriage and being faithful is a must

based Hungary of stable societies and happy families

I'm not but i was pretty old when i lost it.
Honestly casual sex isn't for me, you dont have to be celibate until marriage but the whole American hookup culture shit is just dumb. How often you get laid is not a way to measure your worth.

>Are you a virgin?
>Do you think being a virgin influences a person's political leanings in any meaningful way?
I dont think so, being in a relationship does tho.




>Praying to our lord and savior to give him strength against temptation
She probably has super aids, anyway.

>amerimutt calling the nigger black

Yep and im proud i have been remaining virgin till 18 however now things shall change i need to find myself some pussy

Being a virgin until marriage is good. Fuck what the (((media))) is pushing.

>Are you a virgin?
>Do you think being a virgin influences a person's political leanings in any meaningful way?
Yes, but I think it only amplifies their current political leanings.
Also relationships make you more a more balanced person, but you were only asking about sex whcih doesn't imply a relationship.
>If so, do you think virginity has differing effects on the two genders?
Women become fatter and lesbians, men become gay or school shooters.

>virgin till 18
Why does that make you proud?
It's only waiting til marriage that is a real accomplishment.
You can remain a virgin you're whole life by avoiding women, but when you get to a point in a relationship where you both want to get married and have sex it's one of the hardest temptations to resist.

>Not wanting to fuck dumb thots makes you gay
no u

>Are you a virgin?

>Do you think being a virgin influences a person's political leanings in any meaningful way?

No. It's the other way around. To still be a virgin above, say, 18, is a matter of choice, whether you understand it or not. The choice comes from a fundamental mindset that does help you form your political opinions.

>'m not only a virgin, but I turned 30 last month

What the fuck.

>muh strength
>muh temptation
Don't be a muh-dik-tard and you wont need no skydaddy to pray to.

Fuck yeah

because i have matured enough

>remain virgin till marriage
LOL no thx

>It's only waiting til marriage that is a real accomplishment.

Nah that's stupid. You need to test the waters. Have a bit of experience on your own and see if you click. Otherwise you'll be stuck in a relationship with someone who doesn't enjoy sex the same way you do.

That's how you end up cheating on your wife or doing hookers.

>Are you a virgin?
>Do you think being a virgin influences a person's political leanings in any meaningful way?
Hard to say, but I'd imagine so. But I think it's more to do with the question of whether you're "normie" minded or not. I've always been a bit fanatical throughout my life so it would make sense to me that my politics would be the same, and honestly there are plenty of virgins who integrate into society just fine. I don't think that's the issue.

As far as 'virgin rage', yeah that exists, but only in some.
>If so, do you think virginity has differing effects on the two genders?
I don't think there are many female virgins at all and the rare ones that are, I don't think it will have a tremendous impact on their mental health. I think the idea of never having children is what eventually drives women mad.

anybody who says the word thot, is a faggot.

There is a strong correlation between being right wing and being a virgin.

Turns out women don't want to share their bodies with guys who hate women, minorities, scientific advancement, and social progression.

wizard here also

this is probably accurate. social decay tends to hit the "losers" first since civilization exists to keep them content. and social decay is almost always sexual in nature.

high IQ also lose virginity later. perhaps its just the fact the alt right is made up of high IQ introverts, because we can see whats really happening that normies cant.


>not calling women "women" is faggotry
that's some white-knight level of fucking garbage, amerimutt.

That is pure propagabda.

But appart from that, yes having less partner (but not necesseraly later) makes you more conservative, because you seek acomplishment in productive manner, not in a sterile manner like systematic sexe with strangers

>I'll be a non-virgin wizard (which means that I'll get the best of both worlds).
But that's wrong, you'll lose your magic powers.

supreme chad here, lost virginity at 15, fucked a handful of girls since then
I don't understand how so many of you are wizards
it's not hard to have sex just go to any club and find a girl

I just want a nice gf t b h
it's become apparent to me that this is no longer an option in the UK
there are no nice gfs anymore

i doubt it affects your political ideology

Many take leading by Goebbels example seriously. He is more popular than previously known.

