Does Sup Forums knows about this?
Why are Anglos so racist???
Does Sup Forums knows about this?
Why are Anglos so racist???
Honestly, targeting a girl like this is pretty shitty no matter what
maybe shes just a cunt?
Awhh poor darkie can't handle the bantz :/
>too scared to go out and confront them
This is fake anyway so who cares. Blacks are too scared to do anything without 10 others behind them. If it’s just them, they will bitch out and barricade their door
m8s have had a bit too many and I like it
100 quid says this was set up
Im pretty sure this is more of a woman thing. I've never met women who banter the same way men do.
fucking hell the comments on that tweet. Mr Bones needs to let us off this ride.
>white women
Maybe we are addressing society's problems the wrong way around. Chasing after symptoms rather than treating causes. Instead of trying to convince people, and yes it is all races not just whites, that hated blacks is wrong. Why don't we instead look to see why blacks are so awful and look to improve them? Or at least wash them and get rid of part of the smell.
Amazing she survived those 2-3 drunk guys doing a stupid chant with 0 context
white women will be the first to hang on DoTR
>that girl with a cockney accent chanting “we hate black people”
I’m aroused
all fields
>sharing twit on twatter
>random twatter "dey Raycis" troll
Run giveafuck.exe
Attempting to load giveafuck.exe
giveafuck.exe not found
Let me guess, The Blacks is the nickname of a sports team and an ignorant nog is personally frightened and offended.
>In this current year
wow i dislike brits a bit less now
>do you mind if we kiss your feet my african queen? We don't mean to disturb but we feel upset about it and want to satisfy our own feeling of moral superiority by taking down these racist fascist nazis who bothered your excellency
She took a picture of her door?
she's black
At a bar trivia night I named the team "Know Knee Grows Aloud"
Fuck off Nigger
Those comments remind me why I'll never have a twitter
Oh, please. There have been so many false accusations made I can't believe this stuff anymore. Uncut video of actual racism, police report, or third party confirmation - or it didn't happen.
How would you feel if a bunch of black men were chanting outside your door about how they hated whites?
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She speaks
1h1 hour ago
My god - I have fierce chills watching the news piece on the horrific racism that occurred to Ms Chisango at Nottingham Trent University. Racist chanting. Outside her room door. At a university!!!?!
Hideous thugs. Let me know if anyone organises a lynch mob!! @TrentUni
>would you leave her alone ?!
I don't know why but it feels to me she has done something before the video was filmed.
She's black
yes that sure sounds like a chant
" we hate the blacks "
" we hate the blacks "
" we hate the blacks "
Uhh... no it doesn't another nigger, another lie
Next week she'll have a swastika painted on her forehead in 5 color 3d and claim she was attacked and forced to undergo branding
>Appeal to emotion
>not chanting DOWN WITH THE WOMEN AND THE MINORITIES as a morning routine
what are you even doing?
got another 900 lets make it a grand
>they all need a beating
women are so quick to violence but run away at the first sight of it. i swear 90% of the fights i've seen or be in have been started by some stupid bitch.
We would listen for about 8 years and then elect Donald Trump as president.
Why can't you just let people hate niggers?
they all sounded like niggers. you can clearly hear the butchered nigger english accent
because they don't like the #NaturalOrder of reality
just a bit of banter lol
>yooo I'm so mad. these muffuckas out here be lynchin niggas n shit. I could easily record proof, since we live in an era where 99% of ppl can do that at any given time. instead just take my word for it or ur a racist. fuck drumf, fuk wypipo
good post
i swear the system is going to collapse any day now
Why is beating women illegal again?
He sounds drunk. Why didn't the poster confront the Brit?
because youe a bitter loser in your mums basement and normies go on every day not even noticing your viral marketing "culture" war?
Niggers always go around yelling "Fuck racist whitey! Pay reparations! We wuz kangz! REEEEE!". So why can't they get a little taste of their own medicine?
Underrated post
inb4 they're muslims
bitch probably has that black sassy,self-adoring up her own gorilla ass attitude with her room mates so probably some girl gossiped to her mates and they came chanting this to give her a taste of ehr own medicine
The recording is there, are you retarded?
>dislike brits a bit less now
Thanks garlic nigger
Its a hoax. Now she's going to get a full scholarship + a job at Apple for life cuz of white guilt.
