As of 2018, Germany is:
91.5% white,
2.4% turkish,
6.1% other (made up largely of Polish, Italian, Romanian, Syrian, and Greek)
This means that Germany is about 35,5 whiter than Muttshits, let that sink in.
As of 2018, Germany is:
91.5% white,
2.4% turkish,
6.1% other (made up largely of Polish, Italian, Romanian, Syrian, and Greek)
This means that Germany is about 35,5 whiter than Muttshits, let that sink in.
I mean she's clearly attractive.
Maybe mutts aren't so bad...
How about your under 12 population? How about future projections? Let that sink in while your head remains buried in the sand
Something with her eyes, tho...
I'd still hit it.
To be fair ... run current trends forward 30 years.
Well be ethnic minorities in our own country.
That being said the us at that point will only be about 30% white.
I've just found out that South Brazil is whiter than Muttland.
This. That 91% is gonna be 50% in 10 years.
Don’t worry, by that time we would either have created Sup Forumstopia or we will all be dead, which are the only 2 alternatives in my book.
>Sup Forums creates insane amount of value in the past 15 years
>shitskins are attracted to value like flys are to shit
>shitskins come here but get severely triggered by stuff white people talk about when there is no censorship imposed on them
>for a shitskin this must be the first time they get confronted by unfiltered white opinions
>the cognitive dissonance they experience is SEVERE
>sometimes they can’t sleep for days(I’ve spoken to several pol-shitskins)
>they get addicted to this place because all these things they hear make sense and explain many things in their lives
>they do not admit all of these things but become angry at white and thing that’s it’s just a game to make them feel bad
>they think the world only revolves around them and whites here do the things they do as a way to trigger them
>so they start to playing the game that they assume is being played here
>start posting things explicitly designed to trigger whites
>white purity spiral (causes division in the whites)
>white women hate (causes whites to hate their own kind)
>nigger dick posting (triggered white people’s sexual insecurities)
>attack representatives of white interest politicians&e-celebs
wow that graphic
ayyyyy lmao /gallon guy/ got lit on fire and sprinted off
Anything less than 100% White is unacceptable in European land, Hans.
holy shit. immolation really? thats where you're taking this?
She's as ugly as she is annoying.
It's not 56%. It's actually 54%.
Now it's even lower, but I can't find more recent data.
The actual number of births in 2013:
2,130,000 babies born to White Non-Hispanic women (54.1%).
580,000 babies born to Black Non-Hispanic women (14.8%).
900,000 babies born to Hispanic women (22.9%).
270,000 babies born to Asian women (6.8%).
46,000 babies born to American-Indian women (1.2%).
After about half a case of beer, she's fuckable.
Just wait until all the boomers and older people died. We'll be a minority almost overnight.
How many of those are baby boomers?
We're fucked retard.
>jihad watch
A report published by a US think tank on Thursday projects that Muslims could make up between 9 and 20 percent of the German population by the middle of the century.
The Pew Research Center, in a study entitled "Europe's Growing Muslim Population" issued three projections for an increase in Germany's Muslim population based on different migration scenarios - zero arrivals, "medium" flows and "high" migration.
t. roosh v
>t. Faggot
friendly reminder that the US statistics counts turks/arabs and other subhumans who would be considered shitskins in Europe as white
friendly reminder that the US statistics counts Americans and other subhumans who would be considered shitskins in Europe as white
That’d be still 100% white here.
I'd rather have my non-whites be asians, mexicans and native niggers rather than have 9% muslim sandnigs and africans...
>Well be ethnic minorities in our own country.
Unless we crash this plane with no survivors
ti bi okreno i ciganku da ti da
Based leaf
Ako je mlađa od 18 i dobro izgleda, zašto ne?
Fuck off blackpill cucks we will eradicate the shitskins, it's in our Teutonic blood. Slavs will help out as well.
>South Brazil
South Brazil is essentially a German colony. Blumenau is whiter than any American city LOL
>ethnic minorities in our own country
First of all:
Germany isn't YOUR country.
Second of all:
What's so bad about being a minority? Maybe you're scared because YOU treat minorities like shit?
too obvious dude
We have 200 million whites though. In hard numbers we have 2.5 times as many whites as you have people. Stop talking like you are a big nation you fucking cucks.
Actually we've been majority white births since 2016 due to the down turn in mexican and black fertility.
I wanna sell my piece of the pie to China when it's still worth something
>Maybe you're scared because YOU treat minorities like shit?
Yes, actually. Minorities are universally treated like shit so I'd rather not be one. If you think they'll treat you with any shred of dignity or humanity because you're a leftist liberal you're painfully mistaken.
the assimilated mexicans and chinks are not that bad, but the native nigs are worse than non-african muzzies.
Most states like California are already at the 30% white and that's counting white Hispanics. Enjoy your Muslims.
Too be fair thats mostly Nixon's fault. He fucking destroyed their communities and we are still feeling the aftershocks of that.
>I can't find more recent data.
>The actual number of births in 2013:
but do not worry white people, as long as the immigrants are from the western asia and not from africa or other parts of asia, europe will remain "white"
turks, syrians, lebanese = racially compatible
Hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha my fucking state is whiter than Germany
Hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha
Muslims and real Africans actually do really well here. I heard Nigerians are one of the most educated groups here or something. We get more selective immigration from those areas.
The American white standard is a bit different than the European white standard. I'd say about 50 milion of you are white.