>kekistan flag
> not a virgin

Make up your mind

>nice gf
that never existed, user
the moment legal practices against women wanting divorces or engaging in adultery were toned down, nice gfs disappeared bit by bit from the face of this Earth.
I've unironically yet to meet any woman that wasn't a retarded, prideful and spiteful whore.
There's ALWAYS something wrong with one of them. Always. Obsession over her physic, obsession over others' physic, obsession on pandering and wanting, an affinity toward sophistry, along with a total ignorance of philosophy, a pride only matched by their lack of exterior awareness, and finally, the need to analyze à la Freud everything, everything to stay at a stable level of both absolutely disgusting practical ignorance and conscious innocence

This picture is the sexiest porn photo that exists. It is perfect in every way.
I command thee to caste thy pictvre to thy wanke banke.

Show me a woman devoid of those, as I have found in many a man, and I'll accept my mistake.

I think it must be a little awkward for a woman who is a virgin to see her friends hooking up while she isn't. There is nothing wrong with being a virgin, but the way society works nowadays a woman who never had sex and is on her twenties would be treated like an alien. That or be seen as a dyke.

What I don't understand is why women are ruining sex even for Chad now, no man can be 100% alpha 24/7 and if momentary weakness means getting #MeToo'd literally no man will ever feel safe.

Women treating betas like shit to purify the gene pool and get men to find their balls was sad but a part of nature. The way things are going though women are going to lose all their free dates and beta orbiters, and even a lot of Chad cocks.


It's because apparently, in their doublethinking, they didn't think Chads would get obfuscated at being told their lifestyle is one of a chauvinistic, disgusting manpig, while leaking all over them as they bent them over.
Chads are sometimes not the brightest, but they're men, same as us, which means they have some pattern recognition affinity, and can understand that not everything is fucking peachy for so many women to step so low.

fuck off with porn, you fucking cunt. some of us are on nofap here.

>he didn't get a blowie from his hot cousin
You're missing out bud....

That's Jynx Maze right?

I did not change my politics before or after having sex with women. I have pretty much been a "libertarian" type all my life but have made the mistake of sleeping with liberal women, the relationships never lasted.

>wizard here also

Nice to meet you, my fellow wizard friend!

>kek that pic
proof jesus wuz a gay jew

I'm a virgin at 19 and I feel like a loser. I'm afraid I'll still be a virgin by 30. And I don't understand because I'm quite handsome and tall and in a pretty Chad social group, i'm just invisible to girls

Great news!
There is only one love that is pure and unsullied and that is the love of Sup Forums
All others are earthly follies and a sin.

>Are you a virgin?
Yes. I had opportunities to lose it in high school and college, but I'm against premarital sex.
>Do you think being a virgin influences a person's political leanings in any meaningful way?
No causation, but there is indeed a correlation. The more you're exposed to kike media, the more likely you are to be influenced into promiscuity; that kike media likewise pushes impressionable idiots into leftism.

Lose virginity = lose wizard powers
I'm wizard status in two years.

You're supposed to approach the girl, not wait around to be seen

Everybody on Sup Forums hates Sup Forums tho, because it reminds them that w/e they choose to write here they can't say irl because that'd be a social death.

I find that daunting and terrifying. The fear of rejection

>was virgin
>disliked non-european immigrants and was against third world immigration, was fully aware of the JQ and browsed Sup Forums since early 2013
>lost it
>dated one mixed girl, had a one night stand with a t*rk and a black girl, currently dating another mixed girl
>still dislike non-european immigrants and still am against third world immigration, still aware of the JQ but now dislike white women
I don't even know what to feel about this. If you value your virginity so much it changes your views on things, seek help.

finding a gf is ideal
but if you're really desperate, just go to a club, i really cannot describe how fucking easy it is

maybe you're beta looking, but you are almost certainly not assertive enough

It's a logical fear. Someone, most likely your mother, traumatized you in your early adolescence either mentally or physically or both. I encourage you to watch this video.

