What is their purpose?
Why did God create niggers?
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People for places with to much sunshine, seems self explanatory.
After The great flood, God separated the nations and the people, He cursed Noahs son with dark skin. The Hamites are sub-saharan africans. Its all in the Bible.
To serve white men
I have 0 doubt that black eyed people are just different degrees of slave races
Sometimes they say something funny.
to give white ppl something to take care of.
Why create niggers though. Why not just leave Africa for the animals
To vote DEMOCRATE their entire lifes
They're breeding stock, of course.
beasts of the field
16 And if a woman approach unto any beast, and lie down thereto, thou shalt kill the woman, and the beast: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. -The Holy Bible
to cuck GB
Rest of humanity needed an starting point to evolve form.
>He cursed Noahs son
Not true
>Hamites are sub-saharan africans
Not true
>Its all in the Bible
Not true (hence why he's asking).
That only counts for women.
Are you implying that God made some niggers for horny Israelites to make offspring with?
All non white races are the sons of Cain. They are devil spawn and descend directly from Lucifer.
He accidentally burned one of us.
stop giving fleshlights and farm equipment rights
To break and level human achievments to the ground
It is true. God cursed Noahs son with dark skin. Nig Nogs were not created in Gods image
Who dat? I'm erect
Cock washing
He created the women to carry white men's babies
Idk about the men though
He didn't, that would have been far too cruel. Niggers are the proof that God doesn't exist.
To work and generally be enslaved. Beaten for amusement.
>t.Ahmed who never read the Bible.
God Australians are the worst tier whites. Even getting hard at a emu or roo would be better then getting it up for a nigger
But Nigs are proof there is no god.
for diversity
Niggers are proof that there is no God.
>she defines herself around the fact she has dark skin
what a dum dum. nice eyes though, good for her
The existence of niggers proves that god is not good. No benevolent deity would create them
punishment for past lives
He created a self improving specie, some failed by-product were created in the process if improvement
a falsis principiis proficisci
God is fair to everyone, and then he is more than fair, but this isn't something you want to go telling to the entire world
We have and are what is appropriate for us at the moment, and God wants to give us more
Also, in the black person we can get a glimpse of how annoying we are to God, being so simple and limited and violent, just like a black. God's design is complex and everything fits perfectly, having multiple aspects
Exist, procreate, die, like everyone else
When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.
the nig is the visible threat. you must destroy the nig in every corner of the world
the jew is the hidden threat and must be undermined until the jew cant stand it and becomes the visible threat
jews become the new nigs after nigs are dealt with and beaners become the new jews. the dry run shows some promising results but they arent actually good at any of it so they need more help than the jews
your working your way up to being able to deal with the final boss. you cant handle it right now if you face them. some white people dont understand they are like but im goku. yea but your season 1 dbz goku. you go up against brolly your getting raped to death. wouldnt even be remotely sporting and nobody likes watching a blowout
Probably overcompensating for her racial inferiority complex because her whole look is literally a white girl cosplay.
Niggers are Gods / Natures soft reset button.
As a joke.
First human prototype slave to mine gold in Africa but then the Gods decided they wanted to go full 14/88 and started their own breeding program filling white vessels with semen of the Gods.
Nah that was the platypus
to be fair her features are like 85% caucasian ignoring skin and hair, you'll notice that all bait threads with a 'hot' black girl in the OP are ones that look like this
because you masturbate to anime girls
I'll just leave this here.
>Moves away innocently ...
to stop mankind leaving earth and colonising the system
Reads like it was written by a NIGGER
Evolution created niggers in all their subhuman glory..
There is absolutely nothing wrong with racemixing
i don't know nor care about the women, but black MEN were created to breed with white girls
lmfao i was thinking the same, reminds me of stories of yakoub
your own picture says there is
We were supposed to leave them there and not touch them. They were supposed to stay alone. No contact. They would've remained in small populations without technology. But someone wanted more sheckles so they were spread the fuck all over the planet and mated with. The bible told us not to do this, or we would be destroyed from within. Your sins are your responsibility. Now the globe pays the toll. They know they don't belong in the modern world, but they're too stupid to figure out why.
"The beasts with hands."
Who knows dude. He also made Mosquitos, Wasps and gnats. He created the apple so that eve could eat it.
Maybe just to make us appreciate decent people, to make us strive ahead and remind us of the values that matter to a civilization. Maybe a test of our will, maybe he's just having a laugh watching us turn on each other.
It's not for us to question or mess with. We'll never truly know. We just have to deal with them and absolutely NOT mix.
To warn jews of the end of their civilization
To remind you that it takes effort not to be a self-centred violent criminal cunt, and also it is worth the effort to do so.
What if I told you, God created niggers FIRST?
lol at the global coal toll
What if I told you that the nigger is proof God isn't real because why would God create such a failure of a race?
So....he fucked up? I guess it makes sense your first try is the most retarded.
Rope strength and durability testing purposes?
God dosen't exist, no one created negros they are just subgroup of homo sapiens, that has less cognetive abbility than rest of groups except for aussie aboriginals.
Whats hard to understand here?
OP s faggot christcuck, becose of people like you our movement is not going anywhere FUCK YOU.
You can't be thankful unless you know what misery is.
Sunshine would be so special if it wasn't for rain.
You wouldn't know how lucky you are to be white if it wasn't for niggers.
I wish we never stepped foot in Africa. That was a huge mistake
God does not exist, retard
> Dat pseudo-science
Introduce a new species into a new habitat, what does it do? Destroy. He warned us.
>Atom Bombs
>Before V-Day Europe
that's a chain. if you're going to make a shit joke, at least search for the correct image.
Blacks have the exact same standing in front of the celestial powers as all other races.
>posts pics of 2 nigs
This isn't D&D, you get stat penalties IRL.
this is a white women painted black.
all the departement store magazines do this.
white women are the most aesthetically pleasing women no matter the color of their skin
The curse of Ham.
>There is still hope for nogs?
I take it Noah's son looked like this first then?
He's fake
noahs son looked like noah before the curse
thank you for sharing this with me. As someone who has yellow fever I now realize that this is not something God wants. So I am going to have to pray about this and ask God to help me overcome this.
I am just thankful I don't find niggers attractive.
God didn't curse him. Stop saying dumb shit.
And that doesn't account for the multitude of retarded nigger traits they have.
>t.Ahmed who never read the Bible
t. someone who probably thinks God cursed Job
This is disgusting. So that is what "necklacing" is.
To test our faith
What if a Christian says he doesn't want to go to heaven if there's a single nigger there? Does God save niggers? Or do they become white in heaven?
There's too little information on this.
If we knew we would have destroyed them long ago. Even the most "saved" afro is still a degenerate sex craving underman that craves shiney things. They were worshipping satanic idols when the masters showed up. If you stumble upon a crazy black devil creature somewhere, with body paint, jumping around backwards eating human flesh, would you say he is like you? No. You leave it or kill it. Our ancestors fucked up bad.
the same as slavs, rats and mosquitos
Demons aren't allowed in heaven.
Why do some of them preach, though? Why does God allow them on Christian TV?
God? What is that? Do you mean Odin, Freya, and Thor? They didn't create that shit. Ask Loki or Hel
That's a stunning female user
Ever train an animal? Do you think they stay that way? Fergison MO looked civilized, South africa looked civilized, detroit looked civilized. They go right back to tribal in 3 seconds. Martin king Jr. Is a perfect example. King afro. Man of god. FBI papers talk about orgies and communism ect. A monkey can dance, wear clothes, ect. But what is it still?