The second amendment was america’s Biggest mistake.
The second amendment was america’s Biggest mistake
Imagine the how manly the guy who drew this thinks he is. Probably has a cucked lumberjack beard and thinks he is now some hot shit. Goes and shops at whole foods and loves microbreweries. HAH!
Lol triggered much? You have such an ingrained fetish for your gun that you can’t help to be without it. Guns are security blankets for retards.
>bump stocks are legal
Haha. The Retard Right, as I like to call it, has been thoroughly BTFO. Mission accomplished.
Damn, can't argue with the asain.
There are many tough guys out there.
But none are tougher than a bullet.
Serious question, would you ever call a gun owner a pussy to their face? And allowing phonefags to make threads on Sup Forums was the biggest mistake we've ever made
I'll second what said. Have you ever told someone this to their face? 'Guns are for pussies' is something internet tough guys and celebrities surrounded by armed guards say.
This is the type of man who would say such a thing.
that webm made me gay
Of course! They’re law abide my citizens and not just cruel thugs, right? And if they would kill someone just because of their feeeewings, that’s all the more reason to take their guns away.
The Second Amendment was one of the few things America did right
If a gun toting retard would pull a gun all because his feeeeeewings were hurt, all the more reason to take his guns away.
Congrats on being a retard, I guess.
> Trump agrees
The only good opinion trump has ever had.
It's literally the only thing they've ever done right
Try to win the coming civil war without them faggot
I'm selling these new bumpstocks for $10 each.
Posts like this make me question whether or not the first amendment was a good idea
No one said anything about pulling a gun faggot. We can just knock you the fuck out.
>now watch me fire in full semi-auto
I lost it and spilt my drink when I watched that for the first time. They owe me one beer.
If every gun owner (including this asshole) turned their guns on themselves the world would be an infinitely better place.
>this is the guy calling me a pussy
Wrong. Not getting rid of the niggers was America's biggest mistake.
I’d like to see you try, motherfucker. I would put your sorry ass in the ground. Guns are all you candy-asses have.
Wrong: not killing every single confederate after the civil war was america’s Greatest mistake.
>I’d like to see you try, motherfucker. I would put your sorry ass in the ground. Guns are all you candy-asses have.
>we dont need guns, the police are here to protect us
>four officers are just chilling at the parking lot while children are being slaughtered inside the school building
>implying 100% of the “great white heroes” on Sup Forums wouldn’t be broken in two by the average black man.
I’ve seen the meet up pics. You CREATURES are pathetic.
Everyone who says that wants to send someone else to take them...yet we are the pussys.
Really makes you think.
Then why does every nigger and their cousin the city have one?
Wait change the narrative!!! Quickly it doesn't fit my anti white male nigger lover agenda!
>no way the teachers will plug the wrong kid in the chaos. No way no how!!!!
I wouldn't need a gun but I would like to shoot you right in your fucking mouth with one. 8)
Yeah, I bet you would, bitch boy. Talking all tough like you're not 5'4 and 110 lbs.
You're the kind of person that says "if I saw someone open carrying, I'd pepper spray them and take their gun" only to get shot dead. And the world would be much better off without you.
but there would still be guns dumbo
Not an argument.
Without the second amendment we'd be as fucked as canada, if not more so already. It's a damn good thing the government knows they lose in a civil war with the american people.
You're right we should have worded it better so it wouldn't have been so easily undermined by the left.
>no way the police will plug the wrong kid in the chaos. No way no how!!!!
>t. statist scum
I know you are trolling OP, but it's always fun to ask: why should the state have monopoly on force?
You wouldn't be able to defend yourself from someone with a gun, that's the irony of you call them pussies.
Haha, I’m just laughing. After BTFO the second amendment retards, the best they can come up with is “ I CAN BEAT U UP OVER THE INTERNET!!! :(“ pathetic. It’s a wonder the right can even feed itself. Just kill yourselves, BFF.
Has nothing to do with that nigger. It has everything to do with shit skins such as yourself wanting to have things they don't deserve. AKA white Economy and Achievement. And your race doesn't deserve it. Niggers should all go back to Africa! Go be oppressed suppressed and repressed away from white people. O wait but that won't get you things your nigger race does not deserve! I see the big picture and niggers like you must be hanged! For the greater good!
