What are they tossing into the back of the truck?
>clear shot of cops tossing a large bag into the back of a truck before throwing out a white towel and leaving at first 2 minutes of video
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What are they tossing into the back of the truck?
>clear shot of cops tossing a large bag into the back of a truck before throwing out a white towel and leaving at first 2 minutes of video
Previous thread
Read the last 2, not sure I want to know anymore.
>Roger Stone
>"Scott Israel is a man of high integrity. No way he would be involved in a cover up."
The pile of bullshit being ignored just got 10 feet taller
Nobody ever was going to be easy, but this is bigger than our faltering psyche’s
Mmmmm, fresh bread.
go to reddit and redpill them
I just needed the better quality video of them putting the bag in truck, didn’t watch the rest
>quick rundown?
>nobody ever said this was....
fugg man im tired
I have saved a lot of images about this topic
shortly I will be dumping them and try to give a short explanation
some of these have not been fully proven
it is possible one or 2 is a shoop
but much of it has way too much supporting evidence to dismiss
This makes the most sense to me so far
I will start with the one known as David Hogg
here is a criminal record from a different state
it looks like this one could be just another person with the same name
or is it...
They're using something like a jacket to carry off evidence without touching it. Possibly the shooter's gear.
social media posts that David Hogg is from California and already graduated
>they are removing evidence from a crime scene
Doesn’t work like that
also connecting him to Antifa
Hogg from California
that makes sense to you? why would a lone shooter take shit that requires that many people to carry
A bunch of Israeli Tavor rifles
one of the MOSSAD agents big jew nose fell off. it took 4 agents to carry it for its made of pure gold
more on Hogg from California
you can see the feet dangle in the bag when they put it into the back of the truck
its the body of a child
There is this
>hogg in cali news broadcast
hogs parents have past FBI connections
yeah its almost like it wasnt a lone shooter but a team of MOSSAD agents
>tossing a dead child into the back of a pickup is standard police procedure
Fake news
hoggs parents have past FBI connections
also some "parents" had already been involved in ant-gun organizations
too many
>all cops are angels
I never said lone shooter, you did flaggot
here is another "survivor"
here is yet another "survivor"
these are the people in all the videos
i'm still waiting on any pics of any of the supposed gear.
there are no pics of any gear, not even a magazine on the floor in a hallway, nothing.
why is that?
another actor pic
When have you ever seen cops toss a body into the back of a pickup truck? The EMTs would put them in body bags...
>cops have no training or frame of reference for what to do in a crime scene
facial recognition software gives way too close of a match on this woman in both the Las Vegas shooting and Parkland Florida
I have to be at work a 3 so I think I'll take a quick nap. Feeling awfully sleepy all f a sudden.
>what is evidence?
Fucking meme flags, every god damn time
this could easily be fake
but possibly not. but I think its fake
Tell me again what part of this entire clusterfuck is "standard".
Tell me again when cops would ever throw the body of a dead child onto a truck bed instead of the EMTs moving them
Most retarded shit ever.
this one is believed to be confirmed as a crisis actor
You're still assuming they're cops.
Kill yourself you fucking retarded. Even with all the morons in this world you are too fucking stupid to belong.
Thats already been debunked as not the same one for awhile
That one's harder to tell. I don't suppose anyone here has access to any sort of facial recognition programs?
lol fucking 20 amerimutts got killed and we're still having threads about this garbage
noone cares, sharters
Then who are they and what are they throwing in the truck?
>what is sensationalist media and 24 hour news cycle?
>what is typically excessive but absent in this case coverage
>what are on the scene photos and b-roll video
Fucking burgers, every god damn time.
this links people to CNN
It's not a body bag; it's too rigid. There is absolutely no slump when it shifts grip to a single person to the final harumph. Not even rigor is that stiff. That's a Hollyjew meme.
>previous CNN and anti-gun organization connections
>kike LARPing with the gazden isn't tries to shut down a thread about a fake crime being used to drive yet another round of (((gun control))) legislation
Your nose is still showing, moshe.
