Why White People Flight to White Neighborhood and then making the property more expensive?
The Distrubing History of White Suburbs
Why White People Flight to White Neighborhood and then making the property more expensive?
The Distrubing History of White Suburbs
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no one wants to live around niggers
it's a disastrous cycle, homes should be kept within families for generations not tossed away every 15 or so years. Led to cheaper construction methods, suburban sprawl, and American whites becoming detached from our urban culture
eff pee bee pee
niggers and democrats making shitty economics
I watched my East Boston become ethnically diverse. Now I have to lock my doors and windows and can't venture into certain neighborhoods at all hours of the night. The moonbats who scream "diversity is our strength" never live in diverse neighborhoods. The same asshole toss out their battle cry and escape to their gated communities outside of the city. Meanwhile, blue collar whites such as myself are forced to head home and face the music.
this, prices go up if crime rates are low, fun fact- the poorest white neighborhood in america has lower crime rate than the richest black neighborhood.
so if white neighborhood houses are more expensive than blacks it's only reasonable to think that no one likes niggers not even niggers.
but dat beez raysis mang
Why Indians make their streets so shitty?
Because (((politicians))) ended segregation against the will of the people and started bussing niggers into white Schools. Whites did the only thing they could and started fleeing to the suburbs.
Around what time would you say East Boston became pozzed?
Dylann Roof's manifesto covered this in a good way tbqh, he thought white flight was a bunch of white people scared of the negro and basically running away but he understood that if you had kids and wanted them to go to a 'good school' the suburbs that are majority white provide a much safer and better education and understood why whites do it.
Are Indians the Canadians of Asia? Or are those the Pakis?
Around the early 2000's the Salvadorian immigrants and Mexicans started flooding into Eastie and Chelsea, MA. It was all Italian and Colombian. The Colombians are hard working and generally great neighbors. The rest are just garbage. Along with Long Island, Eastie and Chelsea have the biggest MS-13 presence.
Is it that hard for brown people to realize that whites don't want to live around people who want them dead. Anyone who has ever been around brown folk knows that the majority of brown people openly hate whites. For every friendly brown person you meet there's a thousand brown people that want to see you killed the moment they become majority in your country
It's such a shame, wasn't Boston almost entirely white for most of its history?
Not even other niggers.
Yeah, mostly Irish and Italian immigrants. All hard workers. We are still a pretty segregated city. The blacks never really venture out into Fan Hall or downtown. So I can't complain too much.
Why are white racists so hateful?
White bois are too weak to stay and fight, so they have to run away like the sissies they are.
What does the left actually want? Does anyone actually know? Do they want diverse neighborhoods? Then why cry gentrification? Do they want POC only spaces? Then why complain when whites leave? It's like there's no reasonable deductive argument here, just hate.
>more ethnically diverse
>Translation: 80% muslim
they're generally after vague ideals of equality and react to situations contextually and don't look at the larger picture
Richer neighborhoods= more liberal
Therefore we should place welfare houses in rich neighborhoods and publicly shame white flighters for being racists.
ms 13 killed 17 school kids on long island over a 18 month period. illegal aliens can slaughter at will and is barely reported. cut up theze kids with machetes and thier limbs spewn around a playground. would be less painfull to take a bullet like parkland.
The car companies ruined everything
This. Pajeets don't understand this.
It's the same here in Louisville, in old Louisville at least blacks from the west side and spics ruining this beautiful neighborhood with all its Victorian homes.
>New research
white flight is racist in a way, it's only irritating that someone who harps on about sending their child to "good school districts", while not a bad thing in and of itself will never admit they just don't want to live around blacks or have their child educated with them. It would be just much easier and more straightforward were they to admit that, and easier on the lower middle class whites who suffer from being priced out of being around their own kind
In a perfect world user. This is definitely my hot-button. The worst are these liberal college professors that push this trash in school. All of them live in upscale neighborhoods, far, far away from diversity.
global brazil
pajeets do understand this, every 7/11 in a city with niggers is keenly redpilled niggers
Yeah LI has it worse than us. We only had about 5-6, but I believe Chelsea had around 8-11 that could be attributed to them. But diversity is our strength right.