P.S. This pic is related to what niggers will bring back. Its just what niggers want. To be put in their place just like a psycho or a attention seeking criminal. Sub humans who show up not for WHITE MALE SUPERIORITY but White peoples prosperity because niggers can't and never could do for themselves as a race. They are failures and they know it. Slavery exists because niggers first and foremost made it exist. Why? Because niggers are fucking sub human and always will be and will always want white peoples prosperity.
Statist is objectively better than ancap.
Lmao at this mad whitey who posted two paragraphs to say literally nothing but a meaningless racist screed.
Lmao kill yourself, you’ll do the world a favor.
how can creature like this exist?
I'm glad you understand that not everyone will make excuses for your low IQ, nigger beast race. You are a mad nigger because you know its true! 8)
Your mom forgetting her pill was her biggest mistake.
But, little buckaroo, you're the only one drawing a connection between sex and guns. Now, a Freudian would say, someone, is projecting their sexual fetish with gun-like objects.
Miss your Daddy too much?
I know this guy, he's also literally a vegan and I fucked his girlfriend, Jill
We don't need to hear your shit. Your nigger race needs white to hear your shit because you like all niggers are here for white peoples everything. You engage with whites because it is whites that have what you want. What your own sub fucking human nigger fucking race couldn't achieve even in another million years. Stay mad nigger jealousy is a sub human trait of a jealous as Cain nigger!
Wow, sexist much?
>commie mutt
This needs to be a thing to fight against commieflag posters who are obviously American Russiaboos.
holy shit the mutt is strong with this one
You got owned.
Deal with it.
>Guns are security blankets for retards.
What's funny is that knights believed only cowards used guns. I don't know if that's true but have you seen a knight recently?
You are free to use it if you wish.
>OP is a literal nigger
Why am I not surprised? Allowing chimps to exist in the first world was a mistake.
Hey man I like my microbrewers and my guns. I like supporting small businesses, my cerakote guy is a one man operation in a tiny old tenement style house with a spray booth out back, and my beer guys only have 3 vats going right now.
>you no need pointy rock stick
>only warrior need pointy rock stick
So, instead of posting imbecilic memes and failing to support your points with no u’s, why don’t you try to defend the second amendment? I mean, I know you can’t not without employing a shitload of ad hominem, logical fallacy ridden garbage, but I’d love to see you try. For a laugh.
(Reminder: there’s literally no good reason to own a gun)
Eyes are for little pussy bitches who are too scared to be blind
>anything anarchic
that's retarded too
Do you know where the fuck you are son? And you expect rational argument?
>The second amendment was america’s Biggest mistake
>You are from America
Pick one
>OP’s article has been published
So does that mean all the criminal niggers and Muzzies shooting people are pussies?
Thanks famalam.
Those are protected classes free from criticism. OP will never address your question.
Wrong, I don’t want those people to have guns either.
Straw man: defeated.
So how are you gonna take guns from them without conflict?
Terrible bait put out by a huge faggot. Good work O.P.
>tfw for one millisecond you could almost glimpse what is was like to not be a cucked faggot
Where is your argument, all you did was say that the secomd ammendment was America's biggest mistake and call gun owners pussies. Where's YOUR argument that guns are bad?
Guns preexisting in the community would be grandfathered in. I wouldn’t take guns that already exist in the community out, I would just prevent the further sale of guns.
There is no reason why every citizen should not be legally permitted to own firearms. Except that non-whites are allowed to be citizens.
How will you prevent black market dealership?
>Lol triggered much
Memes, the lowliest form of rebuttals.
I don't even have an opinion on gun controls and even I can tell how useful one would be for self defense by the simple mechanic of "i get assaulted/i can fight back"
>one-line one-post
>no source, argument or context
>Now only rich 1% tier and cops can afford guns, unless they don't own them already e.g. white hillbilly waycists
I could spit in a open carriers face and they wouldn't lift a God damn finger towards their gun.
And if they did, I've already won.
strike *don't*
>ipse dixit
In every other civilized country ( except one Nordic country I forget, and even then guns are regulated) gun violence is a non-issue. Do you not think there might be a correlation there?
Depending on the state they could blow your brains out, legally, but probably wouldn't because lawful gun owners are the most responsible people in the country
Some one should do the face book post where the soyboi chops up his grandpas rifle and pukes on it, but instead use this stupid ugly ass gun and the Texas Sup Forumsand ball
I'd say America's biggest mistake was slavery.
What did you think would happen when you imported millions of Africans?