A thread for Yanks and Russians only
Can we get a United States and Russia thread?
Other urls found in this thread:
What about israel? Can they join? We need them
Where are you at Boris? I need my assignment. Special election coming up next week in Pennsylvania.
fuck off subhuman
Anti semite
Same @you
fuck off Jew/Jewlover
plz dont bully us
>plz dont bully us
Wow it’s almost like rus fags and usa fags hate each other as much as they do irl as well
I don't hate Russians though
They’re probably asleep m8
It's 9:30 over there that's early
um sweetie?
i hope you both get nuked of the map
ur gay
Quiet down there, War Plan Red
Hello there
Oh herro mongorian
Strong Uncle Volodya!
For some reason I want to say this is dumb but the more I look at it the more it makes sense.
You got me
Russian girls are literally drooling for the italian cock. They rather sell themselves to us since russian men are alcoholics that beat and abuse them.
Their country has 11 time zones, it might be 9:45 for the 1/6 of the country that lives in Saint Petersburg or Moscow, but the people in the other 11 might be a little tired, no?
Nah, 2/3 of us live in Europe, so it's ok
Why do you creepy mutts obsess over Russia so much?
I like Russians and Russia a lot. I used to work over there. Yes it has its problems and the RUSSIA STRONG meme is bullshit, but I found the people to be loyal and friendly once they opened up.
Why are you so obsessed with us?
Why are MiG's so /aesthetic/?
22:00 or 10:00pm here in Moscow.
>two countries spend decades staring at each other, knowing that both can start the apocalypse with the push of a button
I think it's amazing that americans dont spend more time thinking about Russia outside of 'muh hackers'
Refer to
Also, if you actually have shit to do like a job, 10:00 is a good bed time.
>if you actually have shit to do like a job, 10:00 is a good bed time.
Nope. I speep 'bout 4-5 hrs per day. Wake up at 7 and goin to sleep around 1-3am.
Maybe if you slept a little more, you could spell right and do other things better, as well.
Work in air traffic control?
Nice try, Mueller. You won't manufacture any collusion here.
so ,um ..guys.. aaaaa what's up with shit like this?
from a local nofap community
>spell right
english is not my native language, mistakes are inevitable
just standart bydlo work in it-industry
Of course, but in either language you would perhaps do better if you got adequate amounts of sleep.
I head you guys were very strict.. well that's one solution.
>what's up with shit like this?
improper disposal of biological waste, this is not a crime
No self-respecting American identifies himself as a "yank". I'd rather be called a burger or an amerimutt.
but then I will miss all the fun
well there's that
can this ever happen? im sorry our gubmint is such dildos. wish we was frens. i can squat way back on my heels like you guys do
I usually go to bed at 2:00 am and wake up at 7:00 am, I Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovićsell airsoft rifles and other larping stuff
I never identify as a Yank.
Fucking hell I accidentally pasted
>A thread for Yanks and Russians only
you shouldve just called it "relevant countries only." that wouldve really triggered the pleb flags
>not Russia and Poland thread
so the article describes them as "pairs" of hands... strikes me as an unusual type of medical procedure to have both your hands removed when they don;t appear to have suffered destructive injuries.. the reason for my question was the suggestion of "black market" body part harvesting.. this is third world tier shit...
Putin sought this, but your elites said, "No thanks, Carthage must be destroyed."
yeah i saw that interview of putin's where he made the rome/carthage analogy to US/russia. it gave me chills because the minute he said it i knew he was probably right
i wish there was something i could do to change things. when i voted for trump i thought i was voting for better relations. on the campaign trail he even said he would redefine NATO's role to anti-terror. i REMEBER him saying this! they keep jewing us decade after decade. war...war never changes