People cry to preserve neighborhoods and then their cars are stolen, their packages are stolen, their houses are broken into. They're morons.
no one wants wh*te people living around them either
did you really link an Adam Ruins Everything video. literally the most vile cunt on the internet
funny thing is in ms13 towns all the puerto ricans fled , many to Tampa.
never mention brown flight though.
The biggest problem is people buy houses that they cant afford to maintain let em go to shit and when its trashed they end up selling and moving to a new house they can barely afford to start the cycle all over again. People are retards who dont know how to live within their means.
not even close.
>White flight and whitesuburbs are created by racist federal measures
No, if that was the case, it wouldn't happen even in the underdevelopped shithole that whites are forced to flee from.
Nobody likes niggers.
This sounds disturbingly like South African justification for land nationalization.
White Americans are slowly boiled like frogs
It was their fault, but also the blacks coming into union bust and at the tail end of our domestic manufacturing boom. While there's a lot of economic reasons for the decline of cities, especially the smaller
So the left wants segregation now? Let's enact apartheid then - you can team up with the KKK with a common cause.
>prices go up if crime rates are low, fun fact- the poorest white neighborhood in america has lower crime rate than the richest black neighborhood.
This isn't even remotely true.
People see what they can afford the maximum amount they can get but now its a house they cant even clean or a yard they cant keep up with or exterior they cant keep clean. Fucking stupid fucks that would be better off renting.
It is outside of cities. You should try leaving your bubble once in a while.
White guy here. I just fled from a black neighborhood in Philly to a white neighborhood in the suburbs.
Black neighborhoods are plagued with crime and filled with trash. There was constant noise of cars racing, people yelling and stereos blasting. I called 911 once a month to report nearly everything from car fires, a drunk driver that hit my house, to domestic disturbance (man running over his girlfriend) and robbery.
In a white neighborhood, everyone is polite and considerate. There is no litter. There arent gangs of people wandering around or blasting music at 2 am. There are no gun shots. The constant streams of police and ambulance sirens are not present.
I will 'white flight' every chance i get.
or any shitskin for that matter
hate posting pictures as evidence but its true my friend look up the crome rates in these neighborhoods.
Because niggers spend their money on KFC, weed and Air Jordans.
that's what I mean, we'd do better just being more urban high density again. Most people aren't capable of taking care of a suburb type house, most people don't really care about having a yard, a large house, all that, they're just getting away from niggers and have been tricked into this cycle of constantly buying up a more expensive home on credit to "safeguard" their investment
no that's College Humor..
This, but I also want to know why it's so expensive for whites to get into safe neighborhoods? Doesn't anyone care about that? (LoL,I know they don't).
there must be some way to force these ivory tower libshits to experience the results of their own decisions
As someone who lives in the suburbs and has always lived comfortably I have to ask, why can’t black people just leave us the fuck alone? Ok you don’t like our cracker asses great stay the fuck out of the nice communities if you hate us so much.
I totally forgot about that Adam faggot.
Problem with urban areas is many of the apartments are hovels. 8 foot ceilings wood walls that you hear everything your neighbor does, traffic noise and pollution. If our cities were built to last like european ones then it wouldnt be a bad lifestyle.
Their Jewish masters can't stand seeing White people living happy in their own communities.
Urban life is always shit, unless the city you're living in is ethnically homogeneous. Even then it can suck. It's more in line with man's nature to live in a rural environment, taming the land.
I wish there was. They wanted to put low-income housing in a wealthy, liberal town in California but they voted to stop it. I forget which town it was though.
Because you non-whites wont stay the fuck away.
It can suck less if people werent stressed. European apartments have tall ceilings big windows stone walls floors and ceilings and tree lined streets and lush parks.
People self-segregate first and foremost based on household income. White people don't look around and think, "where are the white people living these days?" they just move to a nicer area as soon as they can afford it.......and surprise surprise, you basically only find white people and Asians living in those upscale areas. There is no such thing as white flight from the "nice" Asian area to the "nice" white area. They call it white flight, but in reality, if there is a black person who can afford to move out of the ghetto, they are going to do it (there are just far fewer black people able to do this).
