ITT: Pictures that unironically make you think
ITT: Pictures that unironically make you think
Yes now multiply my alien seed.
this really makes you think.
i heard shadman i came as fast as i could.
this ones great
He looks like such a fucking autist
literally me
no seriously how'd you get that image?
>not having e-z flo knees
how does it feel to be a poorfag
Sam Hyde tweeted it when he still had twitter.
2 spooky.
delete this.
i'm a fullblown misogynist, but even I have to admit that being a 6 or above woman is probably really annoying/uncomfortable/frightening in a lot of ways
imagine having to politely repel faggot delusional autists like this all day without seeming cunty
maybe i'm just caught up in intl womens day
has our timeline finally converged with Silent Hill?
shit, we should've elected shillary she would declare war way faster .
Like what has trump screwed up yet?? I didn't elect him because he was a good president like come on fuck something up trump!
to be fair I wouldn't risk looking straight at that medusa myself
this looks like it was made by 40 years old single mom
That one is funny.
I hope his future attackers have the foresight to shoot him in the gut and make him watch
S-Shad get the fuck out of here
Thanks for the kek, sir
Ive been meaning to start a huge shoop project but never get around to it. Every single cuck picture like this or the soyboy smile or what ever.. their facial affect does not match the context of the photo. They do not even look like people who dont enjoy taking their pictures and smiling.. they look like people who are thoroughly confused.. they look like an armed gunman is forcing them to smile or be shot. They look like they are watching as the gates of hell open in front of them.
fucking lost it
i just cringed
>implying the shooter won't just kill your family first since you're such a faggot
Posting a locally grown one
He seems disappointed
is the fag on the pic the one that got her pregnant?
Not even /r9k/ would fuck something like that, and they love trannies, really makes me think about how messed up their head must be
This doesn't make me think, this makes me wanna kill someone
This is gayer then putting a butplag in your ass and suck 2 dicks simultaneously
its the cave
stop insulting our police force
Holy fuck I lol'd
Good on the brit cop for helping the canadian out
Wait wasn't she in a horse porno?
jesus fucking christ
This image is an insult to everything I stand for and makes me wanna burn down a city unironically desu.
That city being Montreal
Better res tits
she if your wondering
this can't be real
also this