That vagina is pretty nice, I love big puffy labias, but I'm 6 months into nofap and I will continue. Sorry, aussie

I’m 26 and I lost my virginity a few months ago. I regret it. I wish I could have waited until marriage. I feel disgusted with myself when I think about it.

>things that didn't happen

Some virgins use all their energy to make the world a better place, others just want to watch it burn.
On a side note, I gain wizard status in 1 year and 2 days. What are the benefits of being a wizard?

>implying men are any better

>Are you a virgin?
Yes, became a wizard years ago.

>Do you think being a virgin influences a person's political leanings in any meaningful way?
I don't know. Probably not any more than any other single person's. Obviously family gibs and stuff like that are of no interest to me. I just want to maintain my lower middle class lifestyle and vote accordingly.

>you can't be a Sup Forumsack, like non-white girls and lead a normal social life while hiding your power level
I know half of Sup Forums is autistic, but come on.

Pic related is literally wearing a kippah.

probably man, im kind of a lanklet, but i have really broad shoulders which make me look somewhat built. But girls have told me i am handsome (sadly in scenarios where i couldnt try to pull them)

I'm well able to talk/speak to girls though, i'm confident by mouth but it's the approaching that fucks me up
>mother tramautised you
what do you mean?

C'mon men, not during Lent

>I'm not only a virgin, but I turned 30 last month, which makes me a wizard.

I just do not get why sex is so important to you guys. Maybe I just had enough of it but it is not worth the effort anymore. It's great no doubt, but the only reason I would care about it at this point is for children. I am a bit older, 32, but going out of my way to find some random girl to fuck is not worth the effort, time, or money. I would add that I regret a lot of it as I wasted quite a few years on women I knew I would not marry. They knew it and I knew it it was a waste of time. If I had any advice don't worry about sex, worry about wife material. You will figure sex out later, find the right girl first.

Just realise that their rejection doesn't mean jack or shit. Your life will go on, and if they won't even talk to you, they're not worth wasting your time, because they've already judged you before you even started speaking.

Also, don't worship them, treat them like other people, just make sure they do understand at some point that you want to fuck them.

You don't have a 'power level' if you are sleeping with/want to sleep with non-whites, how retarded are you?

kek, this is great advice, based belgium

Your reply doesn't make sense. You're implying that you talk to girls without approaching them. You may be overthinking the "approaching" part.

the way i get over that is by not thinking

and every time I see someone the first thing that stands out to me is all their flaws, got to remember that 99.99999% of people are inferior to me
why do you care if you get rejected by someone who's clearly inferior?

l i f t

you don't have to speak too much, unless you're really good at it, i usually try and make them do the talking

No, like I have spoken to girls before, but in situations where we have 'accidentally' started , more-so than me spotting them and approaching them.

18 year old Christian khhv here. I'm sure sex would be pleasurable but I'm not sure why it's the be all end all of modern American society. Like if you don't have sex you're viewed as though there's something physically or mentally wrong with you.

I had sex with an escort in her house a couple weeks ago. It was pretty lame an emotionless, gave the money and then just went home.
It was a pretty lame way to loose my virginity but it made me think about why I wanted to loose it in the first place and why I decided to go about with this method.
It kinda just boils down to societal pressures of being a virgin I guess from the onset of atheist lefties and the rise of indecency and the shaming of good Christian values.
Before loosing it I was on the right, but a little on the fence about it. After loosing it I must've gained some confidence because I fully support the right and have also decided to buy a bible.

Are OPs allowed to data mine and survey? No, I don't think they are.

Sorry but some good hot thot snatch is one of the best things in this world. Why would I deny myself such pleasures in my brief time in this one life? Slay some fuckin tang, don’t be a fucking fag

I am proudly so. I never saw the appeal of promiscuity.

Possibly. Not a primary indicator though. My mating experiences concerning women have led me to the right.

>a pretty white girl is flirting with you and you are just making some faggy pose, worshiping some sky fairy tale friend
>not GAY

How does it feel not being a real country as well as a real human, roastie?

When approaching a girl think of a conversation topic beforehand. Ask questions and try to "mirror" the girl by copying her syntax and emotion