They specifically list hispanic as its own group. If youd actually read the fucking study.
>none of them are even 6'0"
>being proud of your shithole state irrelevant state aka Wyoming or RI while NY and Cali are less than 50% white.
I'm not being a black pill cuck, I'm pointing out to kike brainwashed user that 90% today will 50% in 10 years based on the ethnic background of newborns in Germany. If you fags don't act within the next five years, you will go past a point of no return, where the only solution is civil war and not deportation.
Europeans dont have a white standard because europeans dont give a fuck about being white. Anglos give a fuck about anglos, slavs give a fuck about slavs, germanics give a fuck about germanics, except germany and swedin who love cockroaches and shit skins. Point being what do you mean by white?
But can you provide an actually link to this study? Sounds VERY fishy! I've only found far-right sites.
shes attractive because she doesnt have that chimp nose.
>2.4% turkish
turks in germany have average birthrate of 1.7 which is only slightly higher than ethnic germans and below replacement levels. syrians and other arabs however have much more higher birthrates tho' but their overall population is too low to make any difference within next decades.
conclusion: germany will be still fine 20-30 years later.
id rather have muslim qt's than your eurotrash slags that have fucked 50 guys by age 25
Brown girls are pretty much always hot
>91.5% white
Lol, no! Germany is at least 50% muslim not at this point. We are in fact whiter than you Achmed.
Go home, Jeb.
page 19 seems to be the source for this claim.
Europeans have a white standard, because of americans claiming to be white.
>In 2015, 36% of children under 5 were of immigrant or partially immigrant descent.
Again. What is it then?
Didn't your politicians just put Merkel in power for another 4 years despite the backlash of rising populism throughout the continent that are in complete contempt for people like for promoting the EU as a bastion for refugees?
>My side of the boat is not sinking as fast yours! No I don't want to help fix the hole, at least I'll drown a second after you do.
>manufacturing lies about German birth rates while experiencing the influx of chinks in your own country
>I mean she's clearly attractive.
And unlike what that pooland keeps saying, Canada is around 70% White, not 49%
> Doesn't mention Niggers.
>Mexicans who aren't legally registered citizens are labeled white by the Jew lobbyiest
Yeah it's a big fucking problem. Fill something like insurance or a contract or anything in real life in many states and they'll have two demographics for whites 1) Whites (Hispanic) and 2) Whites (Non-hispanic).
One of the biggest reasons they claim they're white is so any crimes they commit will give Jewish media outlets the claim that whites commit just as many crimes as blacks do or when a spic shoots a nigger they can claim it's due to white racism. A great case study of this is George Zimmerman. He was considered white by the Jews at CNN.
"b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but.....muh whiter than u mohamhead".
This rather boring forced meme is obviously a project.
I can't figure out if it's leftypol griefers or stormfags.
Totally devoid of any organic feel.
I think it's a D&C op to get the whites fighting.
There is always a pretty elaborate and painstakingly created la creatura meme, then a bunch of other nations pitch in to make the same claim about others.
It's like those Balkan hate arguments that are obvious Russian shill ops.
>What's so bad about being a minority? Maybe you're scared because YOU treat minorities like shit?
the fuck? I'm scared of no nigger, people like you will always hold the same opinions on nigs until you actually have some kind of interaction with one, they are the fucking worst.
t. Turk
I'd smash but mostly because of her body, she wouldn't be the ugliest girl I've fucked by a long stretch.
Can’t fix that chink face.
beaners are smelly manlets, I've never met a spic that is taller than 5'9", pretty sure that is the cutoff for their height.
Them titties more than make up for it
I’d actually agree with this to an extent, but only in controlled numbers. Otherwise it could eventually contribute to the potential loss blonde hair and blue eyes.
I saw a Mexican who was 6'1 but I'm pretty sure he was mostly Euro blooded. He had light brown hair, light skin and green eyes but Cholo accent, sounded exactly like a west coast beaner.
>under 50% white by 2050
I would try to help save you germany, but youve already destroyed yurope like 8 times this millennia
>le amerilard usual retarded conspiracy theory
No, I'm a blond-haired blue-eyed right wing white dude and I've always found these amerimutt memes extremely funny. It refers to something real in the US : most of "whites" there, even blondes, are actually mutts, you don't find such looks in Europe.
Wise ma once said she is as far from attractive as is her left eye from right
I stalk through the shadows, feasting on Yuropoor percents. You won't be 91% for long after I feed on your DNA hans.
There was an article saying the young generation was much more non white
Take the average Mexican and the average Norwegian and the Mexican will kick his ass easily
Why are 75% of German posters actually Turks then if Germany is so white?
It's used because it triggers people. It triggers people, because there's some truth to it. It just depends on where you are in the US. There are still huge pockets of very white America, but La Creatura is real too.
There were 70 million ethnic Germans in 2010, this will shrink to 50 million in 2060 of which half will be over 60.
Germany is kill.
Turks are irrelevant, immigrants from elsewhere are the threat.
You're a newfag from leftpol and you need to fuck off.
How are her eyes that far spaced apart? Their almost on the sides of her head which is typical in prey animals not humans.
The northern states are all still 90%+ white and are reproducing at replacement levels or above. The demographic crisis is largely in the south, and the policies that caused it are being completely reversed daily. Amerimutt memes are funny and I can take a joke just fine, but at this point it's just divide and conquer shilling desu.