>white buy house in white neighborhood
>jews move more black in
>jews build new white neighborhood
I moved from the town I grew up in to one where there is no free housing for the Untermenschen and is consequently 98% White.
The town my family lived in for generations is now full of 70 IQ nigger rapefugees who will only multiply in number until the place looks like the Congo.
You mean like every refugee ever?
Dylann Roof was an hero
what town?
I lost my house to foreclosure when the Spics moved into the neighborhood.
Minorities will yank down the value of your house the instant they show up. You lose everything you invested. All your house payments. The Azalia you planted in the front yard. That lovely tree swing in the back. All gone once human scum move in and devalue everything.
You could see whites come down the block with the real estate agent. You could literally hear them inside their car, "I don't think this is for us. Let's look someplace else."
It made a proper racist out of me. I won't ever buy land again unless it's off grid and far away from parasites. The closest welfare office should be about 200 miles away.
Don't post that racist fucking drivel to try and prove your point. Why don't you actually post some facts to back up your statement?
I'm white, I hang out with a group of 5 black guys as my main group of friends and they are all super nice.
That photo is my DREAM. It's all I live for. Every fucking day I work towards that cabin; that dog and escaping the Sick Society.
I don't mind living in a city, I much prefer just walking to places than getting in a car to do anything. I think it's an unrealistic expectation for most people to be property owners in rural or suburban communities
Most architecture nowadays is terrible because it's built to be disposable and temporary. Not that it hasn't be shoddy in the past, mind you, but building with a desire for it to be a long-lasting, well designed structure is the antithesis of current thinking in this real estate ponzi scheme we're all trapped in
If it wasn't for White men, you niggers would still be eating centipedes with your prehensile monkey lips and slurping muddy water out of puddles.
i literally moved to another state because of its white population, so i asked myself EXACTLY that
that family was my role model for a future. That and the simpsons.
Good architecture exists, like a sears kit home, find a plan and build it.
They'll star wising up here soon. I plan on killing your kind as soon as I can afford to. No more talking, not even going to fight you, just gonna kill you. Anything less than killing will heals the same result, a ruined life for standing up to the sacrosainct shit skins in America.
the US should just establish some "bantustans", like south africa did
like make areas of louisiana, alabama, maryland, michigan just autonomous areas, like the indian areas
>making the property more expensive?
It's only more expensive if people are willing to pay that price for it.
People are willing to buy areas that white people resided in.
Your anecdote doesnt prove shit
>where are the white people living these days
Bull fucking shit user. That is exactly what I ask. I am considering Maine, Montana or Alaska. I actually look up the demographics on Wikipedia. I've also googled "Nigger Free Places to Live" and things like that.
Moving next to niggers is like willingly giving yourself cancer.
I actually live in a high quality 1919 Bungalow home, but most post-1890s structures are unironically shoddy as hell despite what most people think
Yeah white people are racist, like we already know this
Niggers hate snow, places that have snow have black people and some niggers too, but the snow driving weeds out the niggers from the roads and they mostly ride buses.
The left as a cohesive unit can't want something.
They just have many propensities to behave in a unified manner when something can be emphasized to satisfy a shared inclination.
Virtue signalling, is volatile, and irrational. But when it aligns with something that is subjective or even plausibly quantifiable, it will saturate their social environment.
I agree white people should start killing the blacks
Urban culture is cancer.
Rural is the only way to live. And you city cunts need to stay out of the country.
Whites have been fleeing shit skins since Ancient Summerian times and even before that. Niggers and shit skins will always prefer shit up in white peoples everything. They know their races are shit. They call it White Superiority (libshits and the like of pets and masters) because that is what white people are. Then they try to guilt whites for being superior and were just supposed to let kikes have their nigger pets again.
Pretty much the whole purpose of life is to avoid niggers.
Because nobody white likes to hear "watchoo doin' 'roun here, whiteboi?", nor will suffer their children to hear it if they can afford for circumstances to be otherwise. That's why. It's really no more complicated than that, Indiabro.
this is enough proof for you?
its ok you have black friends as long they are not niggers, there is a difference.
Because it's wood, they're not meant to last forever unless they were built in the 1600's when they built them as tight as possible due to winters.