Its a bag of guns and gear that the actual shooters were using
Current working theories
Actual gunmen, possibly feds
bag contents are either body armor or body. If body, perhaps the vanished black girl body to prevent this from taking on a racial spin in the attempted gun grab aftermath. Also possible that it was the "confirmed" shooter.
If he was planted there i just can't see them being that reckless
It's a K9 unit you dummies. Ypu shills need to buy some fucking glasses and stop using your phones to watch your dumbass conspiracy vids.
Disinfo fake & gay
is it standard practice now to just throw evidence (gear or body, your choice) into a bag into the back of a truck while the scene is still active?
Bump because fuck the (((kikes))) behind this
>Actual gunmen, possibly feds
bag contents are either body armor or bod
This is what i believe
>Also possible that it was the "confirmed" shooter
This is what i saw before seeing the better quality footage
it's a fucking body.
>Senior Kike, Trump hates CNN
>Little mongrels hate CNN too
Gas yourself retard.
yeah i'm sure in just one more thread you'll uncover the truth and save your country from gun control. Yeah keep doing that instead of killing lefties, good job.
It's not a bad, it's a body. you can see arms and legs dangling. Is this the only evidence you guys even have?
this one shows previous connections to CNN
and his Dads sketchy agency connections
It is if you are the ones who did the shooting and don’t want it to be found
The larger an operation the more likely it is for there to be mistakes. If anything, they've gotten so large that I can't see them not being this reckless.
Also, they're still not used to having to do this kind of thing while the internet exists. They are slow to adapt and they've gotten complacent in their seats of power.
are you a fucking tard?
do you not see whats going on here?
>wasted digits
Seems plausible according to a teacher who was a witness
the numbers are suspicious
it looks to be masonic secret code telling the others to go with this story
You're the fucking tard, nigger if you believe any of this stupid shit. All of it has been fucking debunked weeks ago and it keeps being repeated on here proving the long theory that Sup Forums is just a collection of motherfucking autistic retards.
Fuck even me having autism I cannot tolerate this level of retardation.
>Post image of one GIRL
>Post image of a different girl
>Proclaim conspiracy
Kill yourselves.
that was kinda my point
>All of it has been fucking debunked
link please?
the pic I am posting could possibly be faked
but the amount of reports of pre-dated news cant be ignored
in this its like more localized news sources that normally wouldn't put out anything about this for 2 or 3 days after if at all
here they are before it happened
I said earlier this pic could possibly be fake
but the amount of reports of pre-dated news cant be ignored
Just one of them
The rest is pure retardation.
Two pictures of two different girls isn't proof of anything.
Apologies, then i agree
>Just one of them
>The rest is pure retardation.
so...all of it hasn't been debunked, then.
no worries m8
Precisely. Now, it seems to me like we're wasting a lot of time here and chasing our tails. "What's in the bag?" We argue about whether it's body armor or whether it's a body, when what really matters is that it was something.
How do we spread this info to normies? By not getting caught up in those details. (Don't misinterpret this. If you can uncover definitive proof one way or the other then please share. Just saying "I think it's ____ doesn't help us.)
All of here know that some fuckery occurred. Trying to navigate the battlefield that's already been established may be more productive. The battlefield laid out is a gun grab. We mustn't let them disarm us. So when someone presents this argument, we need to know the best way to lead the normie to asking the right kind of questions. Only when they ask the question for themselves, will they be able to accept the real answer.
Nice source uber-nigger
>That (((nose)))
that's no proof
there's no evidence
that's just people using fancy words to try to convince us without giving hard facts
that's no more convincing than what they call "conspiracy theorists"
Who filmed this?
You're linking to snopes as your source of facts? You shills really are delusional. Nobody here is going to trust that site. They're lies are easy enough for all but the most sleepy blue-pilled normies to see through.
a real student was on infowars
I don't remember what all was said
Burger posted this in last thread pretty interesting
Witnesses thought it was a drill. Witnesses claimed multiple shooters.
Also different angle, funny they throw something out the window soon as the package is placed in the truck