White people are such cucks
first floor, own house and watching normies tear each over apart always puts a smile on my face
stay salty friendo
Sheboon pretty? .... Nigger detected!
My uni halls is similar, except it's whites and blacks chanting together about muzzies and slags
It would be the same as somebody next door watching tv with the volume too loud
That happened.
arent the blacks a rugby team
>Where am I? How did I end up in Detroit?
Too many false reports of this have been made that i assume its something thats being staged for propaganda. Sheeboon enlists her white "allies" to stage a hate crime to raise "awareness". Sits back and profits.
>be black
>be too stupid for college so Jews lower the entrance standard
>be too stupid to study anything that requires objectively measured performance
>a wild Jew appears and tells me it's not my fault
>enroll in African studies because automatically pass
>learn how to fake racism
>learn how to get anything I want from beta leftist cucks by crying 'das waycis'
>see group of white guys
>make Twitter post and claim that they are chanting outside my door
>get them expelled
>be on the way home
>hear a loud noise
>Oh shit I'm bleeding
>things are going dark
you are welcome racist nigel
This, niggers openly hate whites!
That's ironic since present day British Whites are the niggers of the white race.
This has to be staged. I don't believe anyone in united cuckdom could be this based apart from maybe a mudslime
My question is, what did she do to provoke this. I feel like we're not getting the full story.
They put that shit on the news and celebrate it.
staged/10. the only thing thats missing is the drawn swastika made from her own poop.
>A black bitch not being confrontational and getting up in their faces and recording
Probably staged
Seeing as I'm sitting at home innawoods, I'd just grab the AR-15 and tell them they had 10 seconds to fuck off before I started defending my property from intruders
Now she knows what white ppl go through when they watch msm
She's not American, that's why.
Same reason beating kids is
The law sees men as superior beings
So do feminists, that's why a drunk man is still responsible while a drunk woman can't give consent. Or why men have to fix all their problems for them.
Bet the farm it’s a false flag.
>be on the way home
>hear a loud noise
>Oh shit I'm bleeding
>things are going dark
Another part-and-parcel-of-the-big-city explosion eh?
You can go back to Africa with her, nigger lover.
It's fake
I dont understand why this is such an outrage to everybody?
Why has racism become original sin to people?
Also I would like to point out the amount of women doing the reposting for stuff like this.
I think it's high time we actually look at who we are fighting here.
This is a feelings-based movement that does not listen to logic.
You cannot coerce these people logically, as they are women. These women gladly throw other women under the bus for the sake of their agenda.
What we should instead be doing is building up our own communities, networks, etc. and support/ found organizations that we find necessary. to advance our cause.
Read, become knowledgeable, find a job, become wealthy, etc. and build your own community.
The politicians of the mainstream are gone.
Mainstream media is gone.
Women, long gone.
Create the alternative you want to see represented.
All-male offices. All-white universities. Fuck it, doesn't matter.
We are a minority, very, evry soon.
Act now.
Dont become complacent.
I would feel recoil.
>the voices sound Ebonic
Hey, Nigger. Whatchya doing?
This, but with my shotgun because
I'll quote a French user from some time back. Just because a dog is born in a barn does it make him a horse. This girl just doesn't belong in Europe. And I think deep down she knows it.
>whatcha doing tyrone?
wtf is this anglo accent ?
i don't even understand 3/4 of what they say , is this an uni full of chavs ?
Is there any actual proof that this occurred and it wasn't staged?
I met once in my entire life. She fucked me in the ass.
It was on BBC news hour, the kids were arrested.
>women are so quick to violence but run away at the first sight of it. i swear 90% of the fights i've seen or be in have been started by some stupid bitch.
I despise with a passion cunts who use men as weapons to defend their shittyness. Worse than the idiot 'men' who try to defend that behavior.
First off, fake and gay
Second, soon it won't be. Get the fuck out of our countries. We are sick of you making them shit.
if true I think it's absolutely wonderful and about fucking time
its gotta be fake. nobody in the uk would risk saying this shit. we all know the score. cuck or bad luck.
First off, I would probably voice record it or stream it. Then I would go out to video tape their faces, then I would call police and post it online. If they touch me I would shoot them.
that's how you know OP's post is fake and gay. If it was real the negress would have used video, which is easy as fuck to do.
"The Blacks" As in rugby?
It might not be, apparently. Could just be a case of finger-pointing at some people she didn't like anyway. And if it isn't, they still got fucking arrested.